I admit this is sort of funny. I feel bad for finding this guy funny from time to time.

Last edited by uziq (2018-10-11 16:37:48)
The education system is churning out people for an economic system which ceased a decade ago, now we have two lost generationsJay wrote:
We're in a place and time where there are more women than men going off to college and becoming educated. Why? Girls tend to be more diligent about their studies. Boys tend to be less so because they're wilder in school, more headstrong, more rebellious, all things that lead to higher levels of creativity if harnessed properly, but that will tend to lead to poor results in school and later on at work if they don't go into a field better suited for them. My personal opinion is that we've tried to create a one-size-fits-all society where people are assembly lined from birth to school to white collar work to death. Everyone is being groomed to be a proper corporate drone that doesn't question anything, just puts their head down and works. Those who can't adapt get left by the wayside, which is why we see so many downtrodden young men. They see the life as what it is, boring hackery, and don't want to buy in. What's left is nihilism.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2018-10-13 03:09:38)
I think you nailed it with the training. Virtually no employers invest in training programs. Why spend money on unproductive tasks when you can cede it to the government and blame them when they fail?Dilbert_X wrote:
The education system is churning out people for an economic system which ceased a decade ago, now we have two lost generationsJay wrote:
We're in a place and time where there are more women than men going off to college and becoming educated. Why? Girls tend to be more diligent about their studies. Boys tend to be less so because they're wilder in school, more headstrong, more rebellious, all things that lead to higher levels of creativity if harnessed properly, but that will tend to lead to poor results in school and later on at work if they don't go into a field better suited for them. My personal opinion is that we've tried to create a one-size-fits-all society where people are assembly lined from birth to school to white collar work to death. Everyone is being groomed to be a proper corporate drone that doesn't question anything, just puts their head down and works. Those who can't adapt get left by the wayside, which is why we see so many downtrodden young men. They see the life as what it is, boring hackery, and don't want to buy in. What's left is nihilism.
- 50+ Factory/manual workers who were replaced by robots or Chinese peasants and have little hope of training as C++ programmers.
- 18-25 yr olds who don't have the money to train, thanks to education being corporatised, and know it likely whatever they train in will be obsolete by the time they're qualified.
I don't know what the answer is, a combination of living wage, workfare, and free education in universal skills which enable to people to turn their hands to whatever the next big thing is, so I don't know, Maths, Physics, Biology, Communication/Linguistics and Creativity.
That and companies need to be less anal about who they take on and provide more training - realistically most jobs don't need a degree, a month or two of on the job training plus supervision will usually do it.
Clearly written by someone who never had to use a tool for a living in their life. I would rather be a janitor than stuck underground with poisonous rocks. If you think emptying garbages and sweeping is awful compared to black lung than you are a fool.You wanna be a janitor, or you wanna be a coal miner? At least a miner can claim to be manly, and in the right organization the pay can be decent.
There's also that. I'm aware that his base is thrilled that he openly "speaks his mind" in ways mirroring their own bigotries they resent having to conceal. If he can maintain that uncouth appeal, keep the lower and middle classes from tanking entirely, and not appear to owe any debts and favors to the "political elite," I think he stands a real chance at reelection. So I guess where the ATGs, lowings, and usmarines are also depends on if they bought into the Trump glamour.uziq wrote:
i thought his entire appeal was being an anti-politician?
I have to say that after watching his 60 Minutes interview last night with Lesley Stahl, I'm more inclined to vote for him. The same interview with Obama would've been fawning softball questions. Instead, she was combative and trying to force him to make promises as if she were in charge, or it was her duty to make him behave how she wanted him to behave. Where's your deference now? The left, and especially the media, have made me really dislike them since Hillary lost.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
There's also that. I'm aware that his base is thrilled that he openly "speaks his mind" in ways mirroring their own bigotries they resent having to conceal. If he can maintain that uncouth appeal, keep the lower and middle classes from tanking entirely, and not appear to owe any debts and favors to the "political elite," I think he stands a real chance at reelection. So I guess where the ATGs, lowings, and usmarines are also depends on if they bought into the Trump glamour.uziq wrote:
i thought his entire appeal was being an anti-politician?
He said something like "We can't know if we're wholly to blame or if it would've happened without us"uziq wrote:
why do people think the media and hillary supporters are 'the left'. very puzzling.
is this also the same interview where trump said that climate change will reverse itself and return to normal?
mainstream democrats identify as ‘the left’? really? last i checked the sanders/ocasio-cortez axis were identifying as ‘democratic socialists’, which is basically the furthest right you can get and still be ‘the Left’.Jay wrote:
He said something like "We can't know if we're wholly to blame or if it would've happened without us"uziq wrote:
why do people think the media and hillary supporters are 'the left'. very puzzling.
is this also the same interview where trump said that climate change will reverse itself and return to normal?
And they self identify as "the left".
Last edited by uziq (2018-10-15 06:49:23)
On some social issues, yes. On economics, no.SuperJail Warden wrote:
As if John G@lt ever sympathized with "the left" at all in the last 10 years anyway.
Yes, the arguments are now about which model shows the correct rate of increase and whether adaptation is preferable to prevention. I think prevention is a nonsensical pipe dream. Game theory says we're fucked if we rely on it.uziq wrote:
mainstream democrats identify as ‘the left’? really? last i checked the sanders/ocasio-cortez axis were identifying as ‘democratic socialists’, which is basically the furthest right you can get and still be ‘the Left’.Jay wrote:
He said something like "We can't know if we're wholly to blame or if it would've happened without us"uziq wrote:
why do people think the media and hillary supporters are 'the left'. very puzzling.
is this also the same interview where trump said that climate change will reverse itself and return to normal?
And they self identify as "the left".
in these trying times i think a little bit of accuracy and care to language would go a long way. everyone is suffering from hysteria and semantic hyperinflation. ‘the Left’ are not a threat to anything in american politics.
and doesn’t just about every piece of climate change research state that the changes are completely man-made?
uziq wrote:
are you really that retarded?
eliot weinberger is my favourite marxist-leninist left wing radical.
https://www.lrb.co.uk/v40/n20/eliot-wei … ps-america
Meh on most things with you it always came down toJay wrote:
On some social issues, yes. On economics, no.SuperJail Warden wrote:
As if John G@lt ever sympathized with "the left" at all in the last 10 years anyway.
I saw a WW2 historian give a talk where be argued that we shouldn't call Trump and his admin Nazis or fascist. He said fascism was a movement unique to the early 20th century as a result of a few specific circumstances. I am following that idea from now on.Uzi wrote:
in these trying times i think a little bit of accuracy and care to language would go a long way. everyone is suffering from hysteria and semantic hyperinflation. ‘the Left’ are not a threat to anything in american politics.
You really do get thicker year on year.Jay wrote:
Yes, the arguments are now about which model shows the correct rate of increase and whether adaptation is preferable to prevention. I think prevention is a nonsensical pipe dream. Game theory says we're fucked if we rely on it.uziq wrote:
mainstream democrats identify as ‘the left’? really? last i checked the sanders/ocasio-cortez axis were identifying as ‘democratic socialists’, which is basically the furthest right you can get and still be ‘the Left’.Jay wrote:
He said something like "We can't know if we're wholly to blame or if it would've happened without us"
And they self identify as "the left".
in these trying times i think a little bit of accuracy and care to language would go a long way. everyone is suffering from hysteria and semantic hyperinflation. ‘the Left’ are not a threat to anything in american politics.
and doesn’t just about every piece of climate change research state that the changes are completely man-made?
Interestingly, they're now saying we've staved off an ice age by warming the planet. I'd call that a win.
Last edited by coke (2018-10-15 17:12:20)
Sure, the language isn't always helpful but at the same time it's hard to avoid pointing out similarities.SuperJail Warden wrote:
saw a WW2 historian give a talk where be argued that we shouldn't call Trump and his admin Nazis or fascist. He said fascism was a movement unique to the early 20th century as a result of a few specific circumstances. I am following that idea from now on.