We can do that if you want
Okay. I look forward to reading your progress.
But, I think we need more people
We need more people.
Add me to steam and I will play a match with you. No hot seat campaign.

my user name is currently DustOff
http://steamcommunity.com/id/m8v2Adams_BJ wrote:
my user name is currently DustOff

So I have started a new Rome II Grand Campaign as the Suebi - a Germanic Tribe. I have never played this civilisation before and looking forward to figuring them out. I am in a precarious starting position, with the Rugii to the north, Gutones to the East and Cherusci to the West. Lugii are also on my Western border and Boii to the south. I start at war with Boii, and not many people like me bar the Lugii. Most of them are of my blood which makes matters harder.
Naturally I head south, and within a few moves have taken both of the Boii Cities and have united the province of Hercynia. Boii is no longer. Both of my Expeditionary Generals have won battles and raised in Rank, as well as my Agemt/ My forces have come to a bit of a standstill due to poor public happiness in Hercynia which requires both armies to stay put for now. My income has also been lowered due to my 2 armies, and I will spend the next few turns trying to establish an economy and try and add to my so far poultry single trade route. I will keep you advised Mac when I return in a couple hours to continue my campaign. You can also be an advisor.
Naturally I head south, and within a few moves have taken both of the Boii Cities and have united the province of Hercynia. Boii is no longer. Both of my Expeditionary Generals have won battles and raised in Rank, as well as my Agemt/ My forces have come to a bit of a standstill due to poor public happiness in Hercynia which requires both armies to stay put for now. My income has also been lowered due to my 2 armies, and I will spend the next few turns trying to establish an economy and try and add to my so far poultry single trade route. I will keep you advised Mac when I return in a couple hours to continue my campaign. You can also be an advisor.
You can trade more than domesticated birds surely...Adams_BJ wrote:
poultry single trade route.
I played a grand total of 2 hours, maybe even less, playing RTW2.
The UI hurts my eyes and the locked console angers me.
I will read your updates though. Maybe even give you a karma.
The UI hurts my eyes and the locked console angers me.
I will read your updates though. Maybe even give you a karma.

Unfortunately not coke. All I have is chickens.
Thanks Mac. I have out my Germanic campaign to the side for now. I'm just not familiar enough with the units to fight with the effectively, and my poor economic situation paired with my high civil unrest in the new province I captured had let to me taking tens of turns almost doing nothing. I will come back to it once I figure it out a little better
I have started a Rome campaign and played a few rounds last night. Much easier starting position however if my last campaign shows signs of what's to come my allies will soon become a nuisance sweeping in and taking advantage of my military powers and getting in the way. I hope to start a Spartan campaign too.
Please advise
Thanks Mac. I have out my Germanic campaign to the side for now. I'm just not familiar enough with the units to fight with the effectively, and my poor economic situation paired with my high civil unrest in the new province I captured had let to me taking tens of turns almost doing nothing. I will come back to it once I figure it out a little better
I have started a Rome campaign and played a few rounds last night. Much easier starting position however if my last campaign shows signs of what's to come my allies will soon become a nuisance sweeping in and taking advantage of my military powers and getting in the way. I hope to start a Spartan campaign too.
Please advise
Buy the DLCAdams_BJ wrote:
Please advise

I would have last night if my bank didn't reject the purchase last night.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Buy the DLCAdams_BJ wrote:
Please advise
I have a copy of this game. Ive never installed it.
Edit: I bought the Total War Master Collection a little while back. Haven't installed most of it.
Edit: I bought the Total War Master Collection a little while back. Haven't installed most of it.
Last edited by Canin (2015-11-25 16:11:32)
Contrary to what mac says Rome 2 is quite good.
So so so so happy that my card got rejected last night, as a sale just started and it is 75% off.
Having much more success with my Spartan Campaign. Haven't moved too much but always feeling like I'm accomplishing something and not stagnant.
Always disappointed me that you couldn't take a Native American faction and revolutionize your own technology in the silliest ways imaginable.
Well I guess it is a historical game. Not really a fantasy game
Having a good campaign so far. Established and alliance with the Macedonians, and I started in a war with Epirus. Due to the relationship between Macedon and Athens, Athenia quickly declared war with me, which was fine as I intended to take them anyway. Within a few moves I had them. I established trade and good relations with Knossos, with full intention of making them a client state.
I then moved on Epirus and have taken both their settlements. They put up a bit of a fight and they also had elephants which was interesting. I have destroyed their armies barring one general which is sitting on a boat just south of Sparta. He is dwindling away due to not having any regions and my home garrison could take him anyway. I am not sure where to go next. I currently have trade and a non-aggression pact with Egypt too, though I feel I should expand into Africa rather than move north and clash with Rome, though maybe I could push up towards Britannia.
Mac please advise.
I then moved on Epirus and have taken both their settlements. They put up a bit of a fight and they also had elephants which was interesting. I have destroyed their armies barring one general which is sitting on a boat just south of Sparta. He is dwindling away due to not having any regions and my home garrison could take him anyway. I am not sure where to go next. I currently have trade and a non-aggression pact with Egypt too, though I feel I should expand into Africa rather than move north and clash with Rome, though maybe I could push up towards Britannia.
Mac please advise.
Last edited by Adams_BJ (2015-11-26 15:16:44)
*alternative historicalAdams_BJ wrote:
Well I guess it is a historical game. Not really a fantasy game
Apparently, my Master collection did not include Rome 2. I could go and purchase it, and all the expansions, but I don't know if I would enjoy it enough to be worth it, plus then I would have to uninstall more games to make space for new games.Adams_BJ wrote:
Contrary to what mac says Rome 2 is quite good.
I couldn't take the city management Rome 2 had to offer. Building space was apparently at a Japanese premium, so you were constantly forced to juggle squalor with productivity in some of the most asinine ways possible. "Gee, I really want that aqueduct but I'm afraid it would clash with the farms on the city outskirts."
Just … what.
Just … what.
I hated that too. It seemed like they were trying to oversimplify the way those things worked and then made everything a compromise. The way Empire and Napoleon did construction was the best. Maybe it was even better before that, I don't know, Empire was the first TW game I tried.