If you thought Loose Change was interesting, then you should probably check this out too. It isn't about 9-11 or George W. Bush, rather the JFK Assassination and George H.W. Bush. Brought things to my attention that I had never even dreamed about before. The video is kind of old and the person who made it must not of had much film making experience because some of the effects are really cheesy and the spider chart at the end is really hard to read but it makes it's point and it makes it clear. I didn't take all of it literally, basically because the narrator reverted to cussing and calling George H.W. Bush a bitch a few times (lol) but it is interesting none the less.
Anyways, check it out and post you comments, concerns, rants and raves.
See it here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … &q=jfk
Anyways, check it out and post you comments, concerns, rants and raves.
See it here: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … &q=jfk