Shahter wrote:
Dilbert_X wrote:
Who is anybody kidding?
If Trump won the popular vote but lost the electrical college tubby pin-heads with AR15s would be occupying government buildings across America while Trump pouted and whined until he got his way.
very likely. but you know what liberals would be doing if that happened? appealing to constitution, founding fathers, and allah knows what else. macbeth there would be frothing at the mouth explaining to everybody how electoral college was the unique american way of running democracy.
you are a fucking dumbass. Your replies are basically 'lol democracy
but you actually are a dumbass. Probs stick to Russian politics. American conservatives are traditionally the group that holds up constitution, founding fathers values', etc. And if Trump won the popular vote but lost the electoral college, liberals would be CELEBRATING because that meant Trump wouldn't be president. You. Fucking. Imbecile.
If you are gonna try to get slick little digs at the notion of American Exceptionalism, at least make sure you know what you're saying.