January 1st will make 7 years without a cigarette. Quit cold turkey too.

Algorithm has 10 cigs a day at $8 for 7 years.Jay wrote:
7 years and only ten grand? You were smoking like 5 cigs a day. Meh
Much better than wasting it on cancer. Well done mate.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Banked it. I am pretty frugal
Last edited by uziq (2016-12-09 15:39:51)
I was going to say something, but then I remembered that if I criticise another man's vices then Zeus himself will send the thunderbolt which smashes me into a million pieces.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
coke we got in mexico was so fucking bad. Refused to do it. Looked like chopped glass. Was probably speed mixed with powdered baby formula and a touch of cocaine.
What gun do you use when you hunt hookers through the Australian outback? What happens to the ones who escape?Dilbert_X wrote:
I was going to say something, but then I remembered that if I criticise another man's vices then Zeus himself will send the thunderbolt which smashes me into a million pieces.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
coke we got in mexico was so fucking bad. Refused to do it. Looked like chopped glass. Was probably speed mixed with powdered baby formula and a touch of cocaine.
KetamineSuperJail Warden wrote:
Going to see a Bonobo set in Brooklyn on the 29th. 10 PM-4AM. What drug should I take?
Kill not only my myself, but my progeny? I mean, sometimes going nuclear is a solid move, but can we really gamble the future on a feeling? Mac, you're a particularly astute student of life, what would you do?SuperJail Warden wrote:
Get a vasectomy