uziq wrote:
don’t confuse the refugee crisis with multiculturalism. most people electing right-wing nationalists into power in europe are working-class people who got sold down the river by the banking-european elites with their austerity. africans and arabs crossing the med are not the cause of their problems.
Yes, I'm sure the average member of the working class understands that its quantitative easing and the tax/spend ratio which affects them most, and aren't at all bothered by alien races and cultures invading their home town and committing crimes in their community.
"Yeah, thanks for giving me and my family refuge from probable death, now I'm going to "f*** things up"." … peaks.html"Yeah, thanks for giving me and my family refuge from probable death, now I'm going to rob you blind." … t/10176954People don't like it.
you’ll note that dilbert lives in arguably the most multicultural country in the world. arguably one of the healthiest and best-functioning democracies in terms of equality and social mobility. a country built by irish, english, greeks, vietnamese, chinese, etc. if multiculturalism is a woo act foisted on people by elites, why is it working so well there?
Because you're very familiar with Australia aren't you?
Australia and Australians expect immigrants to adopt Australian values. Anecdotally I know an Italian who named his sons Kevin and Eddy so they would fit in better, and the Cronulla riots are an example of the average Australian not tolerating 'multiculturalism' when it conflicts with Australian values.
The past government was elected on a platform of taking control of refugees, the current government was elected on a platform of cutting immigration and clamping down on boorish behaviour by immigrants by deporting them where possible. … 0efa8.html … tern-worldPeople do like this.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (5 years, 7 months ago)