President Barack Obama declared to an audience of Argentinian youth that the differences between socialism and capitalism make interesting discussions but, ultimately, they should just do whatever works.
“So often in the past there has been a division between left and right, between capitalists and communists or socialists, and especially in the Americas, that’s been a big debate,” Obama said during a town hall meeting in Buenos Ares.
“Those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical, and just choose from what works,” Obama continued. “You don’t have to worry about whether it neatly fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory. You should just decide what works.” … apitalism/Obama wrote:
You have to be practical in asking yourself: How do you achieve the goals of equality and inclusion, but also recognize the market system produces a lot of wealth and goods and services and innovation and it also gives individuals freedom because they have initiative. Depending on the problem you are trying to solve, depending on the social issues you are trying to address, what works? What you’ll find is the most successful societies and economies are the ones that are rooted in a market-based system but also realize a market does not work by itself. It has to have a social and moral and ethical and community basis. And there has to be inclusion otherwise it is not stable.
Have we ever had a president acknowledge the benefits of some socialist policies? What a big change we have made in just a short amount of time. Obama's time in academia seems to have broadened his views in a way that Bush or Clinton never experienced. It reminds me of Woodrow Wilson's acknowledgment that the American government is built in a ridiculous way compared to the governments of the other great powers while he was the director of Princeton.