Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Vox senior editor Sarah Kliff wrote a poignant account last week of her visit to Whitley County, Ky., where the uninsured rate declined 60 percent under Obamacare but 82 percent of voters supported Trump. There, Kliff, a former Post colleague, found Trump voters who were downright frightened that the president-elect would do exactly — literally — what he and Republicans promised: repeal Obamacare.

Among those she found was Trump voter Debbie Mills, a store owner whose husband awaits a lifesaving liver transplant; they got insurance through Obamacare, and Mills is hoping the law won’t be repealed.

“I don’t know what we’ll do if it does go away,” Mills said.
“I guess I thought that, you know, [Trump] would not do this. That they would not do this, would not take the insurance away. Knowing that it’s affecting so many people’s lives. I mean, what are you to do then if you cannot . . . purchase, cannot pay for the insurance?”

Mills, who supported Trump for other reasons, figured Obamacare repeal was just talk. “I guess we really didn’t think about that, that he was going to cancel that or change that or take it away,” she said. “I guess I always just thought that it would be there. I was thinking that once it was made into a law that it could not be changed.”
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions … 3#comments
In her heart of hearts Debbie knows what exactly will happen to her husband if Obamacare is repealed. He will die an agonizing death in front of her very eyes. And it will be caused by the election of a man who promised to repeal a healthcare law in order to save some rich people money. I hope Debbie starts saving money for a funeral.
I told you. People care about jobs, not welfare. I know you don't care about economics, but the rest of the world does. Trump promised jobs and a path to respectability. All Democrats ever promise is more welfare. No one wants to be on the dole (I'm sure even the worst of the parasites would rather be Kim Kardashian).

Last edited by Jay (2016-12-21 05:45:11)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
trump promised a lot of things he's never going to be able to deliver on. just like all those people who 'care about economics' said. trump seems to think the market and world economy acts upon his wish fulfilment.

and people may care primarily about jobs, but they don't not care about welfare. i think what you mean is that they take for granted the welfare that they do receive; they feel entitled to it, like it's vouchsafed, normal, dependable. this is the blind attitude you have yourself to the welfare that you have received. turn a blind eye to it and talk about how increased welfare is an evil! people quite obviously do care about welfare when it is removed and their loved ones start dying as a direct result. trump forcing a few air con factories in the mid-west to keep their manufacturing in state as a PR exercise is not going to keep people content when they can't pay medical bills.

"no one ever wants to be on the dole" - no shit. it's there as a safety net for people stuck in unfortunate situations. what are you, fucking stupid? stop presenting trite observations as some sort of political acuity. the point is that people take welfare for granted and conveniently discount the welfare and subsidies that do prop up their lifestyle; they're too set on the self-delusions of individualism and 'making it'. you are a great example.

Last edited by uziq (2016-12-21 05:49:19)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Welfare is great. Conservatives fucking hate it though, because they think it's an entitlement whilst voting for the most entitled people on the planet. how droll.

People on welfare don't have savings. It's scraping by. Where does the money go? Straight back into economy. And stops people living on the street. I'm all for corporations performing well (I work for a $55 billion p/a coporation in Australia) but when you're pitting people on the dole against everyone else, you're a fucking mug and a fool.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

uziq wrote:

trump promised a lot of things he's never going to be able to deliver on. just like all those people who 'care about economics' said. trump seems to think the market and world economy acts upon his wish fulfilment.

and people may care primarily about jobs, but they don't not care about welfare. i think what you mean is that they take for granted the welfare that they do receive; they feel entitled to it, like it's vouchsafed, normal, dependable. this is the blind attitude you have yourself to the welfare that you have received. turn a blind eye to it and talk about how increased welfare is an evil! people quite obviously do care about welfare when it is removed and their loved ones start dying as a direct result. trump forcing a few air con factories in the mid-west to keep their manufacturing in state as a PR exercise is not going to keep people content when they can't pay medical bills.

"no one ever wants to be on the dole" - no shit. it's there as a safety net for people stuck in unfortunate situations. what are you, fucking stupid? stop presenting trite observations as some sort of political acuity. the point is that people take welfare for granted and conveniently discount the welfare and subsidies that do prop up their lifestyle; they're too set on the self-delusions of individualism and 'making it'. you are a great example.
My point wasn't that people want to see the existing benefits evaporate, it's that when the choice is between someone offering jobs or someone offering more benefits, the person that is offering jobs will be more palatable. Macbeth constantly rails against poor people voting against their best interests when all he ever offers up are more government welfare schemes. This is the elitist coastal Progressive mentality that people are sick of.

I'm not saying Trump can or will follow through on his promise, but what he offered was what the people wanted to hear. He never said he'd chuck Obamacare, he said he'd repeal and replace it with something better. What is better? Who knows. I doubt he even has any idea. But he did explicitly say he wants to keep the requirement that insurance companies accept all comers regardless of pre-existing conditions, so what Macbeth posted is nonsense.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

Jaekus wrote:

Welfare is great. Conservatives fucking hate it though, because they think it's an entitlement whilst voting for the most entitled people on the planet. how droll.

People on welfare don't have savings. It's scraping by. Where does the money go? Straight back into economy. And stops people living on the street. I'm all for corporations performing well (I work for a $55 billion p/a coporation in Australia) but when you're pitting people on the dole against everyone else, you're a fucking mug and a fool.
I wouldn't call it great, but you're not wrong. It does provide economic benefits by infusing money into the economy that wouldn't be there otherwise. Can it be overdone? Sure. And it would be better if it were block granted rather than specific (i.e. a lump sum monthly check rather than x dollars designated for housing, y dollars designated for food etc.) because when you define a benefit you're setting a base. If, for example, I'm a landlord and I know that Section 8 (housing allowance) is set at $500/month, then that will be the minimum I will charge for rent. The market minimum might actually be $400/month, in which case I'm fucking over people not on public assistance and creating a housing shortage. It's better if the government gets away from pricing.

But don't fall into the trap of thinking welfare is better than job creation, because it's not. The higher you tax people to increase the welfare state the more jobs you destroy. The welfare state does not increase wealth, jobs do.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

trump promised a lot of things he's never going to be able to deliver on. just like all those people who 'care about economics' said. trump seems to think the market and world economy acts upon his wish fulfilment.

and people may care primarily about jobs, but they don't not care about welfare. i think what you mean is that they take for granted the welfare that they do receive; they feel entitled to it, like it's vouchsafed, normal, dependable. this is the blind attitude you have yourself to the welfare that you have received. turn a blind eye to it and talk about how increased welfare is an evil! people quite obviously do care about welfare when it is removed and their loved ones start dying as a direct result. trump forcing a few air con factories in the mid-west to keep their manufacturing in state as a PR exercise is not going to keep people content when they can't pay medical bills.

"no one ever wants to be on the dole" - no shit. it's there as a safety net for people stuck in unfortunate situations. what are you, fucking stupid? stop presenting trite observations as some sort of political acuity. the point is that people take welfare for granted and conveniently discount the welfare and subsidies that do prop up their lifestyle; they're too set on the self-delusions of individualism and 'making it'. you are a great example.
My point wasn't that people want to see the existing benefits evaporate, it's that when the choice is between someone offering jobs or someone offering more benefits, the person that is offering jobs will be more palatable. Macbeth constantly rails against poor people voting against their best interests when all he ever offers up are more government welfare schemes. This is the elitist coastal Progressive mentality that people are sick of.

I'm not saying Trump can or will follow through on his promise, but what he offered was what the people wanted to hear. He never said he'd chuck Obamacare, he said he'd repeal and replace it with something better. What is better? Who knows. I doubt he even has any idea. But he did explicitly say he wants to keep the requirement that insurance companies accept all comers regardless of pre-existing conditions, so what Macbeth posted is nonsense.
ok so what you're saying is that when it's between pie-in-the-sky electioneering promises and vague fantasies of economic regeneration versus actual social policies and practical reforms, people will opt for the former.

just because people jump with both feet into a pool of stupid, doesn't make it right.

i think everyone knows that getting people in work and jobs is the key thing. the problem is that so much of the blue-collar labour market has evaporated because of forces outside of american domestic policy's control. you can't keep an uncompetitive industry afloat unless you subsidise it with public funds. meh. the democrats are stuck in a hold because they're committed to a neoliberal consensus and can't do anything within that framework to seriously address the movement of labour and capital abroad. it is, really, their political ideology working too well. the 'economic recovery' and 'improvement in employment figures' has been characteristically the same here in the uk: people are finding jobs once again, but they're more precarious and poorer paid than ever before. in real terms, people are getting poorer. the problem is that the global economy is tilting this way outside of the neoliberal parties' control. you need social democracy or state capitalism.

i'd rather stick with the progressives who are trying to keep a sinking ship afloat than vote for a demagogue, however.

Last edited by uziq (2016-12-21 10:07:31)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

exact same class of provincial moron that voted for Brexit here in the UK whilst doing all their weekly groceries at the super cheap european supermarkets like Aldi/Lidl.

"what do you mean everything is going to become more expensive?!? i just didn't want to hear polish at the petrol station anymore!"

Well, the article even said the lady "supported Trump for other reasons". It didn't get into the details of what those reasons were but I would bet that they paint the dying husband and his wife in a less sympathetic light and were excluded in this pity piece for that reason. The only good thing I am taking away from this election is that these country folk in red America are going to bear the brunt of right wing economic policy while northern NJ continues chugging along just fine.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

Macbeth constantly rails against poor people voting against their best interests when all he ever offers up are more government welfare schemes. This is the elitist coastal Progressive mentality that people are sick of.
Hmm? Clinton's economic plan included subsidies and tax incentives to help corporations set up factories in the U.S. for "green jobs". Blue collar manufacturing jobs creating solar panels, wind turbines, and other energy saving things like home insulation. She just didn't talk about it too much because a lot of blue collar America is turned off by that stuff and rather roll coal.
My patience for these people only go so far. It is not my job to stop these people from killing themselves slowly. If that makes me coastal elitist, then awesome, I'm a coastal elitist.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

Macbeth constantly rails against poor people voting against their best interests when all he ever offers up are more government welfare schemes. This is the elitist coastal Progressive mentality that people are sick of.
Hmm? Clinton's economic plan included subsidies and tax incentives to help corporations set up factories in the U.S. for "green jobs". Blue collar manufacturing jobs creating solar panels, wind turbines, and other energy saving things like home insulation. She just didn't talk about it too much because a lot of blue collar America is turned off by that stuff and rather roll coal.

My patience for these people only go so far. It is not my job to stop these people from killing themselves slowly. If that makes me coastal elitist, then awesome, I'm a coastal elitist.
When a thousand people are laid off in a town, just how many of them can you put to work installing solar panels on each others houses? How many electricians does one town need before you reach saturation? "Green jobs" sounds good on paper because it gets the environmentalists to wag their tails, but it's nonsense.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

Macbeth constantly rails against poor people voting against their best interests when all he ever offers up are more government welfare schemes. This is the elitist coastal Progressive mentality that people are sick of.
Hmm? Clinton's economic plan included subsidies and tax incentives to help corporations set up factories in the U.S. for "green jobs". Blue collar manufacturing jobs creating solar panels, wind turbines, and other energy saving things like home insulation. She just didn't talk about it too much because a lot of blue collar America is turned off by that stuff and rather roll coal.

My patience for these people only go so far. It is not my job to stop these people from killing themselves slowly. If that makes me coastal elitist, then awesome, I'm a coastal elitist.
When a thousand people are laid off in a town, just how many of them can you put to work installing solar panels on each others houses? How many electricians does one town need before you reach saturation? "Green jobs" sounds good on paper because it gets the environmentalists to wag their tails, but it's nonsense.
since we can't get everyone a job we shouldn't even try to get any of them one. makes sense
Go Cougs!
+696|6606|Washington St.

Jay wrote:

"Green jobs" sounds good on paper because it gets the environmentalists to wag their tails, but it's nonsense.
Do you feel this way about the term "green jobs" or with all (new) jobs in the 'environmentalist' sector?

How many people fill the factory that creates solar panels? How many people get new jobs installing them?

Should we do away with ATM's because it puts bank tellers out of a job? Should we do away with automatic car washes because it puts car washer out of a job? Should we do away with car factories because it puts farriers out a job?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

pirana6 wrote:

Jay wrote:

"Green jobs" sounds good on paper because it gets the environmentalists to wag their tails, but it's nonsense.
Do you feel this way about the term "green jobs" or with all (new) jobs in the 'environmentalist' sector?

How many people fill the factory that creates solar panels? How many people get new jobs installing them?

Should we do away with ATM's because it puts bank tellers out of a job? Should we do away with automatic car washes because it puts car washer out of a job? Should we do away with car factories because it puts farriers out a job?
No, and that wasn't my argument. I'm not a technophobe at all. I'm simply saying that the solution that Progressives propose in this country is "we'll create green jobs and teach people how to install solar panels". That's fine, but out of the 1000 people you train to be installers, the market can bear maybe 10 out that 1000 actually doing the work before it's saturated. And if everyone is out of work who will pay for the installations to even keep those 10 in a job? It doesn't make sense if you actually look at it critically.

Job creation has to be organic otherwise you get stupid misallocations of resources.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
right wingers and a bunch of other blue collar types like jay have just been conditioned to hate anything related to bettering the environment because conservative identity politics has made them feel like environmentalist are tree huggers who look down on them
can't make solar panels because it will make the tree huggers happy

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2016-12-21 12:59:58)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

right wingers and a bunch of other blue collar types like jay have just been conditioned to hate anything related to bettering the environment because conservative identity politics has made them feel like environmentalist are tree huggers who look down on them
I dislike them because most of them are vehemently anti-science hippies that are closer to religious zealots than rational human beings.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

right wingers and a bunch of other blue collar types like jay have just been conditioned to hate anything related to bettering the environment because conservative identity politics has made them feel like environmentalist are tree huggers who look down on them
I dislike them because most of them are vehemently anti-science hippies that are closer to religious zealots than rational human beings.
Yup, pure identity politics.

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

right wingers and a bunch of other blue collar types like jay have just been conditioned to hate anything related to bettering the environment because conservative identity politics has made them feel like environmentalist are tree huggers who look down on them
I dislike them because most of them are vehemently anti-science hippies that are closer to religious zealots than rational human beings.
total red herring. most environmentalists are serious scientists, for instance researchers in the field with tenure at top universities.

do you believe in god because the dawkins-lite atheist neckbeards annoy you too?

Last edited by uziq (2016-12-21 13:03:12)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

right wingers and a bunch of other blue collar types like jay have just been conditioned to hate anything related to bettering the environment because conservative identity politics has made them feel like environmentalist are tree huggers who look down on them
I dislike them because most of them are vehemently anti-science hippies that are closer to religious zealots than rational human beings.
Yup, pure identity politics.
I did about 1 million square feet of energy audits last year and wrote a bunch of reports that told my client what they needed to do to lower the energy bills of their buildings and decrease their CO2 emissions. I also have my Certified Energy Manager credential which is pure gold for green props. I literally do cost-benefit analysis' of green programs and ideas for a living and most of it doesn't pay back. There's a term for ideas that sound good and hit all the right emotional buttons but don't pay back: "greening".

Even if you covered the country in solar panels and wind turbines you would still need an equivalent amount of natural gas, hydro or nuclear power as a backup for when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow, especially if you're also pushing for electric vehicles. Math doesn't lie, but if you talk to the zealot types their eyes glaze over and they go back to chanting slogans and decrying oil. Whatever.

Last edited by Jay (2016-12-21 13:09:11)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

right wingers and a bunch of other blue collar types like jay have just been conditioned to hate anything related to bettering the environment because conservative identity politics has made them feel like environmentalist are tree huggers who look down on them
I dislike them because most of them are vehemently anti-science hippies that are closer to religious zealots than rational human beings.
total red herring. most environmentalists are serious scientists, for instance researchers in the field with tenure at top universities.

do you believe in god because the dawkins-lite atheist neckbeards annoy you too?
Serious environmentalists? Environmental science is the least rigorous of the sciences and attracts a lot of political types. It is to STEM what Women's Studies is to liberal arts.

Last edited by Jay (2016-12-21 13:13:30)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England
I think the big problem most people on the right have with the environmental movement is how it's been co-opted by the hard left. They go to IOCC and instead of talking about reasonable reductions etc. It's trillion dollar wealth transfers to kleptocrats and national sovereignty subsumed by international bodies. Then there is the fact that even the worst models predict a gentle, gradual change to the environment over many generations, which is plenty of time to build sea walls etc. Instead, they use scare tactics and apocalyptic predictions in order to spur action. I don't deny climate change at all, I just think the hullabaloo is overdone and attempts to lock the climate in stasis are asinine.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think the right's opposition to the environmental movement started when Jimmy Carter suggested American's put on a sweater instead of running the home heater and Ronnie Reagan removed solar panels from the white house on his first day. Ever since then oil companies have used the GOP to scare people into thinking environmentalist were coming for their Ford F-150's and BBQ propane tanks.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think the right's opposition to the environmental movement started when Jimmy Carter suggested American's put on a sweater instead of running the home heater and Ronnie Reagan removed solar panels from the white house on his first day. Ever since then oil companies have used the GOP to scare people into thinking environmentalist were coming for their Ford F-150's and BBQ propane tanks.
The reality is that wealth and energy consumption are inextricably linked. Asking people to go without is the same as asking them to become voluntarily poorer. Raising gas taxes or driving up energy costs will push whichever party that proposes it out of office. See: lame duck New Jersey government.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

I dislike them because most of them are vehemently anti-science hippies that are closer to religious zealots than rational human beings.
total red herring. most environmentalists are serious scientists, for instance researchers in the field with tenure at top universities.

do you believe in god because the dawkins-lite atheist neckbeards annoy you too?
Serious environmentalists? Environmental science is the least rigorous of the sciences and attracts a lot of political types. It is to STEM what Women's Studies is to liberal arts.
economics is the least rigorous of the pretend sciences and you put a lot of stock in your theories.

can't help but feel you're taking minor quibbles with eco-warriors and the technicalities of environmental science and suggesting a nuke-level solution by rooting for trump and his climate change deniers.

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think the right's opposition to the environmental movement started when Jimmy Carter suggested American's put on a sweater instead of running the home heater and Ronnie Reagan removed solar panels from the white house on his first day. Ever since then oil companies have used the GOP to scare people into thinking environmentalist were coming for their Ford F-150's and BBQ propane tanks.
The reality is that wealth and energy consumption are inextricably linked. Asking people to go without is the same as asking them to become voluntarily poorer. Raising gas taxes or driving up energy costs will push whichever party that proposes it out of office. See: lame duck New Jersey government.
seems a number of advanced wealthy countries in europe can use renewable energy and not be 'poorer'. germany, portugal, the nordic states – all have tremendous records on renewable energy.

https://www.theguardian.com/environment … ergy-alone

guess giving up fossil fuels means voluntarily becoming somalia.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5673|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think the right's opposition to the environmental movement started when Jimmy Carter suggested American's put on a sweater instead of running the home heater and Ronnie Reagan removed solar panels from the white house on his first day. Ever since then oil companies have used the GOP to scare people into thinking environmentalist were coming for their Ford F-150's and BBQ propane tanks.
The reality is that wealth and energy consumption are inextricably linked. Asking people to go without is the same as asking them to become voluntarily poorer. Raising gas taxes or driving up energy costs will push whichever party that proposes it out of office. See: lame duck New Jersey government.
seems a number of advanced wealthy countries in europe can use renewable energy and not be 'poorer'. germany, portugal, the nordic states – all have tremendous records on renewable energy.

https://www.theguardian.com/environment … ergy-alone

guess giving up fossil fuels means voluntarily becoming somalia.
Germany has already basically reached the limit at which solar can go and they've cut back their subsidies tremendously in the past few years. Solar is very good for meeting commercial peak demand loads i.e. noontime energy use, and very poor the rest of the time. In a place like Las Vegas where noontime temperatures can reach 44C, this works, because there is a tremendous demand placed on the system by air conditioners. In a place like Germany, where the average summer temperature is around 19C, there's no air conditioning load to be met so the energy is kind of wasted. Everyone is at work, so the number of lights being used is low. When everyone gets home at night and runs the lights and the stove and the microwave, this is when you would need the solar power to meet residential peak loads, but it is of course, night.

The Germans build very, very good, very high efficient hot water heaters and boilers though. Expensive, but amazing. Couple one of them with a new house built very tightly against thermal infiltration and you have a real recipe for energy savings.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
does the wind stop blowing at night? and you didn't address the point at all. you're making out that to try and change US energy policy would be tantamount to telling everyone to throw their xboxes away and start wearing hemp. whilst america's over-consumption is a national embarrassment, i don't see what it has to do with energy production.

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