Except he's supposed to be impartial and judge things according to the law, not be 'out for vengeance'.Jay wrote:
If I was the left, I would be terrified of his confirmation right now, because the way they treated him, if he's a normal human being, he'd be out for vengeance. I certainly would be.
Not if someone doesn't sneer you can't, and he seems to spend an awful lot of his time sneering. I've seen footage of the hearings, he's a nasty asshole.Take enough photos and you can catch anyone in a sneer.
I thought he was supposed to vote for the law, not for a team? Maybe he didn't vote 'randomly' at all.when Kennedy stepped down because he represented a tie-breaking vote as he tended to vote rather randomly for either liberal or conservatives.
Anyway, wow what a shitty system you have, I'd hate to have to bring a case in America knowing it will be judged according to the best interests of a political party and how stacked the court is.
Do juries have a minimum number of 'conservative' appointees on them? I think they should.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (6 years, 5 months ago)
Fuck Israel