SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


SuperJail Warden wrote:

I am not anti-Semitic. I am anti-Bernie. If you can't tell the difference, that is on you.

I have yet to hear one good reason he shouldn't drop out of the race. Got one, Bernie Bots?
to affect change at the Democratic Convention.  Technically the delegates he won are his until they vote on an official nominee, so he does have the ability to somewhat steer the discussion of future party platform at the Democratic Convention.

That's the logic.  You know this, but your virulent hatred for the guy clouds rational thought for you, it seems.  You're literally following the Trump (read: ignorant) playbook by resorting to insults when describing someone you loathe.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

good old whataboutism. bernie is obviously not the man he presented himself to be. of course a jewish family would commit bank fraud.
Mac "i'm not anti-semitic" beth
I thought you were pretty sharp. I am very disappointed you drank so much of the Sanders cool-aid.

The changes he wanted for the DNC are: New leadership in the DNC, Elimination of superdelegates, Same day registration for voting, and Open primaries. Those are not useful changes. All he is doing is furthering the narrative that he was robbed of his moment and is pushing for reforms that he thinks would have won him the primary. It goes to show you how empty the talk of his political revolution was if his demands to step aside are just reforms to how the president is chosen. Piss poor reforms.

It is all about his ego at this point.
I am all that is MOD!

those are systematic changes to the primary electoral process he is advocating for, yes.  They aren't the only changes he wants.  He is trying to push a more progressive platform to the Democratic Party.  This has been a loud message for at least two weeks.

Both Repub and Demo primary processes have changed more than once in the last 50 years.  It's really just a matter of what the respective parties want to make sure no rogues (like Bernie and Trump now, or someone like George McGovern in the 70's) make it to the nominee stage.  Of course he wants those changes - it would give someone like him a higher likelihood of winning the nomination. 

I didn't drink the Sanders kool-aid - I support someone who has 50+ years of backing up words with action.  I don't support someone who says whatever they need to in order to win vote shares without demonstrating action on those words.  Many of my issues with American economic and political realities are in line with what Sanders fights for.  It's weird to me to think that despite you knowing very well what my particular gripes are and what Bernie advocates for, you still refer to me as a Bernie bot or whatever.  Of course I am - I've been arguing the same stuff he has for 10 years on this forum - and I really think economic stratification, wild west capitalism and with the evolution of politics for sale to the highest bidder are the most important issues facing America today.  I'll tell you some that aren't - Syria, Libya and ISIS.

The reality is I value action, you value rhetoric.  I learned through many failed romantic relationships that actions speak louder than words for me.  You probably have a different life experience that allows you to trust what people say without them demonstrating true conviction.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
He likes hillary for two reasons: 1) she will bomb people and he can continue jacking off to pictures of corpses and 2) he automatically opposes anything popular among his peers (probably as a self defense mechanism due to repeated rejections socially).
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


those are systematic changes to the primary electoral process he is advocating for, yes.  They aren't the only changes he wants.  He is trying to push a more progressive platform to the Democratic Party.  This has been a loud message for at least two weeks.

Both Repub and Demo primary processes have changed more than once in the last 50 years.  It's really just a matter of what the respective parties want to make sure no rogues (like Bernie and Trump now, or someone like George McGovern in the 70's) make it to the nominee stage.  Of course he wants those changes - it would give someone like him a higher likelihood of winning the nomination. 

I didn't drink the Sanders kool-aid - I support someone who has 50+ years of backing up words with action.  I don't support someone who says whatever they need to in order to win vote shares without demonstrating action on those words.  Many of my issues with American economic and political realities are in line with what Sanders fights for.  It's weird to me to think that despite you knowing very well what my particular gripes are and what Bernie advocates for, you still refer to me as a Bernie bot or whatever.  Of course I am - I've been arguing the same stuff he has for 10 years on this forum - and I really think economic stratification, wild west capitalism and with the evolution of politics for sale to the highest bidder are the most important issues facing America today.  I'll tell you some that aren't - Syria, Libya and ISIS.

The reality is I value action, you value rhetoric.  I learned through many failed romantic relationships that actions speak louder than words for me.  You probably have a different life experience that allows you to trust what people say without them demonstrating true conviction.
He mentioned nothing about progressive changes in the platform when he had the chance. I mean he said something about giving working class a voice but that isn't concrete. That isn't a policy goal you can put to work like something regarding education reform and changes. He basically just listed things in the primary that up set him. Not good.

"We need a person at the leadership at the DNC who is vigorously supporting and out working to bring people into the political process," Sanders said, before stressing the need for "the most progressive platform ever passed by the Democratic Party. A platform which makes it crystal clear that the Democratic Party is on the side of working people."

The Vermont senator called for replacing Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, enabling open primaries so non-registered Democrats can vote, and better staffing to prevent long lines and difficulty being able to vote. Sanders pointed to Arizona, where both Democratic and Republican officials denounced the long lines and fewer polling stations available in the March 22 primary. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won that contest.

"How many people simply gave up their right to vote — gave up their right to vote and walked away," Sanders said. "We are taking for granted that in California it will take weeks for votes to be counted and I'm not sure the votes have yet been counted in Puerto Rico." … z4BhTRhEo0

What has Sanders accomplished in his 50 years in government?. Can you give me a few bills or major changes he had enacted? I can't recall any. He has been on the fringe getting nothing done for 50 years. That isn't something to be proud of. Getting nothing done but remaining pure or whatever.

Bernie is nothing but talk He doesn't even know the details of how he is going to do things like "break up the banks". Hillary puts out detailed plans for things. Bernie doesn't. … mmunities/

Do I like her as a human? Eh. Does she know what she is talking about and has detailed ways to get it done? Yes. Does she have high levels of accomplishment and connections in government. Yes. Bernie has neither.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

He likes hillary for two reasons: 1) she will bomb people and he can continue jacking off to pictures of corpses and 2) he automatically opposes anything popular among his peers (probably as a self defense mechanism due to repeated rejections socially).
Pictures? Pff I only watch the good shit. HD video straight from Syrian and Iraqi battlefields I have seen so much, I am practically a veteran at this point.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2016-06-15 19:32:14)
I am all that is MOD!
+2,985|6940|949 … 71331.html

Sanders is pushing for his policy views to be included in the party's platform and wants the party to become more inclusive of independent and working-class voters. … story.html

Sen. Bernie Sanders was given unprecedented say over the Democratic Party platform Monday in a move party leaders hope will soothe a bitter split with backers of the longshot challenger to Hillary Clinton — and Sanders immediately used his new power to name a well-known advocate for Palestinian rights to help draft Democratic policy.
The senator from Vermont was allowed to choose nearly as many members of the Democratic Party platform-writing body as Clinton, who is expected to clinch the nomination next month. That influence resulted from an agreement worked out this month between the two candidates and party officials, the party announced Monday. … /85826716/

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders called Tuesday for a “fundamental transformation” of the Democratic Party that would include new leadership at the Democratic National Committee, electoral reform and a progressive agenda that makes it "crystal clear" Democrats stand with working people and the poor.
Do you understand you can accomplish things outside of government that give you credentials to work within government?  Was Hillary protesting for civil rights in the 60's?  Was she standing on picket lines in the 2010's?  Does she have a congressional voting record that aligns with her rhetoric?

It's incredible that you say Bernie is nothing but talk when Bernie has literally acted on things that are important to him, whereas Hillary talks about all these things but is firmly in the hands of concentrated capital. 

He does engage in rhetoric - however, I firmly believe he does actually want to "break up the banks".  Sure, who the fuck knows how to do that.  At least he is calling for it.  Hillary talks about putting Wall Street in their place yet takes money from ALL the big financial institutions.  She is a hypocrite at best, and a slimy piece of shit politician who will say anything to grab power at worst.

You are voting for a piece of shit human being.  I hope you can sleep at night knowing that.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America
In quickly just browsing his Wikipedia article, I see his first elected office was in 1980, so the "50 years in government" isn't quite so. You may also be surprised to learn that most congressmen or senators are not wholly responsible for large-scale sweeping legislation. A legislators legacy is their votes for good things that pass and against bad things that are avoided. He's not exactly on the fringe if he votes with most Democrats almost all of the time. Further, it's hard to have a "fringe" for what amounts to "yes" or "no" decision on bills. You'd have a pretty hard time making a case for most members of Congress to run for the presidency based on things they accomplished alone during their time in office.

If you want to see a smattering of achievements, you can read the wiki. If you want something more in-depth, search through his votes in Congress since 1990 on one of the policy search engines on your own.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

DesertFox- wrote:

In quickly just browsing his Wikipedia article, I see his first elected office was in 1980, so the "50 years in government" isn't quite so. You may also be surprised to learn that most congressmen or senators are not wholly responsible for large-scale sweeping legislation. A legislators legacy is their votes for good things that pass and against bad things that are avoided. He's not exactly on the fringe if he votes with most Democrats almost all of the time. Further, it's hard to have a "fringe" for what amounts to "yes" or "no" decision on bills. You'd have a pretty hard time making a case for most members of Congress to run for the presidency based on things they accomplished alone during their time in office.

If you want to see a smattering of achievements, you can read the wiki. If you want something more in-depth, search through his votes in Congress since 1990 on one of the policy search engines on your own.
tl;dr: nothing. thanks for that.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2016-06-15 20:05:19)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


Sanders is pushing for his policy views to be included in the party's platform and wants the party to become more inclusive of independent and working-class voters. … story.html

Sen. Bernie Sanders was given unprecedented say over the Democratic Party platform Monday in a move party leaders hope will soothe a bitter split with backers of the longshot challenger to Hillary Clinton — and Sanders immediately used his new power to name a well-known advocate for Palestinian rights to help draft Democratic policy.
The senator from Vermont was allowed to choose nearly as many members of the Democratic Party platform-writing body as Clinton, who is expected to clinch the nomination next month. That influence resulted from an agreement worked out this month between the two candidates and party officials, the party announced Monday. … /85826716/

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders called Tuesday for a “fundamental transformation” of the Democratic Party that would include new leadership at the Democratic National Committee, electoral reform and a progressive agenda that makes it "crystal clear" Democrats stand with working people and the poor.
Do you understand you can accomplish things outside of government that give you credentials to work within government?  Was Hillary protesting for civil rights in the 60's?  Was she standing on picket lines in the 2010's?  Does she have a congressional voting record that aligns with her rhetoric?

It's incredible that you say Bernie is nothing but talk when Bernie has literally acted on things that are important to him, whereas Hillary talks about all these things but is firmly in the hands of concentrated capital. 

He does engage in rhetoric - however, I firmly believe he does actually want to "break up the banks".  Sure, who the fuck knows how to do that.  At least he is calling for it.  Hillary talks about putting Wall Street in their place yet takes money from ALL the big financial institutions.  She is a hypocrite at best, and a slimy piece of shit politician who will say anything to grab power at worst.

You are voting for a piece of shit human being.  I hope you can sleep at night knowing that.
Everything you linked was in that text i quote before. A lot of talk but no ideas beyond what he said about changing the process.

The Senate Leader of the GOP was marching with MLK. That isn't an accomplishment worth noting at this point. What did Bernie even do for the blacks? I don't know. Fill me in?

Can you point out specific things he did in congress besides voting with the Ds? Fox couldn't. Can you?

Your best argument for Bernie is that he isn't Hillary. That is basically his campaign though so I don't blame you.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America

SuperJail Warden wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

In quickly just browsing his Wikipedia article, I see his first elected office was in 1980, so the "50 years in government" isn't quite so. You may also be surprised to learn that most congressmen or senators are not wholly responsible for large-scale sweeping legislation. A legislators legacy is their votes for good things that pass and against bad things that are avoided. He's not exactly on the fringe if he votes with most Democrats almost all of the time. Further, it's hard to have a "fringe" for what amounts to "yes" or "no" decision on bills. You'd have a pretty hard time making a case for most members of Congress to run for the presidency based on things they accomplished alone during their time in office.

If you want to see a smattering of achievements, you can read the wiki. If you want something more in-depth, search through his votes in Congress since 1990 on one of the policy search engines on your own.
tl;dr: nothing. thanks for that.
It's not my job to do your own research, especially if you've already decided on your conclusions. You can't even be bothered to read a biographic article in which you would find the information for which you are looking.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Can you point out specific things he did in congress besides voting with the Ds? Fox couldn't. Can you?
What specific things are you looking for? His name without a co-sponsor on a piece of legislation you'd recognize that was passed and drastically altered the country? I will save your time on that one and point out it doesn't exist. You probably couldn't find a similar bill for that checks all those boxes from Clinton during her time in Congress. Your white whale is ridiculous.

Last edited by DesertFox- (2016-06-15 21:10:51)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

DesertFox- wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

In quickly just browsing his Wikipedia article, I see his first elected office was in 1980, so the "50 years in government" isn't quite so. You may also be surprised to learn that most congressmen or senators are not wholly responsible for large-scale sweeping legislation. A legislators legacy is their votes for good things that pass and against bad things that are avoided. He's not exactly on the fringe if he votes with most Democrats almost all of the time. Further, it's hard to have a "fringe" for what amounts to "yes" or "no" decision on bills. You'd have a pretty hard time making a case for most members of Congress to run for the presidency based on things they accomplished alone during their time in office.

If you want to see a smattering of achievements, you can read the wiki. If you want something more in-depth, search through his votes in Congress since 1990 on one of the policy search engines on your own.
tl;dr: nothing. thanks for that.
It's not my job to do your own research, especially if you've already decided on your conclusions. You can't even be bothered to read a biographic article in which you would find the information for which you are looking.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Can you point out specific things he did in congress besides voting with the Ds? Fox couldn't. Can you?
What specific things are you looking for? His name without a co-sponsor on a piece of legislation you'd recognize that was passed and drastically altered the country? I will save your time on that one and point out it doesn't exist. You probably couldn't find a similar bill for that checks all those boxes from Clinton during her time in Congress. Your white whale is ridiculous.
I checked his wiki. He spent 25 years in Congress compared to Clinton's 8 and has about the same level of accomplishment. He actually was on less subcommittees than Clinton in fact. In a way, Clinton was more productive in a shorter time. Your magic Jew has done very limit besides give speeches and be a loon.

Macbeth wrote:

"I'm not anti-semetic, but magic Jew this, <slur> that."
You make it too easy.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Guys, the discussion is over, a gay muslim has handed the election to Trump.
Fuck Israel
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

Dilbert_X wrote:

Guys, the discussion is over, a gay muslim has handed the election to Trump.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So, does Trump realise he has won the nomination and now needs to shift to the centre to win the actual election?

You can't double down on stupid and expect to win the presidency.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Also, half the population is below average intelligence - Trump is counting on the stupid vote.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2016-06-20 05:17:38)

Fuck Israel
the west is a fading star. we've entered the political senescence of the 'protest vote'. as we lose our concrete grip economically, we're going to get more and more excrescences like this as the people get increasingly shifty and frustrated. politics is no longer about vision, ideals, or even solid policy. it's now about futile gestures and emotionalism.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

the west is a fading star. we've entered the political senescence of the 'protest vote'. as we lose our concrete grip economically, we're going to get more and more excrescences like this as the people get increasingly shifty and frustrated. politics is no longer about vision, ideals, or even solid policy. it's now about futile gestures and emotionalism.
That sounds like all of the loser liberals voting third party because Bernie didn't win.
Go Cougs!
+695|6599|Washington St.
mac, come tuesday in november I was going to make an educated decision on who to vote for based on my beliefs.

but now I pretty much just want to write-in Bernie to piss you off.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

uziq wrote:

the west is a fading star. we've entered the political senescence of the 'protest vote'. as we lose our concrete grip economically, we're going to get more and more excrescences like this as the people get increasingly shifty and frustrated. politics is no longer about vision, ideals, or even solid policy. it's now about futile gestures and emotionalism.
That sounds like all of the loser liberals voting third party because Bernie didn't win.
bernie or trump, they're both alternatives to a perceived establishment, aren't they?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

pirana6 wrote:

mac, come tuesday in november I was going to make an educated decision on who to vote for based on my beliefs.

but now I pretty much just want to write-in Bernie to piss you off.
Quoted for history. You just won yourself a spot in the Clinton Clinical Concentration Camp
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America
I find it strange that people have called Sanders an outsider, when he has been in Congress for over two decades. He's a bit different from your run-of-the-mill Democrat or Republican who you could paint as the privileged government worker hobnobbing with wealthy bankers and businessmen, but he's still very much a part of the "establishment". Contrasted with Trump, who has never held a public office, it seems a very big difference.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

uziq wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

uziq wrote:

the west is a fading star. we've entered the political senescence of the 'protest vote'. as we lose our concrete grip economically, we're going to get more and more excrescences like this as the people get increasingly shifty and frustrated. politics is no longer about vision, ideals, or even solid policy. it's now about futile gestures and emotionalism.
That sounds like all of the loser liberals voting third party because Bernie didn't win.
bernie or trump, they're both alternatives to a perceived establishment, aren't they?
Yes. Both here and in Europe, it's a soft rebellion against technocracy.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

DesertFox- wrote:

I find it strange that people have called Sanders an outsider, when he has been in Congress for over two decades. He's a bit different from your run-of-the-mill Democrat or Republican who you could paint as the privileged government worker hobnobbing with wealthy bankers and businessmen, but he's still very much a part of the "establishment". Contrasted with Trump, who has never held a public office, it seems a very big difference.
well it's no different from Corbyn in the uk – who was an MP way out in the hinterlands of history for decades and now has become the leader of the opposition. protest votes don't mean candidates have to be total outsiders – just not the party line or establishment position, I.e. people with an ordinary chance of winning.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
The most interesting part for me is that its not the average person who is rebelling in this way, its signed up members of the Republican and Democratic parties, you'd think they'd be conservative.

Disapproval of govt and politicians seems to be mainstream now. … z4C5IdvX6C

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2016-06-21 03:33:05)

Fuck Israel

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