Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England


Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I agree they comprise a small percentage, but it isn't terribly wise to dismiss a bunch of people out of hand for no good reason when you've invested a lot of money to train them.
It's not worth the headache when the entire point of military discipline is to suppress individuality in favor of team identity. Inviting sensitive narcissists in with mental health issues, many of whom will only join the military to have their surgeries and hormone treatments paid for, thus making them perpetually non-deployable, is not in the best interest of the military.
as opposed to YOU (and countless others) who joined to get their education paid for.

You are such a shit bag.  We already went over this, but I was sure you'd bring up some tired talking point - EVERYONE in the military who has to get surgery that impacts their deployment has it scheduled, and timelines and such are built out around how and when they are deployed.  The cost paid by the military for viagra is larger than the expected cost of reassignment surgery.  But, much like virtually every position you have, you focus on the things that you don't agree with and use the guise of rationality to deceive, instead of focusing on the largest impact those issues have.

You complain about "welfare queens" and the impact of wealth distribution at the hands of the goverment, when in fact corporate welfare accounts for 90% of said wealth distribution

You complain about the government spending while suckling on the teat to improve your own well-being

You complain about identity politics while proving yourself to be one of the simpletons who follows it

You complain about single-issue voters while admitting that Trump was worth a single issue (in your case, Supreme Court seats)

You are a shit bag pseudo-intellectual.  The only reason you get away with it is because you surround yourself with stupid people who buy in to your nonsense.  You are a terrible human being. I hope your children develop their own world view that counters your own, for their sake.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

DesertFox- wrote:

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I agree they comprise a small percentage, but it isn't terribly wise to dismiss a bunch of people out of hand for no good reason when you've invested a lot of money to train them.
It's not worth the headache when the entire point of military discipline is to suppress individuality in favor of team identity. Inviting sensitive narcissists in with mental health issues, many of whom will only join the military to have their surgeries and hormone treatments paid for, thus making them perpetually non-deployable, is not in the best interest of the military.
You sure pulled this idea that it is impossible for any of these people to mesh with the team identity straight outta the blue. I don't doubt it has happened, but I'd wager joining the military purely for gender reassignment stuff has an awful lot of downsides.
Gender dysphoria treatments are very expensive and generally not covered by insurance. If you manage to get into the military and claim it is necessary for mental health reasons you set yourself up for it to be free. You also make yourself non-deployable and collect a paycheck. There is no downside. You can't be made fun of or harassed, that stuff isn't tolerated in the military anymore. If you're not deployable you are useless to the military. They will chapter you out if you get convicted of domestic violence because you can't legally carry a weapon. They will chapter you out if you repeatedly fail to make weight and physical fitness standards. They will chapter you out if you are a single mother. They will chapter you out for drug use. They will chapter you out for basically any medical condition that makes you non-deployable, except for pregnancy, which is temporary.

Last edited by Jay (2019-01-24 18:55:26)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Just think how great it would be if when people needed medical treatment, or an education, the government just made it available to them without making them join the Army?

This only happens in cloud-cuckoo-land, and Europe, neither of which places actually exist because fairy stories and social democracy don't actually work, so dream on.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Research has shown most teen trannies grow out of it. There would probably be a lot less male to female trans people if they got more attention from women before getting into crazy trans culture.

I think most transpeople just need therapy, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers.

We should give those people that for free.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2019-01-25 07:11:36)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
I agree, its more a mental illness than anything.

Otherwise where do you draw the line?

I identify as a 6'4" black man with much bigger marginally bigger dick and I think someone should pay for the surgeries.
Fuck Israel

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
So who is paying for my surgeries?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
In 1979 this was hilarious. Now its strangely prophetic.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think one of my students is a tranny or at least an effeminate male.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think one of my students is a tranny or at least an effeminate male.
So the kid turned out to be an effeminate male. But I think he wants to be a tranny. He joked about coming to school on April Fools dressed like a girl since everyone thinks he is a girl the first time they meet him. My parents said the kid probably brought it up with me because they are genuinely interested in being a tranny and wanted to gauge my reaction.

So I guess the next time the kid brings something like that up I gotta say something like "you can be whatever you want to be [Student X]."
you don't have to say any such thing but what actually is wrong with him exploring that side of his personality? chances are in 3 years it will just be a phase like that summer you spent listening to koRn and painting your nails black. teenagers try on many different guises.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

uziq wrote:

you don't have to say any such thing but what actually is wrong with him exploring that side of his personality? chances are in 3 years it will just be a phase like that summer you spent listening to koRn and painting your nails black. teenagers try on many different guises.
That's all well and good until the militant activists get involved and convince him to cut off his junk so that he can be his true self. Stops being a phase then.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
most forms of 'tranny' do not involve irreversible surgeries or hormone treatments. you've evinced this view here before and it was similarly stupid then. lots of trannies just dress as women at events, practice drag, or embrace gender fluidity. it does not involve cutting off your dick. why are you obsessed with this castration thing? do you want to take a seat on the couch?

Last edited by uziq (2019-03-30 13:33:28)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Trannies just need medicine and therapy instead of encouragement to harm their bodies. My medicine makes me not depressed. Drugging these kids up and giving them someone to talk to will probably work.
depression affects your ability to be a productive member of society. you become a net drain. i salute homosexuals and trannies who devote their lives to their sensual inclinations and do not add to overpopulation. better be a happy and sexually satisfied tranny than some repressed guy like jay with castration fears raising redundant suet pudding families.

Last edited by uziq (2019-03-30 14:09:12)

Aye up duck!
+440|7028|England. Stoke

uziq wrote:

raising redundant suet pudding families.
of all the groups to hate and fear i cannot fathom these guys’ fear of people putting on bras or calling themselves sharon on saturday night...
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

uziq wrote:

of all the groups to hate and fear i cannot fathom these guys’ fear of people putting on bras or calling themselves sharon on saturday night...
I don't hate them. I think they're weird, yes, but not hate. Granted, most of my news comes from right-leaning sources, but I've seen repeated stories in the past few months about psychologists and psychiatrists here in the states having adopted gender dysphoria as a primary concern and that their primary remedy has become what the transgender activists have advocated for: hormone therapy and eventual gender reassignment surgery. This is the path they've chosen to push teenagers down because to do otherwise is considered to be not politically correct. To treat it as what it really is, normal teenage depression, has become taboo.

I'm afraid of the lives destroyed by this because I do agree with you that for many it is just a phase, and teenagers certainly don't have enough life experience to understand that most of the crap they believe they will eventually grow out of.

If someone wants to go through gender reassignment and it makes them happy, then I view that as a positive outcome. The fact is that most end up regretting it and end up even more depressed than when they started.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Personally I think the bulk of it is attention seeking.
They could just put on a nightie and spend the evening watching tear-jerkers but no they have to flaunt themselves in public.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The suicide and mental illness rate of trannies is an order of magnitude above the rest of society. I agree with Jay in that people who should know better and have a responsibility are instead advocating life altering nonsense.

The difference between us of course being that I am really fine with the government providing these people mental healthcare treatment and medication to get them through their teens. Jay ultimately doesn't give a fuck.

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

of all the groups to hate and fear i cannot fathom these guys’ fear of people putting on bras or calling themselves sharon on saturday night...
I don't hate them. I think they're weird, yes, but not hate. Granted, most of my news comes from right-leaning sources, but I've seen repeated stories in the past few months about psychologists and psychiatrists here in the states having adopted gender dysphoria as a primary concern and that their primary remedy has become what the transgender activists have advocated for: hormone therapy and eventual gender reassignment surgery. This is the path they've chosen to push teenagers down because to do otherwise is considered to be not politically correct. To treat it as what it really is, normal teenage depression, has become taboo.

I'm afraid of the lives destroyed by this because I do agree with you that for many it is just a phase, and teenagers certainly don't have enough life experience to understand that most of the crap they believe they will eventually grow out of.

If someone wants to go through gender reassignment and it makes them happy, then I view that as a positive outcome. The fact is that most end up regretting it and end up even more depressed than when they started.
you could have said the exact same thing through the 00s about ADHD and massive over-prescription of ritalin. if you want a good way to fuck your child's brain for the rest of their lives, making them impulsive and borderline, then plug them with prescription amphetamines throughout their developing years. the problem here, really, is parents taking their fucking children to psychiatrists who are only too willing to prescribe extensive (and expensive) treatments. you shouldn't medicalise moodiness or teenage phases just like you shouldn't reach for the DSM-V because you raised a brat with poor discipline.

in this case it's the impressionability – the fad-factor with all this spotlight on gender of late – of the parents that i find more alarming tbh.

Last edited by uziq (2019-03-30 18:10:45)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America
I certainly also think it's odd, partially because I have never had to consider such issues of how one feels in their own body. However, I do not get the concerns of other straight men. I was talking to an older guy and he said something similar in that he felt as though gay men were being recruited in their teenage years by pop culture because it's cool or something (which is weird, because much of my teenage years was spent being afraid of being called gay). I really don't think anyone goes down this road who wasn't already on the way there.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

The suicide and mental illness rate of trannies is an order of magnitude above the rest of society. I agree with Jay in that people who should know better and have a responsibility are instead advocating life altering nonsense.

The difference between us of course being that I am really fine with the government providing these people mental healthcare treatment and medication to get them through their teens. Jay ultimately doesn't give a fuck.
My view is that varying degrees of rejection (including but not exclusive to isolation, threats, and acts of physical violence) of homosexuals, crossdressers, transgendereds, transexuals, and the rest of the technicolor rainbow by their communities, friends, and family is an important influencing factor on suicidal tendencies.

Also that people shouldn't rely on internet blogs and the echo chambers of facebook and tumblr communities as a replacement for psychiatry and counselling, or alternatively as outsiders to develop an understanding of these people in general.

And that the idea that the desperate effort to secure normalization for the LGBTQ community in society is some sort of radical effort by a shadowy LGBTQ cabal to convert your children from straightness to gayness is a little absurd.

And then there are the dilberts of the world ironically identifying as stereotypical tall black men with large members, jokingly fishing for surgery money, in a weird attempt to dismiss the whole thing, or something. Actually, retreating behind an unyielding barrier of sarcasm seems to be a common trend among the bigoted.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia
the main problem with the whole lgbt shebang, imo, is that there's still no definitive consensus about the nature of the conditions in question - neither in scientific world not in social. it's not even clear atm if l, g, b and, especially, t should be lumped together in this, because it may still turn out that there's nothing in common between the conditions, except for the fact they they are connected with sexuality and have faced rejection and phobia over the course of history. what's making matters even worse is that these issues have been so horribly politicized that it's nigh impossible today for any kind of scientific study in this field, however objective and unbiased, to be given equally objective and unbiased representation by the modern media - for whom lgbt topic have been, basically, a bottomless well of controversy and click bait.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.

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