Nice one.
i'm an editor which means i don't do anything with marketing or publicity, really. i commission new books, edit manuscripts, proofread, source and manage art direction, cost and contract book production/printing (including freelancers, graphic design, typesetting, indexing, etc.) and quality-check books before they go to print. i also do a shitload of author management, quasi-agent stuff, basically keeping a stable of writers happy, attending book launches, etc. i'll be doing the exact same job but working on academic journals rather than what we call 'trade' books (i.e. books intended to sell to a general audience).DesertFox- wrote:
Secondly, out of genuine curiousity, what sort of writing and research do you do, exactly? The closest relationships I have to people in a vaguely creative/publishing sort of field are involved on a like quasi-marketing level, so it is truly an area in which I have astounding ignorance.
my own writing and research is keeping up with my field for a PhD. was meant to start it something like 3 years ago but have been sidetracked with family stuff and just generally not wanting to deal with the soul-crushing isolation and stress of grad school on top of everything else. very much something i do want to do, though. moving into academic journal publishing is a nice sideways move to keep me involved in academia (also free access to paywalled journals, natch).
@pocshy, the institute has an office located in central bristol (some hipster city in the south-west of the UK; think banksy and massive attack). i'd prefer to move to a nice apartment in the city so that i have an airport on my doorstep (gf will be living in berlin for next 6 months and it's a 2 hour so hop on the plane away.) i don't mind relocating – it seems like a cool place to live.
Last edited by uziq (2017-02-11 18:32:00)
So why does anyone need an Amex?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
but dilbert, we are talking about amex. My visa card also has no annual fees. Imagine thatDilbert_X wrote:
My Visa card has no annual fee
Outside the US all I've ever heard anyone say is "FFS don't get an Amex"
Fuck Israel
I remember a commercial in the 90s from a competitor warning you that some places don't take American Express.
Good thing I don't live outside the U.S.Dilbert_X wrote:
So why does anyone need an Amex?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
but dilbert, we are talking about amex. My visa card also has no annual fees. Imagine thatDilbert_X wrote:
My Visa card has no annual fee
Outside the US all I've ever heard anyone say is "FFS don't get an Amex"

I use Amex all the time in Aus, HK, Taiwan and Japan... Don't know what you're on about.Dilbert_X wrote:
So why does anyone need an Amex?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
but dilbert, we are talking about amex. My visa card also has no annual fees. Imagine thatDilbert_X wrote:
My Visa card has no annual fee
Outside the US all I've ever heard anyone say is "FFS don't get an Amex"
why does anyone need a credit card in general? cybargs, what you are witnessing is unhappy men trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are.
Depends on the amount one makes purchases. Business credit cards are fantastic, especially if you're able to put a good amount of stock through and get points towards flights etc.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
why does anyone need a credit card in general? cybargs, what you are witnessing is unhappy men trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are.
Personal credit cards are similar- you can earn points that can, depending on the amount you average spend, that can outweigh the cost of the card and provide yourself with savings, such as petrol or flights etc.
Personally I have a card for only two reasons: actually have a credit rating, and allow for myself to accrue interest on my money before it's used on a purchase, albeit a minute amount.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously. ♥
Obviously that's true, but in this case I'm just asking why anyone would use Amex in preference to Visa.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
what you are witnessing is unhappy men trying to make everyone else as miserable as they are.
Personally I barely use my credit card, my personal spending is mostly through small retailers and I don't see the value of robbing them and splitting the proceeds with a faceless corporation.
I prefer to use my debit card, often I avoid the credit card surcharge which is more beneficial than points towards a toaster or something.
Plus the retailer often gives me a better price or deal in the first place when they know they're getting instant cash as opposed to funds when visa deigns to pass it on which can be a month or more.
My parents put $100k/year through their credit card, rack up the points and seem to get bugger all benefit.
Fuck Israel
AMEX has a better rewards system than other cards. That's why.
They have a better rewards system because they rape the retailers harder, that's why retailers hate them and many don't accept Amex at all.
Fuck Israel
My work accepts AMEX all the time. We don't pass on the surcharge.
Amex is way expensive and most shops either won't take it or charge crazy surcharges for it.
Well of course crack dealers don't take Visa or Amex.Cybargs wrote:
maybe not in shithole adelaide but i can use my amex 95% of places.Dilbert_X wrote:
They have a better rewards system because they rape the retailers harder, that's why retailers hate them and many don't accept Amex at all.
Fuck Israel
You know you're seeing a high class hooker when she takes AMEX.
There are girls who take EFTPOS.
Fuck Israel
Wonder if they do cash out.
I guess you can ask.
Fuck Israel
Reminds me of the the tanker that slipped over the rails in Baltimore and exploded a couple months ago
oh my god YO
Looking through bed bath and beyond online. Excited about getting nice new things for my new apartment soon. Especially my home office.

you mean your parent's apartment? should be pretty cool inviting back those hot topic 17yo goth girls to your mom's maisonette.
I have a separate entrance, my own kitchen, two bathrooms, two bed rooms. Never see my parents.
This euphoria I am in must be the same feeling men get before they murder their wives for their life insurance
This euphoria I am in must be the same feeling men get before they murder their wives for their life insurance