the truth is, unsurprisingly, somewhere between macbeth and larssen's salutary account. i wouldn't say macbeth is only parroting chinese propaganda and disinformation; rather, his line is something more like the critique of liberalism that you could find in the frankfurt school. the point being that underneath all the loudly proclaimed idealism and the 'greatness of vision' of individualism, is actually just a cynical system to isolate people and render them into consumers; or to appeal to 'universal' values in the actual interests of a particular few; and so on. i mean, america had a black president for two terms and then duly had a huge blowback in the form of snarling, pugnacious, flyover-state Trumpism. a huge part of the swing to populism is obviously due to economic hardship, and the dispossessed finding a voice; but a huge part, also, is the reactionary elite organising and closing ranks to not allow such a thing to happen again.
the levels of systemic racism, misogyny, inequality, as well as the successive critiques made by, variously, psychoanalysis, feminism, post-colonialsm/neo-colonialism, new historicism, deconstructionism, ethnic studies, gender studies, etc. etc. (the list is long and very easy to parody ...) should show you that your idea that the West has always had the upper hand in the 'winning' moral vision is problematic, at best.
and it's not a clear case of the West being great because it tolerates said critiques, either, because often its governments have not (good luck being a communist in 1950s america; julius and ethel rosenberg, for instance, or the McCarthyist show trials). there is a great deal of unofficial intolerance and invective even now, in 2020, to above cases being made. look at jay's revulsion towards women of colour in congress making their case, where they must be 'stupid and ignorant', or macbeth's dismissal of a polyglot young politician because of her accent, or dilbert's pathological fear of lesbian schoolteachers: you will always find a particular few, normally with established interests, defending their slice of the pie from true universalism. democracy for all! as long as it's white/male/christian etc...
and i find your blithe defense of america's 20th century record of regime change, dictator support, funding death squads, etc. a little nauseating, as if it was all in the name of some 'higher goal' of freeing the individual and so is
a posteriori a-okay. there was nothing noble about banana republics and pinochet. the West has stymied young democracies as often as it has encouraged them, which rather scuppers your naive universalism. i guess some individuals' freedom for representation and material affluence comes before other individuals' freedoms? a dizzying freedom Inception ...
so your whole account of democracy being the most edifying, noble, successful vision of human society seems to me a little high-falutin'. there are plenty of available critiques of the system which are more nietzsche or foucault than xi jinping. you don't have be a chinese shill or a Diogenes to point out that most of the west's material greatness and accumulation was attained through exploitative early trade capitalism, or rapacious empires, or the system of slavery; and it's not hard to see all the 'justice and liberty for all!' talk as a little bit hypocritical when it was tossed out by ruling elites lining their coffers. to the victors, the spoils ... it's very easy to appeal to the 'wisdom of the market' and 'tolerance' when we've spent three centuries stacking the cards in our favour.
Last edited by uziq (5 years, 2 months ago)