dude. i knew i could count on you to repeat every logical fallacy circulating out there about marxism and asinine "critique" its often subjected to by people, who haven't a slightest idea what it is about. let me explain some of that for you:Jay wrote:
What has lifted more people out of poverty in the past few hundred years than capitalism? Was it socialism? The answer is no. Trade, while not as free as it should be, has allowed more people access to affordable goods and services than could ever be attained under closed systems. You lament things like private property, but they are the primary driver behind this growth. If people can not enjoy the fruits of their labor they will not invest in them. If I knew that the government could seize my home tomorrow I would not invest in it today. I would be a fool to do so. This is why your society failed. There was no incentive for anyone to buy in and improve it because they had no ownership stake. Everything was dictated from on high by technocrats and individuals were completely helpless to improve their lot or exert any sort of control.
Marx was an idiot. Everyone that has ever followed his ideas has become more miserable, not less. It's a losers philosophy. All it does is allow for people to blame external forces for their lot in life while taking zero ownership. "I'm not making as much money as I feel I should be, I must be exploited in some way". Fuck off. Even total idiots can become comfortably wealthy in this system as long as they work their ass off and have the courage to go out on their own.
capitalism didn't lift anyone out of poverty - simply because it never had such goal. capitalism, in actuality, is a very simple thing, primitive even - it's only goal is profit, growth of the capital. therefore, it would just as readily cause poverty as fix it, if there was profit in that - and it did on innumerable occasions. technological progress - that's what uplifted us. and yes, capitalism was an instrument our civilization used to speed up technological advancement, that's true, but that historical mission is now complete. we have better instruments to guide us now than blind competition, trial and error and survival of the fittest capitalism relies on - soviet union and its huge scientific and technological success is proof of that.
as to marx and his philosophy - you are trying to assess merits of an idea using measurements and criteria it challenges in the first place. marxism does not operate with things like "wealth" and "profit" - it rejects the idea that workings of the capital produce any of that, and instead operates based on its own theory of value. which you'd know had you bothered to research the matter - but than again, we both know you didn't. you are tilting at windmills - again.
go read a book, that actually explains marxism, okay? not some bullshit by jordan peterson.
Last edited by Shahter (6 years, 3 months ago)
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.