SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Islamic extremism is a right/conservative ideology anyway
radical islam is literally fascist. as in, the muslim brotherhood in egypt and the grand mufti of jerusalem literally read nazi pamphlets on 'the jewish problem' and adopted their militaristic ideology. that was pretty much the fons et origo of the entire movement as an active political force.

Last edited by uziq (2018-10-25 12:02:45)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7035|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

radical islam is literally fascist. as in, the muslim brotherhood in egypt and the grand mufti of jerusalem literally read nazi pamphlets on 'the jewish problem' and adopted their militaristic ideology. that was pretty much the fons et origo of the entire movement as an active political force.
Not arguing with that. Will mention that the fascists in 1930's Italy didn't like the "right wing" "left wing" labels. To them fascism wasn't left or right, but a 3rd way.

By the way

War Man wrote:

Probably some left wing nuthead pretending to be a right winger while wearing a MAGA hat, bombs are more of a left wing and muslims thing. Guess we have the dems' October surprise out already.

Last edited by War Man (2018-10-25 12:12:24)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
sorry but can you show me a left-wing bombing on the scale of the OKC bombings? the fuck are you referring to when you talk about 'leftist' terrorism? anarchists throwing sticks of dynamite on wall street and killing a bystander and his horse? sacco and vanzetti? … 6d52a4f342

The story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.
i can't believe you literally think some nut in florida sending pipe bombs to celebrities and george soros is a left-wing plant. you are so far down the garden path. mind you, you were never the shiniest trowel in the shed, were you war man?

Last edited by uziq (2018-10-25 12:39:08)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|7006|United States of America
Sidebar on left bombers: I was recently reading about the Weathermen blowing up the Haymarket Monument twice. The story made me crack a smile, but as a group, generally, the were remarkably ineffective.
I am all that is MOD!

War Man wrote:

War Man wrote:

Probably some left wing nuthead pretending to be a right winger while wearing a MAGA hat, bombs are more of a left wing and muslims thing. Guess we have the dems' October surprise out already.
according to who?

Historically, white christians have produced the most domestic terrorists.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7035|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

The story that a wave of left-wing terrorism threatens America is wrong. The poster child for this false narrative is antifa, a small, weak organization that protests white supremacist aggression.

The real threat of violence comes from the right. The Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism reports that right-wingers and white supremacists were responsible for 74 percent of the murders committed by political extremists in the United States over the past decade. Only 2 percent were committed by left-wing radicals. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, has calculated that “terrorists inspired by Nationalist and Right Wing ideology have killed about 10 times as many people as Left Wing terrorists since 1992.”

What’s more, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have strong connections to the establishment right and are far more organized than the antifa. They seek to provoke confrontation through armed marches onto college campuses and into the centers of liberal-leaning cities, like the confrontation in Charlottesville last summer.

These narratives about aggressive left-wing violence aren’t just distorted. They are dangerous, because they set the stage for replacing democratic institutions with authoritarian rule. Provoking street violence and blaming it on their opponents is exactly how totalitarian regimes have gained power in the past.
i can't believe you literally think some nut in florida sending pipe bombs to celebrities and george soros is a left-wing plant. you are so far down the garden path. mind you, you were never the shiniest trowel in the shed, were you war man?
I am not saying it was necessarily a left wing plant, I am not that tinfoil hat invested. However nothing will surprise me with the left anymore, they are desperate. Republicans so far are winning in the elections, the early voting results are showing and our voters are enthusiastic to win. Seriously, go to every right wing website and every left wing website and compare their attitudes and enthusiasm. We are fired up, the democrats have been pissing us off with everything from Kavanaugh, political correctness, antifa (seriously look up the Portland bullshit), being assholes to pro-trump "people of color", to the fucking migrants waving Honduras flags while burning US flags. The left is left (no pun intended) with a desperate situation to try to sway voters to vote for them. They have resulted in sending mobs to attack Republican politicians or at least kick them out of restaurants. Hillary Clinton not too long ago suggested there to be "uncivility", Eric Holder suggests "That when they go down, we kick them"(don't bs me that that was taken out of context, we all damn well knew what he meant). Every time they tried these, they only made us more determined to win these midterms. Even some moderate leftists who normally vote democrat have been getting pissed and might decide to either not vote or vote Republican, of course it doesn't help that groups like antifa have called moderate leftists racists, sexists, radical right-wingers, etc.

Seriously, with a high chance of a Republican victory, why the fuck would even a right wing nut head decide to bomb the democrats? We are not suffering from Trump derangement syndrome like the leftists are, we're mostly happy with what Trump has been doing so far and see no reason to do shit like this. Seriously, the neighbors of our house barely talk to us anymore since the elections, I haven't heard from one of my Uncles since the election. You should seriously see the mentality of some of these leftists here since the 2016 elections. Again I am not saying it is a plant, it could be some competent democratic supporter acting on his own that is pissed off at how the elections are going. Do you find it odd that not a single bomb went off? in fact isn't it odd how the pipe bombs and detonators were each properly assembled, but not put together? It is as if the person planned to send the bombs to be intentionally noticed and made sure that they would not detonate

DesertFox- wrote:

Sidebar on left bombers: I was recently reading about the Weathermen blowing up the Haymarket Monument twice. The story made me crack a smile, but as a group, generally, the were remarkably ineffective.
Generally they are, that's why bombers like Bill Ayers(yes I know he doesn't do that shit anymore) fail to properly generate bombings on the scale of Oklahoma bombings. They usually are too incompetent and stupid, but they sure fucking try.

That actually makes me bring another thing, if this was truly done by a right winger, then that right winger would know that Hillary Clinton, George Soros, etc. do not directly open their own mail. There is also the fact that mail is properly screened by USPS. In fact there are so many variables that can go wrong that a right winger would find an alternative to assassinate such people.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
what am i even reading. a right-wing bomber would know that george soros doesn't open his own mail, which makes it plausible as left-wing terrorists, uh, don't understand how rich people get their mail?

do you live in a loony tunes cartoon war man?
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7035|Purplicious Wisconsin

uziq wrote:

what am i even reading. a right-wing bomber would know that george soros doesn't open his own mail, which makes it plausible as left-wing terrorists, uh, don't understand how rich people get their mail?

do you live in a loony tunes cartoon war man?
That pretty much is the political atmosphere here now-a-days, especially with the left wing. Seriously, if you could open your mind and realize some of the stupidest shit the left does.

Also, if you read through what is I'll admit not the best writing, you will see I am implying the left-wing bomber likely didn't intend for the bombs to go off at all. Just assembled the bombs and mailed them knowing full well they will get noticed and such a thing would reach the news. I am not suggesting this was planned by the entire left, I am suggesting it is one person acting on his own.

Last edited by War Man (2018-10-25 17:35:34)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7006|United States of America
The left are incompetent according to him, but also manage to pull off complex false flag operations and intricate, thousands of people conspiracies.
Aye up duck!
+440|7031|England. Stoke

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

what am i even reading. a right-wing bomber would know that george soros doesn't open his own mail, which makes it plausible as left-wing terrorists, uh, don't understand how rich people get their mail?

do you live in a loony tunes cartoon war man?
That pretty much is the political atmosphere here now-a-days, especially with the left wing. Seriously, if you could open your mind and realize some of the stupidest shit the left does.

Also, if you read through what is I'll admit not the best writing, you will see I am implying the left-wing bomber likely didn't intend for the bombs to go off at all. Just assembled the bombs and mailed them knowing full well they will get noticed and such a thing would reach the news. I am not suggesting this was planned by the entire left, I am suggesting it is one person acting on his own.
Well done War Man you are a useful idiot.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7035|Purplicious Wisconsin

DesertFox- wrote:

The left are incompetent according to him, but also manage to pull off complex false flag operations and intricate, thousands of people conspiracies.
Usually incompetent, exceptions apply.

coke wrote:

War Man wrote:

uziq wrote:

what am i even reading. a right-wing bomber would know that george soros doesn't open his own mail, which makes it plausible as left-wing terrorists, uh, don't understand how rich people get their mail?

do you live in a loony tunes cartoon war man?
That pretty much is the political atmosphere here now-a-days, especially with the left wing. Seriously, if you could open your mind and realize some of the stupidest shit the left does.

Also, if you read through what is I'll admit not the best writing, you will see I am implying the left-wing bomber likely didn't intend for the bombs to go off at all. Just assembled the bombs and mailed them knowing full well they will get noticed and such a thing would reach the news. I am not suggesting this was planned by the entire left, I am suggesting it is one person acting on his own.
Well done War Man you are a useful idiot.
See, the insults and name-calling do wonders, makes me continue to be happy to continue supporting Trump and to vote for him again just to give people like you the finger.

Last edited by War Man (2018-10-25 17:42:37)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Aye up duck!
+440|7031|England. Stoke
And that's the whole point...
You don't actually think about what you're voting for or the facts, without seeing anything else. I don't care that you vote Trump.
The whole point of this episode isn't really who had done it or why, it's the response/reaction to it, and your reaction and your Presidents is the problem, THINK about it...
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Warman wrote:

The left is left (no pun intended) with a desperate situation to try to sway voters to vote for them.
Not really. In 2016 Clinton had 3 million more votes, democrats made gains in the house and senate. If our system wasn't skewed towards small rural places, democrats would be in total control of the federal government.

If there ever is a civil war it will be because small rural places have an outsized say in our government. A political minority cannot rule over a majority forever.
I am all that is MOD!

Hahaha warman is a giant fucking idiot! I can't believe you are going to successfully graduate college with a fucking stupid critical thought like the one you posted.

It's not even worth my time to go through and dissect your Limbaugh-esque lense of American politics.  "Go to any left site vs right site, and compare the attitudes and enthusiasm".

I'm laughing externally, but so sad internally.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7035|Purplicious Wisconsin

coke wrote:

And that's the whole point...
You don't actually think about what you're voting for or the facts, without seeing anything else. I don't care that you vote Trump.
The whole point of this episode isn't really who had done it or why, it's the response/reaction to it, and your reaction and your Presidents is the problem, THINK about it...
On the contrary, I do some thinking believe or not. Isn't really reactionary, the namecalling just makes me more determined. Seriously, our options for 2016 utterly sucked. I didn't like Ted Cruz like my parents did, they originally thought Trump was just a buffoon. I was of the depressed mindset that we were fucked no matter the candidate, if we go down we may as well go down with some entertainment so at least there is something to cheer me up for shit to come. However, I also saw Trump as someone who doesn't take shit and will happily dish it out and ACTUALLY fight, unlike the previous pussies like Bush, McCain, and Romney, someone who won't fricken back down when the leftists come gunning for him. Since his election in 2016, he has done more than that by actually making the democrats destroy themselves and constantly winning. Seriously, Trump attacks someone, that someone then makes himself and the democratic party look like idiots by doing what Trump intended. Hell even minor issues like the Kneeling during the anthem NFL incident last year, Trump still wins. Seriously, deep down Trump is a fricken genius by making the democrats go berserk and do something stupid, I can't help but be impressed by it. But yeah, keep saying I am an idiot, I can't hear you over the sound of a booming economy in USA and Victory.


Hahaha warman is a giant fucking idiot! I can't believe you are going to successfully graduate college with a fucking stupid critical thought like the one you posted.

It's not even worth my time to go through and dissect your Limbaugh-esque lense of American politics.  "Go to any left site vs right site, and compare the attitudes and enthusiasm".

I'm laughing externally, but so sad internally.
Glad I can make you laugh

By the way, would you believe my GPA is above 3.5?

Last edited by War Man (2018-10-25 18:27:02)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
"trump is a genius by making the democrats go berserk"

"pussies like mccain".

"i can't help but be impressed by it".

Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6795|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Says a lot about you kid, if you admire an asshole like Trump and the methods he uses to to fuck up the country you live in.
the time when war man was like a military-fetishising patriot from the heartlands of america seems positively quaint, now.

would the war man of 2010 have called the respectably right-wing and hawkish john mccain, a war hero no less, a "pussy"?

it's sad how much and how easily the rather innocent and blessedly simple populace can be led astray. war man, you've attached yourself to the wrong flock.

Last edited by uziq (2018-10-26 02:30:03)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I bet in 2024 or 2020 after all this shit inevitably ends badly you are not going to be able to find anyone who will cop to being a Trump supporter. Reminds me of an older veteran in a political science class I had who dropped the "I hated Bush" line once. Yeah okay but we know your Ford F150 driving ass didn't vote for Gore or Kerry when you had the chance to.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7006|United States of America
I'm astounded how Republicans can whine about "elites", then fully support a rich, New York socialite whose dad (and son-in-law) are essentially slumlords. One who fills his cabinet with *surprise* billionaire elites and/or people utterly unqualified in the areas in which they are to work. Even when that touted Carrier factory in Indiana that was "saved from moving to Mexico" unsurprisingly did lay off workers and move jobs away, some of the rubes still think he has their interests at heart. He doesn't give a fuck about the country bumpkins anymore than a Democrat. You're a useful idiot providing means to power so long the fears of blacks, gays, Mexicans, and Muslims are stoked.

You bought the story hook, line, and sinker. When people who criticize him are sent bombs, your mental gymnastics suggest it must be a false flag because no Republican would think they open their own mail, probably just like no Republican would believe Clinton ran a pedophilia ring out of a pizza shop basement. Every protestor gets blamed on George Soros as a paid actor, because that's what your masters would probably do. The Kochs, the Mercers, Adelson, et al. are pulling strings for all your boys. Classic projection. Those "fiscal conservatives" sure went away quick when it came time to pass a debt-ballooning tax cut on the rich, but---oh boy, your check might have $50 more in it while people and companies already dodging taxes save billions.

Besides "triggering the libs", what on earth are you getting out of this pact you've signed onto?
Aye up duck!
+440|7031|England. Stoke
"I can't hear you over the sound of a booming economy in USA and Victory."

And John McCain a "pussy" jesus christ.
+513|3774 … 99042?s=21

c’mon then, investigation squad. did the malefic Left plant this truck in florida? look at those decals! if it’s not quotations from the communist manifesto, i bet it’s over-the-top militia-speak misinformation !
he’s a registered republican ... fuck! the deep state really know what they’re doing!
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7035|Purplicious Wisconsin

Ultrafunkula wrote:

Says a lot about you kid, if you admire an asshole like Trump and the methods he uses to to fuck up the country you live in.
Economy is growing, unemployment decreasing, more jobs from overseas are coming here instead, Foxconn coming to Wisconsin. Yep totally fucking the country up. Trump is no doubt an arrogant prick with an ego which I am not a fan of, but he gets results and that is all that matters at the end of the day.

uziq wrote:

the time when war man was like a military-fetishising patriot from the heartlands of america seems positively quaint, now.

would the war man of 2010 have called the respectably right-wing and hawkish john mccain, a war hero no less, a "pussy"?

it's sad how much and how easily the rather innocent and blessedly simple populace can be led astray. war man, you've attached yourself to the wrong flock.
I would hardly call McCain respectably right-wing, more like antagonist towards whoever is the current President. I never liked McCain much even back in '08, Guy had vendetta problems. Seriously, just look at his record as a politician. Since 2000 election, he became vindictive and antagonist towards Bush out of spite. Even in death he was spiteful by having people not allowed in his funeral including Sarah Palin. Someone who ran with him in the '08 election and even looked up to him, and he just bans her from attending her funeral.

I also don't cater to that war hero bs, a real war hero is someone like Alvin York and Audie Murphy, people who actually saved lives.

DesertFox- wrote:

I'm astounded how Republicans can whine about "elites", then fully support a rich, New York socialite whose dad (and son-in-law) are essentially slumlords. One who fills his cabinet with *surprise* billionaire elites and/or people utterly unqualified in the areas in which they are to work. Even when that touted Carrier factory in Indiana that was "saved from moving to Mexico" unsurprisingly did lay off workers and move jobs away, some of the rubes still think he has their interests at heart. He doesn't give a fuck about the country bumpkins anymore than a Democrat. You're a useful idiot providing means to power so long the fears of blacks, gays, Mexicans, and Muslims are stoked.

You bought the story hook, line, and sinker. When people who criticize him are sent bombs, your mental gymnastics suggest it must be a false flag because no Republican would think they open their own mail, probably just like no Republican would believe Clinton ran a pedophilia ring out of a pizza shop basement. Every protestor gets blamed on George Soros as a paid actor, because that's what your masters would probably do. The Kochs, the Mercers, Adelson, et al. are pulling strings for all your boys. Classic projection. Those "fiscal conservatives" sure went away quick when it came time to pass a debt-ballooning tax cut on the rich, but---oh boy, your check might have $50 more in it while people and companies already dodging taxes save billions.

Besides "triggering the libs", what on earth are you getting out of this pact you've signed onto?
I'm astounded how democrats whine about crooked rich people, yet support a crooked rich Hillary.

I am not entirely sold on the George Soros conspiracy. Maybe he plays some influence on certain protests who knows, but I am not going to finger point towards him on whatever NPC's do.

uziq wrote:

c’mon then, investigation squad. did the malefic Left plant this truck in florida? look at those decals! if it’s not quotations from the communist manifesto, i bet it’s over-the-top militia-speak misinformation !
Was already way ahead of you on that, might've gotten some details off

War Man wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

So someone tried to blow up some famous libs. Meh
Probably some left wing nuthead pretending to be a right winger while wearing a MAGA hat, bombs are more of a left wing and muslims thing. Guess we have the dems' October surprise out already.

Last edited by War Man (2018-10-26 09:52:59)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

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