Can I just have some clarification here? Does 'yes' mean a privilege or a right - the question is a little ambigous.
My feeling is you can do the hell whatever you want to yourself - but I'll be fucked the day you're allowed to do whatever you can to someone else. The main problems I have with smoking:
1. The more direct, easily preventable way: passive smoking. I seriously don't see that much of a problem with this - just leave wherever, or ask politely for them not to smoke (and you have asthma - I do). Most people I've asked have said 'Oh, sorry,' and put out their cigarette. Most people are generally very decent.
2. The MAIN, less direct problem: Smoking-related disease cost the health system hundreds of millions of dollars every year (not sure of the exact figures). Who has to front this massive cost? We (taxpayers) do!
So, mostly for the second reason, I think smoking should be curtailed in every reasonable (and I emphasize that word, reasonable) way.
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman