quelle surprise, jay thinks waiting tables is a sensible thing to do in your 20s cause ... it's what he did. i'd rather be working for the government and using my knowledge from graduate school. a salaried job with actual responsibility doesn't equal a life sentence. he can sit pretty in that role whilst he figures stuff out and his resume will look good.Jay wrote:
It's not a good career, but it's fun when you're in your mid twenties and have no responsibilities. I averaged about $100/night cash and we'd go drinking afterwards most nights because we had nowhere to be until the following afternoon. What the government saw was someone making $3.50/hour and claiming $20 in tips. I'd take salary statistics for cash jobs with a grain of salt.SuperJail Warden wrote:
the job is exhausting and the pay is not consistent. most often they are worried about putting in extra time to make ends meet. they go home without the energy to party unless you count hitting a bong or taking an oxy as partying.
The classic struggling single mom usually works the lunch shift so she can be with her kids at night and makes shit because the bills are a lot smaller. It royally sucks to be in their position.
It's not a sensible thing to do, it's just one of many paths. The sensible thing to do is start your career fresh out of school and work your way up the ladder while saving for retirement. It's also boring and is the leading cause of midlife crisis and burnout. He can do what he wants, if I had a do-over I just personally wouldn't want to be chained down in my twenties when the only thing I know is what I learned in college.uziq wrote:
quelle surprise, jay thinks waiting tables is a sensible thing to do in your 20s cause ... it's what he did. i'd rather be working for the government and using my knowledge from graduate school. a salaried job with actual responsibility doesn't equal a life sentence. he can sit pretty in that role whilst he figures stuff out and his resume will look good.Jay wrote:
It's not a good career, but it's fun when you're in your mid twenties and have no responsibilities. I averaged about $100/night cash and we'd go drinking afterwards most nights because we had nowhere to be until the following afternoon. What the government saw was someone making $3.50/hour and claiming $20 in tips. I'd take salary statistics for cash jobs with a grain of salt.SuperJail Warden wrote:
the job is exhausting and the pay is not consistent. most often they are worried about putting in extra time to make ends meet. they go home without the energy to party unless you count hitting a bong or taking an oxy as partying.
The classic struggling single mom usually works the lunch shift so she can be with her kids at night and makes shit because the bills are a lot smaller. It royally sucks to be in their position.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
he did english at college not a one-job-one-career-for-life degree. he can explore as many graduate-level career paths as he wants and it won't really harm him. he can go teach in asia/south america and it won't hurt his prospects. a decent white-collar job with a good salary and benefits is not a bad way to spend your 20s. i would never work in catering no matter what. that is for peasants.
Well, you're a snob... so... shrug.uziq wrote:
he did english at college not a one-job-one-career-for-life degree. he can explore as many graduate-level career paths as he wants and it won't really harm him. he can go teach in asia/south america and it won't hurt his prospects. a decent white-collar job with a good salary and benefits is not a bad way to spend your 20s. i would never work in catering no matter what. that is for peasants.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
i'm not sure it's called snobbery to consider waitressing a waste of time when you've got two degrees ... i think most people would consider that as failure.
Agreed. 20's is a setp up for your life but it's all very flexible. Hell, I'm 35 with fuck all in savings living in an uber expensive city but I've finally got into the best job I've had with large earning potential, awesome company, great colleagues and something I really see myself doing for the long term. It'll all work out.uziq wrote:
i really wouldn't sweat it. one of the best pieces of career advice i ever got was from a professor who told me 'do whatever you want during your 20s, try everything and anything you want and don't sweat it if something doesn't work out or click for you. people spend a lot of time worrying in their 20s about a career, whereas things tend to fall into place one way or another anyway'. he took his undergrad at cambridge and didn't bother going back for postgrad until he was in his 30s. he ended up as a professor at one of the better schools in the uk/world for his field.
took a lot of pressure off me and made me realise that you don't have to have everything lined up and locked in by 25. and if you do, you won't necessarily be any happier or richer for it, anyway. the world of careers and work has changed and everything is much more fluid now.
Just travel, try a few things, if it doesn't work it's no biggie. Better get it out of your system when you're young than have a midlife crisis when you're 40 and realised you didn't do all that stuff when you didn't have any commitments.
Fuck you all.Jaekus wrote:
than have a midlife crisis when you're 40 and realised you didn't do all that stuff when you didn't have any commitments.
Fuck Israel
defo, that's half the reason why I bought a ludicrously impractical car when I was 25 - better to get it out of my system now than when i'm a balding middle aged fella trying to hold on to my youth (though knowing me I'll probably still do that...)Dilbert_X wrote:
Jaekus wrote:
than have a midlife crisis when you're 40 and realised you didn't do all that stuff when you didn't have any commitments.
I think it's natural to feel like the walls are closing in but things have a way of working out, (or not) but it's half chance anyway so no point worrying about it. Just have fun!
Why are you taking that personally dilbs? x

Oh, rub it in why don't you.Dauntless wrote:
when i'm a balding middle aged fella trying to hold on to my youth
We are no longer friends.
Fuck Israel
Refurbished the headlights on my car, they were yellowed and scratched.
Now my Subaru can see again.
Now my Subaru can see again.
Fuck Israel
You would drive a car marketed to lesbians...
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Uhhh.....pparently Jay thinks the entire range of Subaru is marketed to lesbians. More at 11.
Erm, OK dude.Jay wrote:
You would drive a car marketed to lesbians...

Fuck Israel
errrrrm. i'm not a car guy but i'm pretty sure subarus come in two flavours: bright-coloured, heavily spoilered rally cars-lite for middle-managers having mid-life crises who want to buy a car whose dump valve will 'impreza' the girls ... and everyday tough cars for the australian outback. subaru is basically like a one-identity car brand.Jay wrote:
You would drive a car marketed to lesbians...
i am curious what car you identify with in your thwarted blue-stains-showing-through-cheap-white-collar identity. does your wife want to import a mini?
Last edited by uziq (2016-12-30 02:57:55)
jay is just parroting something e read on slate.com
Outward Explainer: What’s With Lesbians and Subarus?
http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2014 … sters.html
Outward Explainer: What’s With Lesbians and Subarus?
http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2014 … sters.html

can definitely say that identity has no purchase in the european market of subarus. and afaik the aussie market is pretty much for workhorse outdoors vehicles. i guess in america where every highway is half a mile wide and every turn a perpendicular, your car merely becomes a lifestyle choice and a contrivance of PR and advertising.
Last edited by uziq (2016-12-30 03:03:10)
in other news i'm spending NYE with my NYorker gf in a tiny pub in rural england, a bottle of nice wine and a lot of time to stare into those big gorgeous eyes.
i think i'm growing up. this time last year i was living in london's most exclusive residential tower having long and biologically complex drug-and-sex binges with a hong kong heiress. am i calming in old age?
i think i'm growing up. this time last year i was living in london's most exclusive residential tower having long and biologically complex drug-and-sex binges with a hong kong heiress. am i calming in old age?
Well, the majority of Australians live in suburban areas, but AWD is handy for those occasional excursions, I do go up dirt roads a couple of times a week and I'm fucked if I'm buying a Jeep.
Fuck Israel
I wouldn't buy a car without AWD. They are almost a necessity for winter when you have to try to get your car out from under snow.
Anyway, when I think of Subarus, I think of teens and college students who get Subarus STIs and destroy them with poor mods. Lesbians is the last thing I think of.
Anyway, when I think of Subarus, I think of teens and college students who get Subarus STIs and destroy them with poor mods. Lesbians is the last thing I think of.

Why would anyone live somewhere it snows?
Fuck Israel
the only place it doesn't snow in the u.s. is California and trump country. i rather shovel than live in jesus land

I hadn't read the slate article, but what they wrote is true. The brand is heavily marketed to lesbians, at least in America. My brother has a souped up WRX that he loves, but it's a different animal than an outback or forester.SuperJail Warden wrote:
jay is just parroting something e read on slate.com
Outward Explainer: What’s With Lesbians and Subarus?
http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2014 … sters.html
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
This was like the 4th item down on my FB feed this morning. What witchcraft you pullin', Jay?
I had a transguy coworker who drove a Subaru SUV. Not quite the same as lesbian unless you're somewhere he's still legally considered a woman.