sorry i didn't realise that history was a hatchback with only 4 seats.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Frederick Douglass is black history. Not in the same league as Roosevelt, Rockefeller, and Susan B Anthony.
It is when you only got less than 9 months to teach everything that has happened since 1864-2018 plus have projects and testing done.

I learned about people like George Washington Carver and W.E.B. Du Bois in every American History class I took.SuperJail Warden wrote:
That reminds me of a time my all black class got upset when I said that there was no historically significant black person they could pick to research for the 1870 to 1914 time period project. They bitched to a black woman teacher who confronted me to explain that there were important black people like NAACP figures that I could have let them pick.
I didn't have the heart but at least the good mind to not tell her that "There are no black Americans who are historically significant outside of the subfield of black history in the 1870-1914 period."
You are a shit teacher, that's all. I feel sorry for your students.
Oh yeah the inventor of peanut butter and a NAACP founder. If the peanut butter man is the best you can find then thanks for proving my point about important blacks.

as long as you gatekeep their contributions to American society you're gonna run into that problem. Shit history teacher.
It is straight politically correct bullshit to pretend the peanut butter man is a worthy person to learn about in a limited time frame outside of black history month. Like how valuable is knowing a black guy created peanut compared to knowing where all the major U.S. oil corporations come from?

I'm aware, but it still doesn't seem like he, personally, is worth any meaningful amount of time on.SuperJail Warden wrote: … RevolutionDesertFox- wrote:
How is Rockefeller relevant to history besides saying "dude made a fat stack"?
Monopolies, robber barons, trust, trust busting, Roosevelt reforms, unionization, standard oil. He ties into all of it.
I didn't give a biography of his life. I briefly mentioned him in the section regarding the gilded age and how his accomplishments along with other people like Andrew Carnegie and JP Morgan continues to shape the world we live in. He was one of the suggested but not mandatory people they could have chosen for their marking period 1 writing assignment. But since there were no black people suggested then it was a fucking federal case. The main hoodrat child this burnt toast dumpy fat kid seriously asked why they couldn't write about 2pac. I really hope the police hassle that kid for the rest of his life.

no DF, it's important to teach our school children where the major US Oil Corporations came from as a part of US History. Nevermind stories of marginalized people who became leaders in their field during a time where everything was stacked against them as a great reminder of what makes America exceptional and as a example of "the American Dream".
Macbeth puts it on the school children for why America is doomed. I'm pretending he is just trolling.
Macbeth puts it on the school children for why America is doomed. I'm pretending he is just trolling. … p=drivesdk
He is the gilded age presentation. It was just after the "Industrialization" presentation but right before the "Progressive era" one. We did go more into Rockefeller's fat stacks than I remembered but I brought it back to things like Rockefeller center, university of Chicago with a picture of Obama, and more to show how these people left things behind tangible things that these kids could interact with and appreciate.
He is the gilded age presentation. It was just after the "Industrialization" presentation but right before the "Progressive era" one. We did go more into Rockefeller's fat stacks than I remembered but I brought it back to things like Rockefeller center, university of Chicago with a picture of Obama, and more to show how these people left things behind tangible things that these kids could interact with and appreciate.

I will just come out and say how I really feel: I honestly couldn't give a shit less about the marginalized history blah blah blah of black people. They are nearly fucking unteachable in groups. I remember when I used to sub in poor Elizabeth. I would know how hard my day was going to be depending on how many black boys I had to watch. But nevertheless I tried my best to put that aside and give these ghetto ass Newark kids a chance. But they are impossible to control. Actually I take that back. Black girls are perfectly cooperative which is probably why police rarely kill them. Black boys on the other hand are a blight on the education system. Even today as I teach in the suburbs I see how many black boys end up in the behavioral disorder program compared to all other groups including black girls.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
no DF, it's important to teach our school children where the major US Oil Corporations came from as a part of US History. Nevermind stories of marginalized people who became leaders in their field during a time where everything was stacked against them as a great reminder of what makes America exceptional and as a example of "the American Dream".
Macbeth puts it on the school children for why America is doomed. I'm pretending he is just trolling.
Buy Ken will say Macbeth is just being a racist which is not entirely incorrect. But he says it as the only interaction he has with black men is as he walks by them on the way to his office job. Ken has never been in the trenches like me. He has not seen the things I have seen.

Wait, aren't you coloured, macb?

don't forget stanford and the railway racket.SuperJail Warden wrote:
He is the gilded age presentation. It was just after the "Industrialization" presentation but right before the "Progressive era" one. We did go more into Rockefeller's fat stacks than I remembered but I brought it back to things like Rockefeller center, university of Chicago with a picture of Obama, and more to show how these people left things behind tangible things that these kids could interact with and appreciate.
Vanderbilt is listed as one of the people in my presentation along with a picture of Grand Central Station.uziq wrote:
don't forget stanford and the railway racket.SuperJail Warden wrote:
He is the gilded age presentation. It was just after the "Industrialization" presentation but right before the "Progressive era" one. We did go more into Rockefeller's fat stacks than I remembered but I brought it back to things like Rockefeller center, university of Chicago with a picture of Obama, and more to show how these people left things behind tangible things that these kids could interact with and appreciate.

not this "internalized racism" crap again. please? he's just a troll.Finray wrote:
Wait, aren't you coloured, macb?
p.s. or are you joking? with all the identity politics and other bullshit going on in the west i cannot tell anymore.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
was thinking more of the pacific railroad specifically but, yeah, that was a huge corrupt racket.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Vanderbilt is listed as one of the people in my presentation along with a picture of Grand Central Station.uziq wrote:
don't forget stanford and the railway racket.SuperJail Warden wrote:
He is the gilded age presentation. It was just after the "Industrialization" presentation but right before the "Progressive era" one. We did go more into Rockefeller's fat stacks than I remembered but I brought it back to things like Rockefeller center, university of Chicago with a picture of Obama, and more to show how these people left things behind tangible things that these kids could interact with and appreciate.
i don't actually disagree with you that industrialists who were possibly more powerful than politicians in real terms are important figures in american 19th century history. but there's plenty of black folks, too. i mean, if people in england have heard of douglass (or w.e.b), then that says something. the harlem renaissance was just around the corner from that period, too.
Last edited by uziq (2018-09-29 04:58:55)
Flip it and spin it in a positive light. Yes, you were sidelined for much of history, but history is backward looking. There is a blank book waiting to be filled one hundred years from now with your stories in it. Do good things. The past matters only inasmuch as it tells you the story of how you arrived where you are today. Look forward, not backwards.SuperJail Warden wrote:
I will just come out and say how I really feel: I honestly couldn't give a shit less about the marginalized history blah blah blah of black people. They are nearly fucking unteachable in groups. I remember when I used to sub in poor Elizabeth. I would know how hard my day was going to be depending on how many black boys I had to watch. But nevertheless I tried my best to put that aside and give these ghetto ass Newark kids a chance. But they are impossible to control. Actually I take that back. Black girls are perfectly cooperative which is probably why police rarely kill them. Black boys on the other hand are a blight on the education system. Even today as I teach in the suburbs I see how many black boys end up in the behavioral disorder program compared to all other groups including black girls.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
no DF, it's important to teach our school children where the major US Oil Corporations came from as a part of US History. Nevermind stories of marginalized people who became leaders in their field during a time where everything was stacked against them as a great reminder of what makes America exceptional and as a example of "the American Dream".
Macbeth puts it on the school children for why America is doomed. I'm pretending he is just trolling.
Buy Ken will say Macbeth is just being a racist which is not entirely incorrect. But he says it as the only interaction he has with black men is as he walks by them on the way to his office job. Ken has never been in the trenches like me. He has not seen the things I have seen.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Nah I just found it quite surprising for him to have those views whilst being black himself (iirc)Shahter wrote:
not this "internalized racism" crap again. please? he's just a troll.Finray wrote:
Wait, aren't you coloured, macb?
p.s. or are you joking? with all the identity politics and other bullshit going on in the west i cannot tell anymore.

I ain't black. Not by American standards at least. Isolated white trash Scots probably thinks everything darker than them are black. I don't feel like discussing my background for the 9th time.
What I said to Ken applies to almost all of the rest of you too anyway. I deal with black Americans all day. I am even related to some. Witnessing the up close personal failure of black Americans is much less novel when you see it every day and also when it personally affects your life. And once you investigate each case you will more often than not find that a lot of each person's problems is their own fault rather than systemic problems. What systemic issue caused the black child to threaten to beat me up when I told him he couldn't plagiarize his Roosevelt project right in front? I think that is his hood rat upbringing and not the fact that police have little patience for his racial group.
In any case, my angry screed had more to do with my frustration regarding teaching in Newark than my dislike of dealing with hoodrat shit. I did meet many educated, and hard working blacks while I was there. Better educated and harder working than me in fact by far. 75% of the kids were fine and would do well if they went to the same school as I did as a child too I would think.
And even if I did have less patience dealing with black people than whites or any other race, that isn't anything to bank on for you Finary anyway. I would gas van white trash too if I could. In fact that would be target #1 for me.
What I said to Ken applies to almost all of the rest of you too anyway. I deal with black Americans all day. I am even related to some. Witnessing the up close personal failure of black Americans is much less novel when you see it every day and also when it personally affects your life. And once you investigate each case you will more often than not find that a lot of each person's problems is their own fault rather than systemic problems. What systemic issue caused the black child to threaten to beat me up when I told him he couldn't plagiarize his Roosevelt project right in front? I think that is his hood rat upbringing and not the fact that police have little patience for his racial group.
In any case, my angry screed had more to do with my frustration regarding teaching in Newark than my dislike of dealing with hoodrat shit. I did meet many educated, and hard working blacks while I was there. Better educated and harder working than me in fact by far. 75% of the kids were fine and would do well if they went to the same school as I did as a child too I would think.
And even if I did have less patience dealing with black people than whites or any other race, that isn't anything to bank on for you Finary anyway. I would gas van white trash too if I could. In fact that would be target #1 for me.
Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2018-10-01 17:23:39)

are you confusing macb for roc18? he has never identified as black. ffs how sheltered are scottish people.Finray wrote:
Nah I just found it quite surprising for him to have those views whilst being black himself (iirc)Shahter wrote:
not this "internalized racism" crap again. please? he's just a troll.Finray wrote:
Wait, aren't you coloured, macb?
p.s. or are you joking? with all the identity politics and other bullshit going on in the west i cannot tell anymore.
He's a new jersey 'Rican.
I remember seeing a pic of macb, he looked pretty dark to me. note how I said "coloured" in my original query.uziq wrote:
are you confusing macb for roc18? he has never identified as black. ffs how sheltered are scottish people.Finray wrote:
Nah I just found it quite surprising for him to have those views whilst being black himself (iirc)Shahter wrote:
not this "internalized racism" crap again. please? he's just a troll.
p.s. or are you joking? with all the identity politics and other bullshit going on in the west i cannot tell anymore.
well I feel like it pertains to my point, in that you might have experienced some extra discrimination due to your skin colour, and therefore should have some extra empathy for black folk.SuperJail Warden wrote:
I ain't black. Not by American standards at least. Isolated white trash Scots probably thinks everything darker than them are black. I don't feel like discussing my background for the 9th time.
i dunno. I still remember going to London aged 11 and being amazed at how many black people there were. You genuinely didn't get them up North back then. Different story now, but I'd say there's more middle eastern than african black people.

The type of discrimination the black industrial media complex complains and protest the most about is not something I have ever experienced. They complain about police brutality, inequality, and other things they consider systemic and purposely designed to keep them poor and oppressed.
I am half white, my white guy dad is related to multiple cops, I have two B.A.s, I fuck white women, I have a platinum American express, my dad collects Corvettes, I have a pool, I grew up around white people and sound like one. I grew up on classic rock music and know the geography of Italy. I am pretty well assimilated into white culture and have been rewarded with a position of influence within my mostly white community.
You can definitely argue that most black people are not as lucky as me for growing up middle class in white people town and getting introduced to whitey culture early. But there is also white trash sprawled across America that isn't lucky either. There are also a ton of White's who go from middle class to trailer trash in a generation due to their own personal failures and our failed social safety net. I don't think there is some grand conspiracy to keep blacks down. I think our economic system is just fucked up in general. And our failed economic system doesn't give you the right to spit at your teacher because he told you you couldn't leave class without asking.
I am half white, my white guy dad is related to multiple cops, I have two B.A.s, I fuck white women, I have a platinum American express, my dad collects Corvettes, I have a pool, I grew up around white people and sound like one. I grew up on classic rock music and know the geography of Italy. I am pretty well assimilated into white culture and have been rewarded with a position of influence within my mostly white community.
You can definitely argue that most black people are not as lucky as me for growing up middle class in white people town and getting introduced to whitey culture early. But there is also white trash sprawled across America that isn't lucky either. There are also a ton of White's who go from middle class to trailer trash in a generation due to their own personal failures and our failed social safety net. I don't think there is some grand conspiracy to keep blacks down. I think our economic system is just fucked up in general. And our failed economic system doesn't give you the right to spit at your teacher because he told you you couldn't leave class without asking.

Deadline seems to have passed on the internet blackmail thing, I don't even have a webcam on my PC.
Fuck Israel
this is half caste privilegeSuperJail Warden wrote:
The type of discrimination the black industrial media complex complains and protest the most about is not something I have ever experienced. They complain about police brutality, inequality, and other things they consider systemic and purposely designed to keep them poor and oppressed.
I am half white, my white guy dad is related to multiple cops, I have two B.A.s, I fuck white women, I have a platinum American express, my dad collects Corvettes, I have a pool, I grew up around white people and sound like one. I grew up on classic rock music and know the geography of Italy. I am pretty well assimilated into white culture and have been rewarded with a position of influence within my mostly white community.
You can definitely argue that most black people are not as lucky as me for growing up middle class in white people town and getting introduced to whitey culture early. But there is also white trash sprawled across America that isn't lucky either. There are also a ton of White's who go from middle class to trailer trash in a generation due to their own personal failures and our failed social safety net. I don't think there is some grand conspiracy to keep blacks down. I think our economic system is just fucked up in general. And our failed economic system doesn't give you the right to spit at your teacher because he told you you couldn't leave class without asking.
Last edited by Finray (2018-10-03 07:39:33)