what the fuck did i just read.
I think he said Ted for mods.
Ted 4 mod
i will give you points for using the word 'spirochaete' in a drunk post. you know your syphilis, burnzz.
i got a belly full of toes
Burnzz is angling for mod so he can ban everyone in a sloshed pique for his last hurrah. But it may never happen because it would expose all the juicy gossip in his user thread.
and y'all defend the mod. at least uzique understands where i'm coming from.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Burnzz is angling for mod so he can ban everyone in a sloshed pique for his last hurrah. But it may never happen because it would expose all the juicy gossip in his user thread.
i don't always come from a drunk post, but when i do i have syphilis on my mind . . .
Steve-0 wrote:
if it is, i hope you wrap that rascal up - she could be queen of the Hong Kong VHS resurgence attending Hogwarts on her winnings, but i still care for you as a person. i don't want your last post interrupted by a spirochete because you went native with an Asian Queen of the Video Tape Resurgence and pay for it with a vengeful virus that the British left in China oh so many years ago.
Take care yourself silver-tongued devil and put that literary degree to use in your reply. I shall print it for posterity and tell my great-grand children "this is why we left that rain swept isle fourteen generations ago" and know that you'll never visit America. This colony defo doesn't deserve a wordsmith of your calibre, even as the goodwill ambassador of quaint schooling.

Fuck Israel
got a free copy of mary norris's new book, the celebrity copy-editor at the new yorker.
inside it she had written me a personal message wishing me luck with my publishing career.
aw. i want to be an academic mary!
inside it she had written me a personal message wishing me luck with my publishing career.
aw. i want to be an academic mary!
Got approved for a new, better perks, credit card a few days ago. comes in the mail today.
also getting some new spark plugs for the jalopy. things are looking up!
also getting some new spark plugs for the jalopy. things are looking up!
The 2 feet of snow the northeast got is already melting away. Weather is still pretty warm.

I was in Venice and Malibu all weekend. If you were my friend on snapchat you would have seen an amazing story of awesome weather, good hiking and great food. Best octopus I've ever had was on saturday night. Good stuff.
awful way to spend a saturday

ill be in cincinnati next weekend
This should be in the I hate my job threadKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
ill be in cincinnati next weekend
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
has nothing to do with my job. Going there by choice!
Weirdo, were you dared?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
You should shoot guns in RTHKI's backyard and post pictures here.

i have a friend that lives out there and i've been telling him i'm gonna come visit for like 6 months now.
I have no desire to shoot guns in any bf2s member's backyard, except maybe Downy. take it to the gun thread
I have no desire to shoot guns in any bf2s member's backyard, except maybe Downy. take it to the gun thread
You never shot your "gun"?RTHKI wrote:
I've never shot a gun.
that's not a gun, it's a wad trebuchetglobefish23 wrote:
You never shot your "gun"?RTHKI wrote:
I've never shot a gun.
Blacked out last night after the bar and came home and unloaded my dishwasher. Awesome