I've already downloaded it off Steam, so now all I have to do is pre-order it so I can play it on June 1st. But every time I try to buy it with my credit card, it keeps getting denied! It says "You credit card was denied by your credit card company," which is bullshit. I called my credit card company and they have no reason to deny any of my transactions. I've tried both my credit cards and they both get rejected. I enter all my info perfectly matched to what is on my billing statement and credit card, I've re-checked everything and tried it like 8 times now. I tried to contact steam over the phone, but they dont have phone support for this kind of thing. I've e-mailed them and submitted questions on their forum with no response also. This is rediculous. Anyone had this problem?
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- Anyone tried pre-ordering Half Life 2: Episode 1 on Steam??
Same problem. It's because of the post code entry I think. They're looking for a US postcode, which I obviously don't have, coming from Ireland.
Well I'm in South Korea, but my billing address is in the US still so as far as they're concerned I'm in the US.
I'm gonna order it today. I payed for dod source and some other steam games. Never went into that kinda problem.
downloaded it already, for free.
Yeah, I remember your lil sceme ya posted on here a while back. I still say we owe it to Steam for making great software. I'm not gonna lower myself to petty theivery for a $17 game.E7IX3R wrote:
downloaded it already, for free.
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- Anyone tried pre-ordering Half Life 2: Episode 1 on Steam??