Pitched for the first time in almost 7 years at baseball today as relief. Whiffed em all. Became new starter.
Just give me your internet banking passwords and I'll take care of it ASAP.uziq wrote:
can you wire me a couple thou? i will do that for you and send picturesDilbert_X wrote:
Got $30,000 repaid from a debt I never expected to be repaid.
I am certain to not blow it all on coke and hookers would upset the cosmic karma system and possibly set the whole universe out of whack.
Fuck Israel
wow, just went from Dilbert_X to dilbert_the_nigerian, good move . . .
My bday is in a couple weeks Dilbert.
I could be a friend to youDilbert_X wrote:
Just give me your internet banking passwords and I'll take care of it ASAP.uziq wrote:
can you wire me a couple thou? i will do that for you and send picturesDilbert_X wrote:
Got $30,000 repaid from a debt I never expected to be repaid.
I am certain to not blow it all on coke and hookers would upset the cosmic karma system and possibly set the whole universe out of whack.
When I ask for coke what do I ask for?
Are there different kinds?
How much is a good amount?
What is the recovery rate when its sprinkled between a strippers boobs?
Are there different kinds?
How much is a good amount?
What is the recovery rate when its sprinkled between a strippers boobs?
Fuck Israel
For $30,000 you can just buy a wife from a poor Asian country. For a little more you can buy one from Japan or Korea.

Buy a wife? That's like paying for debt.
Fuck Israel
Think of it more as a down-payment on fatherhood.

Have you legitimately considered doing this?SuperJail Warden wrote:
For $30,000 you can just buy a wife from a poor Asian country. For a little more you can buy one from Japan or Korea.
Is that a rhetoric question‽_j5689_ wrote:
Have you legitimately considered doing this?SuperJail Warden wrote:
For $30,000 you can just buy a wife from a poor Asian country. For a little more you can buy one from Japan or Korea.
You never know what somebody will say unless you ask
Some guys will indeed drop 30 Gs for an azn wife
Some guys will indeed drop 30 Gs for an azn wife
I think I will take a Russian bridal service over a Asian bridal service if I really was forced to take such a thing.
Last edited by War Man (2016-05-25 14:07:19)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
If I were to buy a bride it would definitely be from Eastern Europe. I am pretty fond of Polish women. A Polish bride would be harder to control and keep isolated and locked in a closet but the superior genes would be worth it. Much better to show off too.

Sounds to me like you're a free-market hating socialist.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I bet you have a shrine to Marx and pray to it every day.
Fuck Israel
It's a fair exchange between consenting adults. She has goods and services I want and I have the stability and protection she needs.

yes, marriage comes boils down to a simple exchange of goods and services. You are destined to enjoy emotionally fulfilling relationships.
I think you're ignoring the supply/demand equation.
There's nothing more fulfilling than that.
There's nothing more fulfilling than that.
Fuck Israel
if you*re slumming for the lowest common denominator, sure.Dilbert_X wrote:
I think you're ignoring the supply/demand equation.
There's nothing more fulfilling than that.
Found a full deck of Pokemon cards. Not sure what to do with it.

When in doubt masterbate. That's my motto.
Don't aim for the cards though, they might be worth something.
Don't aim for the cards though, they might be worth something.
Shed has a new spider. I think every shed should have spider.
Fuck Israel
Depending on what's in it, you might be able to get some decent money for original 90s cardsSuperJail Warden wrote:
Found a full deck of Pokemon cards. Not sure what to do with it.