It's a warm and sunny day in Long Island. You decide to take your two sons to your friends pool and relax a little. You want to take your wife but she complains of not feeling well. So you pack up your boys and head off. You are only at your friends place for a little while before one of the boys doesn't feel well and has a tantrum. So you decide to pack it up early and head home. You are frustrated with your son causing a scene and overwhelmed dealing with two young boys. You forget to call your wife because you are so mad about having to deal with this instead of working on the deck. You put the kids in the car, slam the door, and book it home. When you reach your house you see your wife's co-worker outside of your house screaming at it "he needs to know, they need to know". You put the car in park and rush over to see what is going on. Your wife's co-worker instantly sucker punches you in in the face and gets on top of you to keep hitting. You two are wrestling on the ground for awhile before your pregnant wife comes outside to break you up while screaming stop. Once separated to co-worker screams at you that "those are my boys. Those are my boys" over and over again. You look at your wife who is crying and begging you to come inside and talk. Turns out you were cucked.Jay wrote: