SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Finray wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

There was a writer that argued recently that the American right wing at this moment consist of nothing but anger, unhealthy cultural resentment and bitterness at various things. It isn't surprising that the youth wing of the right is indoctrinated on 4chan and other weird internet places while the left recruits youths at festivals, concerts, and rallies. Alt-right is a movement of angry shutins.
define "alt-right"

nobody labels themselves as this because as soon as the phrase was coined, it was lambasted by MSM to consist of 2nd wave neo-nazis.

They literally have sites and subs using the phrase
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

uziq wrote:

the alt-right is literally just a bunch of reddit and 4chan nerds, mostly young white men in western countries who feel 'shut out' from the wealth and prosperity around them. so they cling to these wild conspiracies and hate ideologies. it gives their life meaning. more importantly, it absolves them of responsibility for their lives. your life doesn't suck because you didn't try hard! it sucks because of the metropolitan-liberal system! it sucks because immigrants are taking things that are rightfully yours!

congrats on trying to turn trolling and paranoia into a political view. trump is not your champion, finray, nor is the world going to go into WW3 meltdown in order to prevent him getting elected. take a shave, get a job, stop poisoning yourself with hate-filled /pol/ nonsense.
Nah, my life "sucks" because I made terrible choices.

Trump is no champion. I agree. I got interested in this election cycle due to the DNC emails. I flicked through them myself, and made my own conclusions. Trump is an old fashioned, some may say racist, some may say sexist, some may say bigot. However what he is not is Hillary Clinton.

Beard is on point, I have a job, I read the evidence.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Finray wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

There was a writer that argued recently that the American right wing at this moment consist of nothing but anger, unhealthy cultural resentment and bitterness at various things. It isn't surprising that the youth wing of the right is indoctrinated on 4chan and other weird internet places while the left recruits youths at festivals, concerts, and rallies. Alt-right is a movement of angry shutins.
define "alt-right"

nobody labels themselves as this because as soon as the phrase was coined, it was lambasted by MSM to consist of 2nd wave neo-nazis.

They literally have sites and subs using the phrase … he_donald/

the "alt-right" and the right-leaning 20-30 y/o, mostly male, the_donald, 4/8chan population are two entirely different things
if you read the evidence like with this turkish shooting and conclude that the only explanation can be the shady US govt. and world war III ... i've gotta tell you ... install new evidence-reading firmware.

and i'm sorry, but your mentality of 'anyone but hilary' is the stupidest shit ever. trump is arranging a white house staff of more super-bankers than hilary ever would have kowtowed to. what exactly were you protesting against? the leaked emails revealed that basically hilary and her team were up to basically fuck all. you have to be seriously naive if you think any other political system would have less incriminating emails. the whole paranoid fear of hilary was funny. you guys got duped by the 'alternative' candidate in the same way that UK mongs got duped by farage and his 'for the people' UKIP. yeah, a merchant banker representing the people. how are you so dumb?
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

uziq wrote:

if you read the evidence like with this turkish shooting and conclude that the only explanation can be the shady US govt. and world war III ... i've gotta tell you ... install new evidence-reading firmware.

and i'm sorry, but your mentality of 'anyone but hilary' is the stupidest shit ever. trump is arranging a white house staff of more super-bankers than hilary ever would have kowtowed to. what exactly were you protesting against? the leaked emails revealed that basically hilary and her team were up to basically fuck all. you have to be seriously naive if you think any other political system would have less incriminating emails. the whole paranoid fear of hilary was funny. you guys got duped by the 'alternative' candidate in the same way that UK mongs got duped by farage and his 'for the people' UKIP. yeah, a merchant banker representing the people. how are you so dumb?

ugh, do I really have to go dig up all this shit again?

It was not "basically fuck all", it was widespread corruption, through and through. She's a snake, and only wanted to be president to go down as the first woman prez of the USA. She didn't give a fuck about the american people and was only in it for herself and her cronies.

Trump at least gives the impression of patriotism, whether or not that's actually true remains to be seen. But a chance of being a corrupt snake is better than a definite corrupt snake.

Roll on the 2nd referendum.

PS that isn't my only conclusion, please note the adjective "spiciest", implying there are more options.

Last edited by Finray (2016-12-19 12:19:10)
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
Personally, I find myself more aligned with Gary Johnson's policies. I think he would have been better than Trump. I also think Bernie could have been better than Trump, had the DNC not shot themselves in the foot by rigging the primaries to let Hillary win.

But someone who polls at single-digit figures, and someone else who didn't even make it into the final leg of the race due to his OWN parties corruption, does not a president make.

Last edited by Finray (2016-12-19 12:27:50)
you've gotta know that when you rock up to a forum an hour after a shooting spouting all this stuff about trump and world war 3, people are going to think you've been drinking the kool aid from the internet's worst cesspits.

Finray wrote:

It was not "basically fuck all", it was widespread corruption, through and through. She's a snake, and only wanted to be president to go down as the first woman prez of the USA. She didn't give a fuck about the american people and was only in it for herself and her cronies.
and ya this is exactly what i mean when i say you guys are dumb as fuck. so credulous. as if trump isn't corrupt and a phony. hint: you can be a lot more corrupt and a lot more shady in business with nowhere near as much scrutiny as in politics. trump has gotten away with underhand shit for his whole life.

and i'm really looking forward to seeing how a billionaire who inherited his wealth and has never left a gold-plated penthouse in manhattan is going to look after all those miners in virginia. really intrigued.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I honest to god don't understand the strength and patriotism people see in Trump. As long as I can remember, Trump was always a trashy New Yorker who went bankrupt a lot and had crappy hair. The guy was a cultural punching bag that managed to slither into the white house because he made uneducated white people feel good about themselves.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America

Finray wrote:

uziq wrote:

if you read the evidence like with this turkish shooting and conclude that the only explanation can be the shady US govt. and world war III ... i've gotta tell you ... install new evidence-reading firmware.

and i'm sorry, but your mentality of 'anyone but hilary' is the stupidest shit ever. trump is arranging a white house staff of more super-bankers than hilary ever would have kowtowed to. what exactly were you protesting against? the leaked emails revealed that basically hilary and her team were up to basically fuck all. you have to be seriously naive if you think any other political system would have less incriminating emails. the whole paranoid fear of hilary was funny. you guys got duped by the 'alternative' candidate in the same way that UK mongs got duped by farage and his 'for the people' UKIP. yeah, a merchant banker representing the people. how are you so dumb?

ugh, do I really have to go dig up all this shit again?

It was not "basically fuck all", it was widespread corruption, through and through. She's a snake, and only wanted to be president to go down as the first woman prez of the USA. She didn't give a fuck about the american people and was only in it for herself and her cronies.

Trump at least gives the impression of patriotism, whether or not that's actually true remains to be seen. But a chance of being a corrupt snake is better than a definite corrupt snake.

Roll on the 2nd referendum.

PS that isn't my only conclusion, please note the adjective "spiciest", implying there are more options.
I would say you've been reading too much right-of center news. I don't know how you can claim Clinton is "only in it for herself and her cronies" with a straight face as though Trump is not. I supported Sanders in the pimaries, and Clinton did seem to have an advantage from party officials, but to call them "rigged" borders on irresponsible. Patriotism to Republicans these days is all about wearing a flag pin on your lapel. Trump himself has espoused things fundamentally at odds with American ideals, and Republicans in general do the same with their desire to punish flag burning, for example.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

DesertFox- wrote:

I would say you've been reading too much right-of center news. I don't know how you can claim Clinton is "only in it for herself and her cronies" with a straight face as though Trump is not. I supported Sanders in the pimaries, and Clinton did seem to have an advantage from party officials, but to call them "rigged" borders on irresponsible. Patriotism to Republicans these days is all about wearing a flag pin on your lapel. Trump himself has espoused things fundamentally at odds with American ideals, and Republicans in general do the same with their desire to punish flag burning, for example.

Finray wrote:

Trump at least gives the impression of patriotism, whether or not that's actually true remains to be seen. But a chance of being a corrupt snake is better than a definite corrupt snake.
also … ct_of_2005

The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced in the United States Senate at the 109th United States Congress on October 24, 2005, by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) and co-sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton

the alt-right overidentify with trump despite all the apparent flaws because he essentially props up their repressed and thwarted fantasies. he's in the 1%, he has his way with women, nothing in life has ever challenged him. they see an old guy saying ignorant shit and see an excuse to stay under a rock being ignorant for the rest of their lives, too. it's a celebration and triumphalism of stupid. people who want a complex world and social structure boiled down to memes and upvote-worthy reddit wisdom. balding smug faggots and intellectual halfwits.

i'm willing to bet money finray thinks that milo guy is a swell dude.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
Milo is over-provocative, and leans on his homosexuality way too much. His message is good but the way he goes about it is repugnant.
does milo have anything like a 'message'? guy has contradicted himself and u-turned so many times. just another pathological narcissist who likes attention.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
I like his opinion on 3rd wave feminism
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
stefan molyneux is where it's at now
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7004|United States of America

Finray wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I would say you've been reading too much right-of center news. I don't know how you can claim Clinton is "only in it for herself and her cronies" with a straight face as though Trump is not. I supported Sanders in the pimaries, and Clinton did seem to have an advantage from party officials, but to call them "rigged" borders on irresponsible. Patriotism to Republicans these days is all about wearing a flag pin on your lapel. Trump himself has espoused things fundamentally at odds with American ideals, and Republicans in general do the same with their desire to punish flag burning, for example.

Finray wrote:

Trump at least gives the impression of patriotism, whether or not that's actually true remains to be seen. But a chance of being a corrupt snake is better than a definite corrupt snake.
also … ct_of_2005

The Flag Protection Act of 2005 was a proposed United States federal law introduced in the United States Senate at the 109th United States Congress on October 24, 2005, by Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) and co-sponsored by Senator Hillary Clinton

I don't know how that changes anything I've said. Read the NYT page linked at the bottom of the Wiki article. I never said Clinton would be my first, second, third, or fourth choice for president, but wherever she falls on the list is still miles ahead of the likes of Mr. Trump.

Finray wrote:

I like his opinion on 3rd wave feminism
i don't think you have to visit /pol/ or be some trump-supporting pepe the frog toting idiot to say that third-wave feminism is a bit much.

this is the intellectual vacuity of the current right wing. you take a tiny and obvious point of principle and extrapolate it and use it as a justification for all the rest of your ugly politics.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
but you said Republicans adopt things at odds with American ideals, when democratic members did the exact same.

Trump may (probably is) in it for himself and his cronies, however he already has wealth (however he got it is kinda irrelevant), is handing over the operations of his business, and foregoing a presidential salary.

Makes it more likely he's not than Hillary. Not definitely, but more of a chance.
i think you are a little too focused on trump as a person anyway. look at his staff and who he is surrounding himself with. the political apparatchiks. they are going to be the people dictating policy to the civil service employees, staffers and diplomats in washington. they are going to be steering the ship. and all of them make hillary look moderate and reasonable.


what's going on?

did america just plant a lorry driver in a berlin articulated lorry in a last chance effort to build more NATO bases in europe before trump gets in?!?!?!?!?

someone should call PUTIN and let him know the grave threat!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am still shocked as to where this whole right wing groundswell came from. I am living here in the NYC area and see things changing for the better and society become more open/friendly and imagined it was happening everywhere else in the U.S. I wasn't trolling when I said those tranny teens looked like normal people you would see on the street in Manhattan on a friday afternoon. It is hard to understand what it is about the local culture that I am used to that makes people in other parts of the country go rabid.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black

uziq wrote:



what's going on?

did america just plant a lorry driver in a berlin articulated lorry in a last chance effort to build more NATO bases in europe before trump gets in?!?!?!?!?

someone should call PUTIN and let him know the grave threat!
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6107|Catherine Black
German police ask people to "not spread rumours"

(it was muslim extremists)
finray you are such an edgelord. you truly speak truth to power. you must save us from ourselves and help us recognise the great muslim threat.

Last edited by uziq (2016-12-19 14:34:36)

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