… index.htmlA former ISIS sex slave urged Congress Tuesday to more aggressively fight the terror group and offered her condolences for the massacre in Orlando, saying she's not surprised by it.
Nadia Murad, a Yazidi who escaped captivity in 2014, told the Senate Homeland Security committee that "the USA must act. We must terminate Daesh (ISIS) and all such terror."
"Daesh will not give up their weapons unless we force them to give up their weapons," she testified, with the assistance of a translator. "The Yazidi people cannot wait."
Murad called on the U.S. and other countries "to establish a safe and protected zone for Iraqi and Syrian religious minorities," which President Barack Obama has repeatedly rejected.
I'm glad this woman is so brave to come forward with her story. She is 100% correct. We need to provide a safe zone in Syria and Iraq.
We need to send troops into Syria to carve out an area from ISIS. We can then fill it with trained and armed refugees so that they can manage and protect their land. We can then resettle refugees in this area. We need to defend it from ISIS and the SAA.
This will be costly and hard but I am willing to bare the cost. The USA must act to prevent more atrocities like the ones ISIS and Assad are committing.