Yeah, Lol i was just about to play it, but i decided to check the forums for anything good before i played. Its a awsome game for multiplayer, sometimes i cant stop laughing its really fun.
Its basically everyone for themselves, you can team up if you like with some one. and you have to get your own money (unless someone gives it to you or u are cheating).
You can get money from the casino's or buy killing people and taking the money that they have in their pockets.
Heres a link: it out, its a great GTA mod, they also did it for Vice City too, and MAYBE GTA 3 (dunno)
The file size is small too, about 3.7mb
There are still a few bugs becasue its only a version 0.1b at the moment, but its only been out for 2 weeks and it already has hundreds of people playing, but i RARLY come across any