The US triggered WW2...HAHA you are fucking stupid
Not what I said, the US decided it was a good moment to trigger a war with Japan over Asia-Pacific resources, turning a European conflict into world war.
But just as Duhbya decided a middle-eastern war would be a good thing, and sat back and waited for them to give him a pretext and then was surprised by the scale of 9/11, no doubt the US was suprised by Pearl Harbour when they thought they'd be able to walk a few naval skirmishes and come out on top.
But just as Duhbya decided a middle-eastern war would be a good thing, and sat back and waited for them to give him a pretext and then was surprised by the scale of 9/11, no doubt the US was suprised by Pearl Harbour when they thought they'd be able to walk a few naval skirmishes and come out on top.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2018-08-15 01:39:44)
Fuck Israel
maybe not what you meant, but definitely what you said.Dilbert_X wrote:
The last war the US was involved in which it didn't itself trigger was WW1
You can argue about the semantics however you like, the US did actively choose to fight a wholly avoidable war with Japan.
Fuck Israel
You can believe that, but it's hardly as if they blockaded the island of Japan and forced them to lash out. The argument certainly doesn't hold any water in the legal sense.
Lol "legal sense"
Japan just stood it's ground.
Japan just stood it's ground.

Erm, thats exactly what they did. Literally or figuratively it doesn't matter, Japan was blockaded and denied oil.DesertFox- wrote:
You can believe that, but it's hardly as if they blockaded the island of Japan and forced them to lash out.
The US has gone to war over much less.
Fuck Israel
Denied oil they needed to continue invading other places in Asia. My god, how cruel!
dude, WW2 started in 1939 when the US triggered it by blockading Japan in 1941. Dilbert can explain it all.
It wasn't really a world war until 1941 though, before that it was a European conflict and whatever was going on in Asia which no-one cares about.
Fuck Israel
the chinese today definitely still care about the 2nd sino-japanese war. lmao.
So WW2 started in 1937?
Next you'll be telling me the Germans didn't lose but came 2nd.
Next you'll be telling me the Germans didn't lose but came 2nd.
Fuck Israel
dude dilbert you are an idiot. read your own comments on the last 2 pages...
Thanks Ken, I wrote them I don't need to re-read them.
Fuck Israel
it was a world war by 1939. my response wasn't to say that the 2nd sino-japanese war was part of ww2 proper, it was in reply to your 'conflict in asia which no one cares about'. chinese are still extremely salty about that war. millions of people died and it was one of the century's major conflicts.Dilbert_X wrote:
So WW2 started in 1937?
Next you'll be telling me the Germans didn't lose but came 2nd.
Dilbert has proved himself to be one of the less worldly of the members here, no need to lecture him on something he likely will dismiss. Tell him about how you milled your own upper for your vintage 1927 ruger that once belonged to a eastern european olympic biathlete.
You know there is alternate timeline where John McCain is president but has to resign to treat brain cancer thus making Sarah Palin president.

There's also an alternate timeline where Trump, Cheney, Bush etc didn't dodge the draft and were killed in Vietnam.
Its funny how America has a long history of electing cowards.
Its funny how America has a long history of electing cowards.
Fuck Israel
The Sino-Japanese was running in 1937 and ze Germans were acive in war from 1936, so I say WW2 began in 1937.uziq wrote:
it was a world war by 1939. my response wasn't to say that the 2nd sino-japanese war was part of ww2 proper, it was in reply to your 'conflict in asia which no one cares about'. chinese are still extremely salty about that war. millions of people died and it was one of the century's major conflicts.Dilbert_X wrote:
So WW2 started in 1937?
Next you'll be telling me the Germans didn't lose but came 2nd.
Fuck Israel
It wasn't until '39 that the great powers came in direct conflict.

Seem to recall Bush was in the air national guard. I guess if volunteering in the military is dodging the draft, according to you, then even volunteers in regular army are draft dodgers.Dilbert_X wrote:
There's also an alternate timeline where Trump, Cheney, Bush etc didn't dodge the draft and were killed in Vietnam.
Its funny how America has a long history of electing cowards.
You mean 40's? Haven't you heard of the phony war?SuperJail Warden wrote:
It wasn't until '39 that the great powers came in direct conflict.
Last edited by War Man (2018-08-27 14:50:59)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Volunteering for a unit which guarantees you won't see combat and then not attending is true patriotism.
Fuck Israel … ers-804574President Donald Trump is canceling across-the-board pay raises for civilian workers across the federal government, citing the “nation’s fiscal situation.”
“We must maintain efforts to put our nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases,” the president wrote in a letter Thursday to congressional leaders.
No money for workers. Too many tax cuts. President is not thinking long-term. He hates the federal law enforcement community so he punishes them by punishing the entire federal work force. Way to radicalize your own workers.

it's all part of the plan to get the deep state operatives out of government. This will allow the white hats to truly drain the swamp.
or something
or something
We're pushing 2019 and there's posts in a 2016 election thread about how the US started WWII. Seriously, what did I miss?!