left or right it just means you more tinfoil for your hat.War Man wrote:
I take it you haven't heard of left wing populism. Also you probably haven't meet left wing anti-semites like I have.coke wrote:
War Man wrote:
Being anti-globalist doesn't necessarily make you right wing, being anti-semitic doesn't necessarily make you right wing.
The Pulse night club shooter was radicalized by online propaganda. The government then decided to pressure companies to remove ISIS and other pro-Islamist material from the internet.
If you think that was the right move, could you explain why the government pressuring companies to remove anti-Semitic and white supremacists material is the wrong thing to do? The synagogue shooter was radicalized online also.
If you think that was the right move, could you explain why the government pressuring companies to remove anti-Semitic and white supremacists material is the wrong thing to do? The synagogue shooter was radicalized online also.

the internet / social media filtering / virtual balkanisation via algorithms etc. are pretty much wholly responsible for our current political mood. dialogue and public discourse doesn't happen anymore. everyone is in their own little truth-bubbles and rhetorical echo chambers. did anyone even really see this coming in the first few years of widespread social media use?
How is pointing out political beliefs of certain people make me a conspiracy theorist?coke wrote:
left or right it just means you more tinfoil for your hat.War Man wrote:
I take it you haven't heard of left wing populism. Also you probably haven't meet left wing anti-semites like I have.coke wrote:
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
It doesn't, but being and "anti-globalist" and/or "anti-semite" does.War Man wrote:
How is pointing out political beliefs of certain people make me a conspiracy theorist?coke wrote:
left or right it just means you more tinfoil for your hat.War Man wrote:
I take it you haven't heard of left wing populism. Also you probably haven't meet left wing anti-semites like I have.
I'd rather they be out in the open than chased underground where they can fester and become even more alienated and hate filled. Better to be continuously shouted down in the open than chased and allowed to play the victim in the dark corners of the web.SuperJail Warden wrote:
The Pulse night club shooter was radicalized by online propaganda. The government then decided to pressure companies to remove ISIS and other pro-Islamist material from the internet.
If you think that was the right move, could you explain why the government pressuring companies to remove anti-Semitic and white supremacists material is the wrong thing to do? The synagogue shooter was radicalized online also.
"The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error."
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Never happens on any platform. Unless extremist and trolls are banned, they just end up crowding out other voices and making non-extremist disengage. This is doubly a problem when the extremist coordinate with each other and no one bothers to counter coordinate.Better to be continuously shouted down in the open than chased and allowed to play the victim in the dark corners of the web.

Should we rename this thread "US Elections"?
Anyway, Well I voted all red. And voted no on legalizing marijuana, did vote yes on taxing marijuana.
Anyway, Well I voted all red. And voted no on legalizing marijuana, did vote yes on taxing marijuana.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Why would you vote against legal marijuana.
Voted D and yes on the school bond
Voted D and yes on the school bond

so, dems got the house, cons strengthened their hold on the senate. is it, basically, mexican standoff now, or did democraps actually win some real power which could threaten trump?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Because you don't want your country turned into Somalia?SuperJail Warden wrote:
Why would you vote against legal marijuana.
Fuck Israel
LOL OKWar Man wrote:
And voted no on legalizing marijuana, did vote yes on taxing marijuana.
Fuck Israel
what does that mean?Dilbert_X wrote:
Because you don't want your country turned into Somalia?SuperJail Warden wrote:
Why would you vote against legal marijuana.
Just being a nuisance, basically house will start investigations and try to impeach Trump and the senate will allow Trump to stay in office. Also pretty much nothing will get passed, like tax cuts and such. Senate victory was more important as some left wing judges are either going to die or retire and the senate approves of judges. The Supreme Court used to be more balanced, but is now more in the Republicans favor and has a chance to shift to completely being in the Republican's favor. To be honest a democratic victory in the house is not a bad thing as Pelosi is just going to be Trump's new punching bag combined with Pelosi gonna have a hard time keeping the various factions in the democratic party united.Shahter wrote:
so, dems got the house, cons strengthened their hold on the senate. is it, basically, mexican standoff now, or did democraps actually win some real power which could threaten trump?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
tax cuts should have never been passed anyway. There is literally no evidence that handing tax cuts to the wealthy translates to increasing economic growth. Yet stupid idiots like warman allow themselves to be brainwashed by politicians who deliberately obfuscate facts to get stupid idiots like warman to vote against their own interests.
Wages have risen in response, or haven't you heard?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
You know you could have just googled it for the cliffsnotes. Also real original with "democrap." Haven't heard that for the past few decades, along with similar nicknames for republicans.Shahter wrote:
so, dems got the house, cons strengthened their hold on the senate. is it, basically, mexican standoff now, or did democraps actually win some real power which could threaten trump?
I'm super excited about my extra $50/paycheck as the rich get to save shitloads.Jay wrote:
Wages have risen in response, or haven't you heard?
By wealthy, are you referring to the middle class? I hate to break it to you but raising income taxes does not affect rich people. Most billionaires like Warren Buffet don't pay income taxes. It does affect the middle class though.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
tax cuts should have never been passed anyway. There is literally no evidence that handing tax cuts to the wealthy translates to increasing economic growth. Yet stupid idiots like warman allow themselves to be brainwashed by politicians who deliberately obfuscate facts to get stupid idiots like warman to vote against their own interests.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
i did. but google tends to give one politically colored crap specifically constructed by what you call "free press" to push whatever agenda they'd been paid to push at the time. i prefer to have stuff summed up for me by actual prople living actual lives in actual places where stuff actually happens. however braiwashed may war man there be, even he is miles better than most of "opinion" column posters on cnn or foxnews. if nothing else, was man seems honest.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
You know you could have just googled it for the cliffsnotes.Shahter wrote:
so, dems got the house, cons strengthened their hold on the senate. is it, basically, mexican standoff now, or did democraps actually win some real power which could threaten trump?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
i like how you dismiss evidence-based reporting as 'free press' shenanigans but then value war man, who has literally just been dip-dyed on a wool farm somewhere in wisconsin. strange man, shahter.
Get a different job. Unemployment is near zero, now is the time to move. You'll never have better leverage.DesertFox- wrote:
I'm super excited about my extra $50/paycheck as the rich get to save shitloads.Jay wrote:
Wages have risen in response, or haven't you heard?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
as i'm sure you have surmised from our past discussions, we have very different opinions on what constitutes evidence-based reporting.uziq wrote:
i like how you dismiss evidence-based reporting as 'free press' shenanigans but then value war man, who has literally just been dip-dyed on a wool farm somewhere in wisconsin. strange man, shahter.
as to war man - with him at least one can be reasonably sure that what's posted is his actual opinion, and noone paid him to post it here. yeah, he's a product of the system - so what? he's a good specimen to examine still.
btw, do you have an opinion on the matter? yours i'd certainly like better than war man's.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Yes of course, it was Trump and his tax cuts wot dunnit.Jay wrote:
Wages have risen in response, or haven't you heard?

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-45827430 … ting-story
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2018-11-08 03:35:48)
Fuck Israel
how do you think opinions are formed? you think war man has some divinatory power or something? he's an impressionable college-age kid that reads ... media sources. i'm not sure what sort of 'wisdom' you are appealing to in your high valuation of 'first-person opinions'. people generally don't construct good political views through gut-level intuition and emotional reasoning.Shahter wrote:
as i'm sure you have surmised from our past discussions, we have very different opinions on what constitutes evidence-based reporting.uziq wrote:
i like how you dismiss evidence-based reporting as 'free press' shenanigans but then value war man, who has literally just been dip-dyed on a wool farm somewhere in wisconsin. strange man, shahter.
as to war man - with him at least one can be reasonably sure that what's posted is his actual opinion, and noone paid him to post it here. yeah, he's a product of the system - so what? he's a good specimen to examine still.
btw, do you have an opinion on the matter? yours i'd certainly like better than war man's.
Last edited by uziq (2018-11-08 03:55:00)