You could try opting into the beta on Steam for the new patch and see if that fixes the issue. Or else maybe wait a few days for the patch to get released officially
The game crashing was the straw that broke the camel's back and made me do a refund. Is it too much to ask for games to run well at release? There are only 2 GPU and CPU makers. It isn't like 15 companies each selling their own hardware. Shouldn't be impossible to work out bugs.
I think someone spoiled the ending for me.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
At the end of the game you have to decide between killing your son or nuking Boston? That's stupid.
I think someone spoiled the ending for me.
Spoiler (highlight to read):
At the end of the game you have to decide between killing your son or nuking Boston? That's stupid.

i've got a decent computer purchased a year ago and have no issues. plus i'm running all settings at ultra.
don't buy a brand new, hardware intensive game for an aging computer then complain its the games fault?
don't buy a brand new, hardware intensive game for an aging computer then complain its the games fault?
That ending was false. There are 4 endings.
Its not even that intensive for the min specs. These crashes are the games fault in my case. Probably some whack bugs they couldn't have known about. I only lowered the settings cause the game doesn't look good anyway and its easier windowed for looking at the wiki for where to get items cause the steam browser sucks ass.
beta did not help. havent crashed inside my settlement though.
Its not even that intensive for the min specs. These crashes are the games fault in my case. Probably some whack bugs they couldn't have known about. I only lowered the settings cause the game doesn't look good anyway and its easier windowed for looking at the wiki for where to get items cause the steam browser sucks ass.
beta did not help. havent crashed inside my settlement though.
Last edited by RTHKI (2015-11-25 14:14:54)
Has Obsidian announced their plans for a better in every way version of Fallout 4 to be released 2 years from now?

I've had Fallout 4 crash two times. GTA V I've had crash maybe 5 times, but Arma III is the weirdest part. It usually crashes every single time after 20-30min of gameplay and after a reboot, I can play for hours without any kind of problem. I don't get it.
Someone has made a mod that shows the fulltext of the response and lets you use 1/2/3/4 keys instead of arrows, too boot.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Instead of getting full text of what you will say, you get to choose from 4 response types of
1. Yes
2. No
3. Maybe
4. Sarcasm
Sure you can, just press right arrow, and you'll skip ahead to the next phrase. The survivor will even sometimes say some funny stuff when you do that too.SuperJail Warden wrote:
And you have to sit through the whole voice acting and can't read ahead and move quickly like before.
Yep.chuyskywalker wrote:
Someone has made a mod that shows the fulltext of the response and lets you use 1/2/3/4 keys instead of arrows, too boot.
The mystery options always made you feel like an asshole when Alpha Protocol did it, so I don't know why Fallout 4 thought it was a good idea.
I think GotY Edition pretty much goes without saying.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Has Obsidian announced their plans for a better in every way version of Fallout 4 to be released 2 years from now?
Duno what happened but teleport to base and a deathclaw pops up. I have 5 power armor suits. Just got out of one and go to kill the deathclaw. Come back and its not there, my X-01 armor. 2 of my other armors moved. See a settler walking around in what looks like invisible power armor. No way to get it off afaik. Restart game and they look normal again and power armor is still gone. Guess I'll console command it back.
It sounds like this game just doesn't like you at all.
There was literally no way of making Michael Thorton not come across as a fuck-headed asshole.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
The mystery options always made you feel like an asshole when Alpha Protocol did it, so I don't know why Fallout 4 thought it was a good idea.
Haven't come across too many game breaking bugs. Some funny instances though. Exchanging flirty words with Piper and a Chuck Norris-looking farmer came along to push her out of the way to stand grinning at me as I poured my heart out to him. Few bizarre twitching corpses. Part of the Bethesda package.
[Blinking eyes thing]
RTHKI my friend is having the same issue regarding multiple crashes. His computer is <6 months new and pretty top of the line, so it shouldn't be a component issue. It's just a buggy game I suppose. He has a lot of lag sometimes too. Again, he has a new, very strong system so it's got to be the game itself.
Have you tried running the game in windowed, borderless mode?
Have you tried running the game in windowed, borderless mode?
Alpha Protocol was easier to play if you were actually trying to be an asshole.
Lieutenant Dan, you got magic legs!
I think I know what caused some of the crashes now. Haven't had any real problems lately.
Started playing Fallout 3. Controls are weird and the UI in 4 is pretty much a sidestep instead of actual progress. Wish we could see companions on the radar/hud in 4 though. I'm playing without mods and I hate the lighting and lack of color in 3.
Started playing Fallout 3. Controls are weird and the UI in 4 is pretty much a sidestep instead of actual progress. Wish we could see companions on the radar/hud in 4 though. I'm playing without mods and I hate the lighting and lack of color in 3.
It looks like Bethesda finally pushed the patch out on Steam yesterday so maybe that's what fixed it. Although the changelog doesn't look any different from the beta.
The patch apparently fucked up my numpad though, and now only the top number keys work
The patch apparently fucked up my numpad though, and now only the top number keys work
Did you play it yet?

GTX 980 installed recently, replacing the GTX 760. Fully primed for some Fallout 4, as I launch Armored Warfare instead.