bump. i want to hear some genuine ideasSuperJail Warden wrote:
An outright ban on the sale and smoking of cigarettes might not be such a bad idea. Restricting legal access to something does make it more difficult for people to try it and use regularly. The majority of Americans have zero access to LSD or someone who can buy it for them. Can't go to a store and get it. Which is why only 9% of Americans have tried it over a lifetime compared to 18% of Americans who smoke regularly.
I know people will point to prohibition in 1920's as proof that making something illegal will not stop folks from using it but I think there is a difference between alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol gives you an immediate and strong high and causes little body damage compared to cigarettes which really don't provide a high and will start to damage your body immediately. Only 0.4% of Americans smoked meth in the last year and that gives a very strong high but it is well vilified like tobacco.
However much a ban may upset people's idea of freedomâ„¢, getting the regular smoking percentage down from 18% to 10% or 5% will save millions of lives. That is millions of more parents to support their families and millions of more stable households and kids brought up in a good environment. I think we should do it.