The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
The pendulum has swung too far, the normalisation of LGBTQXYZwhatever has extended so far that in some areas people are considered abnormal if they don't identify with the latest thing, meanwhile normal white heterosexual men are being marginalised out of teaching and other areas.
There are social justice warriors seeking to turn society upside down as an exercise in anarchy, they don't care if they turn out a generation of fucked up kids who don't know what gender they are and can't read or write.

Personally I think a lot of people, especially teenagers - who go through all kinds of phases, are maladjusted and uncomfortable in their own skin and think a change will solve their problems. Plus there's the attention-seeking aspect.
Now we have an industry built up to make money out of them through their 'journey' whether its circular or into a pit of despair - as we've seen with the ritalin generation.

And no I wouldn't want to be black, even if it meant having a marginall larger member.
Fuck Israel
the pendulum really hasn't swung too far, and if you think the influence of non-hetero people is really destabilising society and sending it all to the dogs, you are a deluded and frightened old fool. 'normal white heterosexual men' have been a minority in teaching since long before your satanic coven of lesbians or cabal of socialist revolutionaries took hold with their trendy ideologies; for certain age groups women teachers have always been the norm. (if you want to talk about marginalisation, take a look at the figures throughout history for female headteachers and people in senior positions in education; or look at the gender pay gap for professors in university faculties. hmm ...)

you are basically paranoid and hysterical, and that's fine, it's basically what's expected of you now you are old and past your prime and staring at the abyss of your own childless end. but society will tick along just fine without you. and jay, you'll probably get used to having a tranny kid.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

you are basically paranoid and hysterical
I miss the days when a diagnosis of hysteria meant a woman had her womb removed, that stopped them giggling.
for certain age groups women teachers have always been the norm.
You don't find this disturbing? Doesn't it prove my point?
Fuck Israel

I wonder what foreboding percentage of openly queer individuals make up the total population of the US Senate.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

you are basically paranoid and hysterical
I miss the days when a diagnosis of hysteria meant a woman had her womb removed, that stopped them giggling.
for certain age groups women teachers have always been the norm.
You don't find this disturbing? Doesn't it prove my point?
Historically, women have done the majority of child rearing. Becoming a teacher when being a homemaker is no longer desired is the next logical step.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

you are basically paranoid and hysterical
I miss the days when a diagnosis of hysteria meant a woman had her womb removed, that stopped them giggling.
for certain age groups women teachers have always been the norm.
You don't find this disturbing? Doesn't it prove my point?
my point being you’re complaining about straight hetero males being ‘excluded’ from a profession which, historically (and certainly pre-LGBTQ era), they have had zero fucking interest in anyway — and when they do, structurally speaking they disproportionately occupy the highest positions and take the best pay. what the fuck are you complaining about?!? more women teach pre-teens than men because men basically don’t want to, not that they’re been systematically excluded. i’ve never had a female head of department or headteacher. figure it out.

if you can give me a clear example where ‘not being LBGTQ is considered abnormal’, and show me some of this worrying pendulum swing, i’d be all ears. frankly i think you are talking utter bollocks and i suspect you’ll struggle to even find some niche, private, hippy steiner school-like institution where heterosexual people are criticised as ‘abnormal’. you’re a crank. and people who are obsessed with other people’s sex lives are normally not far away from some sexual dysfunction of their own. go get laid.

Last edited by uziq (2019-03-31 06:19:59)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
77% of teachers in America are women and is trending upward. I think it has largely to due with the fact that American men are doing worse and worse for themselves in terms of education while the education and work requirements for teaching is going up. Male teachers tend to be mostly found at the high school level where they are most needed to enforce authority. PreK-8 is overwhelmingly women. Only male teachers I knew at elementary level was a fifth grade teacher and two special education ones. Otherwise it was an all woman faculty.

As far as leadership positions go, I don't see a huge gender disparity though men do take up more positions than women despite being less than a quarter of the overall pool.
‘i don’t see a huge gender disparity although men do take up more [senior] positions than women despite being less than a quarter of the overall pool’.

witness the plight of the great excluded hetero male!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England
I have to say that it is a shame that more guys don't go into teaching. I had quite a few male teachers when I was in grade school and they were generally my favorites.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

I'm more interested in hearing about these roving militias of pro-trans people.  Sounds exciting.

It's not like there is an established, comprehensive guideline and best practice regarding gender reassignment surgery that includes consistent medical documentation of gender dysphoria, what is called a "real-life" test wherein the person wanting the reassignment more or less has to roleplay as a trans in real life for a certain amount of time, then go through hormone therapy for a certain amount of time, THEN get assessed for gender reassignment.  Nope, you go to a doctor who is on board with BIG TRANS, get put under and come out 6 hours later with new genitalia.

all this hand-wringing and faux concern over what in some cases is surely teenage angst and exploration of sexual identity is silly.

The reversal rate for gender reassignment is something like 2%.  Not nearly a majority, but this number does highlight that a person's understanding of their own gender may be...fluid over the course of their lifetime, and that external reasons (most likely social pressure and acceptance imo) are a significant factor in gender dysphoria.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX


The reversal rate for gender reassignment is something like 2%.
Presumably because surgically its pretty tricky?
Fuck Israel

NYT wrote:

Then again, some women may not be eager to open the profession to more men. Men who do become teachers tend to be promoted more quickly into senior administrative positions, said Christine L. Williams, a professor of sociology at the University of Texas who has studied the so-called glass escalator. Nearly half of all school principals are men. If educators are determined to get more men into classrooms, Professor Williams said, the best way would simply be to upgrade the conditions and pay of the job. “And that,” she said, “would positively impact the job for women as well.”

https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/07/sund … ching.html
I thought the closing paragraph of this article was particularly relevant.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, the solution to all problems in education is to increase the pay.
How would increasing the pay affect the 'glass elevator'?
Fuck Israel

I was more referring to the lopsided ease of promotion it referred to, and how it ties into the observation of there being a strange amount of men in education assuming administrative roles compared to actual teaching. As for pay, I do I think making it a more attractive job involves more than just that, but it's still a huge step in the right direction in attracting better personnel. People endlessly gripe about low quality services, but when confronted with the prospect of doing anything about it they recoil and tighten their purse strings.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I hate to sound like one of those people who scream about the wage gap not existing because I am not one of those types of guys. But there is probably some difference just in how men approach and organize their lives.

To get into administration you need at least a master's in educational leadership. That's on top of a Master's in education. PhDs are even more helpful. Then you have to pass test. It takes a tremendous amount of time. There's a lot more credentialism involved compared to just getting promoted up the chain at Bank of America or something.

I have no interest in children and can devote my time to adulting. A woman who wants to take their slim chance at motherhood can't devote the same amount of energy as a single guy could of course.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Thats the interminable problem, how to deal with women in the workforce when they're inevitably the ones to bear and raise children.

I will always quote my experience at Ford:

Two employees, one male, one female, over ~10 years

The man slogged away solidly for ten years, delivered on all his projects, completed training courses etc.

The woman had five children and was perpetually on maternity leave, when she was there she arrived late, spent the day administering her family issues, left early and took time out every time one of her kids was ill, had to attend a school event etc. As she was never there and couldn't be relied on she was never assigned to a project of significance and what little she was given she never delivered on, someone else having to pick up the pieces in addition to their own job.

After the ten years she sued the company, because she reckoned she was due all the promotions her male colleague had received and it "wasn't fair" that he was ahead of her.

So what do you do? I don't know.
Fuck Israel

One of my teachers took an absurd amount of time off to attend to family business, and spent a great deal of teaching time simply handing out third-party tutorials before disappearing into the office. Wondered why he wasn't taken seriously.

Do you think I should let one case color my core beliefs about all male teachers, and then spiral down some embittered path where I snippety-snipe at them at every opportunity.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Colorado school shooting was committed by a gay kid and a tranny. As I said before, trannies are crazy.
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The Colorado school shooting was committed by a gay kid and a tranny. As I said before, trannies are crazy.
people like you who use derogatory terms to slander and constantly push LGBTQIA people to the fringes of society are a large part of why those minorities suffer from mental health and suicide rates exponentially larger than the majority.

Again, one would think someone like yourself who shares mental health issues would show some understanding and compassion, but you are probably a sociopath who lacks empathy of any kind.
let’s look at the rates of straight heterosexual school shooters vs homosexual shooters ...

Can anyone actually tell the difference between his trolling and his serious mode?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

let’s look at the rates of straight heterosexual school shooters vs homosexual shooters ...
A lot of transgender people are into it as a fad and need help. The Columbine kids inspired a lot of people to commit mass shootings too.

If these two dumb kids actually killed a lot of people they would have become heroes and icons in the militant transgender community. A lot of depressed LGBT kids would want to follow their examples against "the bullies."

Ah, yes. "A fad." "A social contagion." "Peer pressure." Popular non-clinical drum beaten by conservative think tanks and peddled by internet trolls. I wonder if you're doing it on purpose to diminish, discredit, put down, and make a general fool of yourself. Or if you legitimately subscribe to the "rapid onset gender dysphoria" study in all its unabashedly flawed glory, and the fear mongering spun around some phantom threat of a militant LGBT cabal sinking their murderous claws into the defenseless kiddywinks.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't know what study you are referring to. I just know that kids follow trends and depressed and sad kids will follow whatever trend that makes them feel less bad about themselves or provides a community. Transgender people are genuinely trying to convince more people to engage in their lifestyles the same way gay people encourage straight people to "experiment". Unfortunately, while you can pretend you never sucked that dick, pumping your body full of hormones isn't something that can be reversed.

This pervasive notion that the "the gays," etc. are actively recruiting is a (discredited) myth largely perpetuated by bigoted groups opposed to anti-discrimination legislation, open conversation on the topic, and various other incompatibilities with prejudices and religious beliefs. But yeah. The whole transgendered and/or homosexual identity is totally a passing fad. Just like dabbing. Never mind all the nonsense they have to put up with that this thread's been over time and time again.

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