No. Just no.
No. Just no.

even if that was correct, as much as you like to dismiss it, reddit is a huge cultural influence now.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I'm gonna bet the sum of Finny's interaction with "sjw'types" is some stupid tumblr subreddit.
i didn’t say they didn’t have an influence. they obviously do. the rest of the mainstream world listens. primarily because they want to figure out the demographic and then appeal to their prejudices and sell them more shit. but if you are a man in your 30s and still get riled over things that become firestorms on reddit, you have failed at becoming a well-adjusted adult.Finray wrote:
it's not just nerdy millennials, it's a mainstream millennial site now. there's been a noticeable shift from the incel bedroom keyboard jockeys of days gone by, now everyone and a lot of their mums know about the site. also i reject that it's just intelligent and culturally engaged people that sway social practices, it's everyone, and the people pushing the envelope are the up and coming generation, ie millennials. you can also see the effects widespread, in new media on youtube, all the "did you just assume my gender?", "that's just white privilege" jokes, and it's even making its way into traditional media. so yes, the social culture shifts that manifest on the internet can effect mainstream social interacting.
How is your Asa Akira sub going, btw?SuperJail Warden wrote:
Reddit is semi mainstream but the mods and admins are still deep into nerd culture. You have to have some technical skills just to set up a sub properly.