Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

RTHKI wrote:

Yea it's weird, I see people saying yea kavanaughs allegations were fake but Bidens must be real.

Either way kav is a bitch.
Who knows what's true? I didn't find the Kavanaugh accuser to be at all believable.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Yes, but right wing voters don't care about that stuff. It's the Social Justice left who do.
Maybe the left shouldn't have weaponized sexual assault allegations? They literally did this to Kavanaugh 18 months ago and laughed about it.
the jewish internationalist socialist left is trying to undermine america!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Larssen wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Yes, but right wing voters don't care about that stuff. It's the Social Justice left who do.
Maybe the left shouldn't have weaponized sexual assault allegations? They literally did this to Kavanaugh 18 months ago and laughed about it.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

uziq wrote:

the jewish internationalist socialist left is trying to undermine america!
You do understand it is an election year in the US, yes? You also understand that this is a political issue, yes? So was the Kavanaugh confirmation. He got accused in order to prevent a 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

The Democratic intellectual base is now educated, hysterical, upper and upper middle class white women. Not really sure why it appeals to people like Macbeth, it would be like having a world run by his female teacher peers.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
cool misogyny bro. no surprises that your subtext is the world was so much better when it leaned in favour of arrogant, bellicose, ignorant men. i mean, that style of government did after all give you something to do in your 20s!

i don't see anything wrong with someone like biden or kavanaugh coming under close scrutiny and increased pressure when they are about to assume roles of responsibility of literally national eminence. don't you do any background checks or vet the reputations of those pimply air con nerds that you love to mention interviewing? anyone applying for any sort of official role undergoes pretty thorough background checks by the authorities. if someone had committed rape in the past, it seems prudent to look into that. that's kind of a big thing.

Jay wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Jay wrote:

Maybe the left shouldn't have weaponized sexual assault allegations? They literally did this to Kavanaugh 18 months ago and laughed about it.
You see no problem with government officials and the public at large insulting and hounding journalists?

Look at this video, especially 1:55 and 2:30.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

.The Democratic intellectual base is now educated, hysterical, upper and upper middle class white women. Not really sure why it appeals to people like Macbeth, it would be like having a world run by his female teacher peers.
You have to be a moron to want to vote away the social safety net because you dislike some of the social justice warriors of the Democrat party. As long as the Democrats are in favor of helping the lower classes, I will keep voting for them.

The white lady teacher peers are also pretty nice. Much nicer than the people I see in the National Review comment section.
jay is an errant warrior in ‘the culture wars’. how tedious.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Meanwhile over at National Review, you can see where they are going with this.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Larssen wrote:

Jay wrote:

Larssen wrote:

You see no problem with government officials and the public at large insulting and hounding journalists?

Look at this video, especially 1:55 and 2:30.

Oh man, not when they've done worse to him. It's been relentless with 90% of the press since he became the republican nominee. They haven't even tried to temper their hyperpartisan coverage. It doesn't help that he's extremely sensitive and lets them get under his skin. But no, pretty much the last people I'd ever feel sorry for are partisan journalists on either side, which is the vast majority in this overpoliticized country.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

.The Democratic intellectual base is now educated, hysterical, upper and upper middle class white women. Not really sure why it appeals to people like Macbeth, it would be like having a world run by his female teacher peers.
You have to be a moron to want to vote away the social safety net because you dislike some of the social justice warriors of the Democrat party. As long as the Democrats are in favor of helping the lower classes, I will keep voting for them.

The white lady teacher peers are also pretty nice. Much nicer than the people I see in the National Review comment section.
They're not doing anything for lower class people. Democrats represent Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Why do you think all the rural states flipped?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

.The Democratic intellectual base is now educated, hysterical, upper and upper middle class white women. Not really sure why it appeals to people like Macbeth, it would be like having a world run by his female teacher peers.
You have to be a moron to want to vote away the social safety net because you dislike some of the social justice warriors of the Democrat party. As long as the Democrats are in favor of helping the lower classes, I will keep voting for them.

The white lady teacher peers are also pretty nice. Much nicer than the people I see in the National Review comment section.
They're not doing anything for lower class people. Democrats represent Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Why do you think all the rural states flipped?
This is very stupid (just like people from rural states)

Democrats passed the affordable Care act which expanded healthcare to tens of millions of people. And even if you had issues with how the insurance system works in the marketplace, you need to acknowledge that the Medicaid expansion that gave the poorest Americans free or very cheap healthcare was a positive for low income people. Meanwhile rural states refused to expand Medicaid and take the money the federal government was giving out but that is somehow Democrats fault.

I could list other positives the Democrats did for low income people but I won't waste my time. I don't expect you to ever change or learn and if I wanted to waste time talking to ardent Republicans I would buy a NR subscription.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You are honestly better off just talking about things you did around the house or bought online from off brand vendors around here.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

You have to be a moron to want to vote away the social safety net because you dislike some of the social justice warriors of the Democrat party. As long as the Democrats are in favor of helping the lower classes, I will keep voting for them.

The white lady teacher peers are also pretty nice. Much nicer than the people I see in the National Review comment section.
They're not doing anything for lower class people. Democrats represent Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Why do you think all the rural states flipped?
This is very stupid (just like people from rural states)

Democrats passed the affordable Care act which expanded healthcare to tens of millions of people. And even if you had issues with how the insurance system works in the marketplace, you need to acknowledge that the Medicaid expansion that gave the poorest Americans free or very cheap healthcare was a positive for low income people. Meanwhile rural states refused to expand Medicaid and take the money the federal government was giving out but that is somehow Democrats fault.

I could list other positives the Democrats did for low income people but I won't waste my time. I don't expect you to ever change or learn and if I wanted to waste time talking to ardent Republicans I would buy a NR subscription.
All Democrats have done is create a cycle of poverty and dependence which creates permanent poor, and permanent Democratic voters that know where the gravy comes from.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

They're not doing anything for lower class people. Democrats represent Silicon Valley and Wall Street. Why do you think all the rural states flipped?
This is very stupid (just like people from rural states)

Democrats passed the affordable Care act which expanded healthcare to tens of millions of people. And even if you had issues with how the insurance system works in the marketplace, you need to acknowledge that the Medicaid expansion that gave the poorest Americans free or very cheap healthcare was a positive for low income people. Meanwhile rural states refused to expand Medicaid and take the money the federal government was giving out but that is somehow Democrats fault.

I could list other positives the Democrats did for low income people but I won't waste my time. I don't expect you to ever change or learn and if I wanted to waste time talking to ardent Republicans I would buy a NR subscription.
All Democrats have done is create a cycle of poverty and dependence which creates permanent poor, and permanent Democratic voters that know where the gravy comes from.
So why were you able to use all of the free stuff the Democrats passed to better yourself but others are unable?
jay knows a lot about dependency.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

This is very stupid (just like people from rural states)

Democrats passed the affordable Care act which expanded healthcare to tens of millions of people. And even if you had issues with how the insurance system works in the marketplace, you need to acknowledge that the Medicaid expansion that gave the poorest Americans free or very cheap healthcare was a positive for low income people. Meanwhile rural states refused to expand Medicaid and take the money the federal government was giving out but that is somehow Democrats fault.

I could list other positives the Democrats did for low income people but I won't waste my time. I don't expect you to ever change or learn and if I wanted to waste time talking to ardent Republicans I would buy a NR subscription.
All Democrats have done is create a cycle of poverty and dependence which creates permanent poor, and permanent Democratic voters that know where the gravy comes from.
So why were you able to use all of the free stuff the Democrats passed to better yourself but others are unable?
Sigh. Enjoy voting like a woman.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
mmmf mmmf mmmf

Jay wrote:

Larssen wrote:

Jay wrote:

You see no problem with government officials and the public at large insulting and hounding journalists?

Look at this video, especially 1:55 and 2:30.

Oh man, not when they've done worse to him. It's been relentless with 90% of the press since he became the republican nominee. They haven't even tried to temper their hyperpartisan coverage. It doesn't help that he's extremely sensitive and lets them get under his skin. But no, pretty much the last people I'd ever feel sorry for are partisan journalists on either side, which is the vast majority in this overpoliticized country.
What do you mean they've been relentless with Trump?

The picture you posted in the other thread, the questions he receives in press briefings - there is NO conceivable reason why Trump can't or shouldn't give a level headed response. Doesn't even have to be a direct answer if the questions makes him uncomfortable, you should expect some manner of decorum and an understanding of the importance of a free press on the part of your president.

When journalists are continually branded as the enemy of the people and 'liars' you have to understand that this directly undermines the democratic process. It signifies an assault by political powers on the free circulation of information and a strong (despotic) desire to control the narrative. And that is exactly typical of Trump and a part of the far right - not propagating their view of reality is deemed 'enemy' behaviour. It's lying, it's siding with China, it's fake news, 'un-American'. And you swallow this shit without realising it is fundamentally damaging your society.

Of course narrative construction is power but that is also exactly why government and media ought to be seperate and why politicians should respect journalistic freedom ffs.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-04-09 13:07:40)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Jay reminds me of something that happened with two of my girl students last year. In my AP politics class I did a political compass assignment with my students, a bunch of high achieving seniors. It was a small class with only 7 kids.

What I found interesting: The low income Hispanic girl who needed to work the counter of a pizza shop after school every day and has a no contact order against her dad was an economic centrist. She said a lot about poor people being lazy etc. The privileged white girl whose parents kept in constant contact with the school and gave her everything was the most economic liberal of the class. She had some conservative ideas about morality but "if people need help just give it to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "

I think that says a lot about people who take those hardline views about the poor. Jay literally had the worst economic upbringing of anyone here and had to spend time riding around in a gun truck to get an education that was bestowed upon the rest of us. The rest of us are multigenerational middle class people while Jay literally experienced the childhood poverty they make me read pamphlets about.

But it's the middle class by birth people here who want to expand benefits to others that we will never qualify for meanwhile Jay is calling us women for it.

Jay must feel insecure. I don't mean he feels bad about himself. I think he worries that he is one tax increase away from the poor house.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay reminds me of something that happened with two of my girl students last year. In my AP politics class I did a political compass assignment with my students, a bunch of high achieving seniors. It was a small class with only 7 kids.

What I found interesting: The low income Hispanic girl who needed to work the counter of a pizza shop after school every day and has a no contact order against her dad was an economic centrist. She said a lot about poor people being lazy etc. The privileged white girl whose parents kept in constant contact with the school and gave her everything was the most economic liberal of the class. She had some conservative ideas about morality but "if people need help just give it to them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "

I think that says a lot about people who take those hardline views about the poor. Jay literally had the worst economic upbringing of anyone here and had to spend time riding around in a gun truck to get an education that was bestowed upon the rest of us. The rest of us are multigenerational middle class people while Jay literally experienced the childhood poverty they make me read pamphlets about.

But it's the middle class by birth people here who want to expand benefits to others that we will never qualify for meanwhile Jay is calling us women for it.

Jay must feel insecure. I don't mean he feels bad about himself. I think he worries that he is one tax increase away from the poor house.
I mean, do I really need to add much more? You said it yourself, you were all born middle class, yeah? None of you have any responsibility. You've all taken the easiest path through life and you're coasting on support from your parents and middling salaries. You haven't even moved out yet. It's very easy to be generous with other people's money when it won't impact you. The sad part is, your parents probably busted their asses in order to give you the easy life you take for granted and despise. I'm sure your mom or your grandmother had to scrub toilets at some point to get by, and I'm sure she felt the same way that the girl does.

I also don't think for a second that you genuinely care about anyone else, let alone the poor. To care about others you must first care about yourself, and you have no self respect. Maybe faking it makes you believe that you maintain some humanity, or that if you fake it enough, it will stick. Maybe you're an outcast and maintaining an outwardly liberal persona, one that shows outward caring, will maybe one day lead someone to care about you. You're in for a rude awakening if it's the latter. Seeking affection from other entitled, self important, and narcissistic people is a losing proposition.

Let me know what your priorities and your politics are when you've got a mortgage, kids, and a few car payments. Let me know what your politics are when you actually decide to put some effort into life and realize that you're carrying a helluva lot of deadweight humans along with you.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A lot of really good stuff there. Thank you for your contribution.

Do you have an actual answer to "So why were you able to use all of the free stuff the Democrats passed to better yourself but others are unable?"

Any reason why my parent's taxes had to pay for your education? Not that I am not complaining but you do know the World War 1 and 2 GI bills were passed and signed by Democrat governments, right? FDR, a Democrat, is the reason you got to go to college. It wasn't the libertarians who passed that.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America
I've never understood the "you'll get more conservative when you get older argument". It only applies if you're "liberal" out of an earnest "give me free stuff" mindset instead of actually reflecting your beliefs about what is right. My student loans are paid off, so any reform there isn't going to benefit me. My car is paid off and I plan to drive it into the ground, so there's no help there (also cause we seem to be in a shitty gas guzzler phase right now). If anything, my life experience had shown me more of the failings that put people into shitty situations.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

DesertFox- wrote:

I've never understood the "you'll get more conservative when you get older argument". It only applies if you're "liberal" out of an earnest "give me free stuff" mindset instead of actually reflecting your beliefs about what is right. My student loans are paid off, so any reform there isn't going to benefit me. My car is paid off and I plan to drive it into the ground, so there's no help there (also cause we seem to be in a shitty gas guzzler phase right now). If anything, my life experience had shown me more of the failings that put people into shitty situations.
That last bit is what led me to be more conservative over time. I've seen too many people willfully make bad decision after bad decision and then expect a bailout or public support. From the people that spent their time throwing M&M's across the classroom in grade school, to the people who spent their 20s partying instead of working, to the people that racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans because they wanted "the college experience" but couldn't do it at a state school. It's hard to feel sorry for people when we really do truly live in a world of immense opportunity. Even the less gifted can succeed if they find their niche and become an expert.

Last edited by Jay (2020-04-09 16:07:25)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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