… ver-PlanneCongress must approve a budget by Oct. 1, or our government will shut down. That means people will not be paid and technically, government departments will cease to operate. Social Security payments, veterans’ benefits, and more will cease to be paid. Literally, government will shut down.
Why are House Republicans so determined to have a budget showdown? Part of it is their determination to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood. They refuse to understand that, in addition to providing abortion service, Planned Parenthood provides basic women’s health services, including gynecological examinations. They are providing these health services in areas where they are not available. Abortions represent just a fraction of what they offer. But, based on a set of bogus videos, some Republicans are using those videos to posture about abortion. Somebody needs to speak up for Planned Parenthood, but unless they do, this is going to be a rook on the shutdown chessboard.
Does anyone here think it is a good idea to shut down the government in order to force planned parenthood to be defunded? Why do you think defunding planned parenthood would be a good thing?