I should be a dick and kick out the people with low "highest zone"s
I would be the first one kicked out
yeah, pretty lame.
What do you need to click in what order to get through that lvl 140 thing?
ed. I have all unlocks for Frostleaf and every hero before him/it/her.
ed. I have all unlocks for Frostleaf and every hero before him/it/her.
You probably need to ascend to get more souls.
Or you go back and start levelling early heroes to level 1000.
Or you go back and start levelling early heroes to level 1000.
IIRC, I think you want to start leveling Treebeast. After that comes Samurai. Then the rangers.
Since spots are at a premium, if anyone doesn't play very often and is willing to give up their place, it'd be appreciated I can also start kicking people who don't do the whole raid boss thing to make room for anyone that does want to.
Also, you can fight the Titan 3 times a day (more chances for 10 rubies), with an hour cooldown in between. Get back at him if he doesn't die the first time, all the damage adds up!
Also, you can fight the Titan 3 times a day (more chances for 10 rubies), with an hour cooldown in between. Get back at him if he doesn't die the first time, all the damage adds up!
Last edited by mtb0minime (2015-08-29 13:24:34)
I assume I've already been kicked out but if not feel free ...I promise I won't have my feelings hurt

Hah, ok if you say so Daunty. I will screen shot this for the record.
Rithky, yeah for now I guess, but every little bit counts. I'm sure everyone else will be catching up soon. Back in my day, we didn't have a clan getting us hero souls.
Rithky, yeah for now I guess, but every little bit counts. I'm sure everyone else will be catching up soon. Back in my day, we didn't have a clan getting us hero souls.
I'm retiring from my MLG Clicker Heros careers
Because I beat you in highest zone
Guess it's all me on the titans then
Guess it's all me on the titans then
Sorry I am nut much help on the raids, but I am getting better. When there is a reward listed, do all who helped get it, or only one person?
I'm not sure on that, but I assume it goes for the whole clan
The one we beat last night had 5 hero souls list as a reward, how many did it show for you?
Oh wow, mine was like 263000. Makes sense though, because getting hundreds of thousands of HS early on wouldn't be very balanced.
Yeah I got about 500 for it.
Would it be helpful if I posted here every time I got a raid kill? so you guys could get the rewards
Last edited by mtb0minime (2015-11-05 14:10:01)
super helpful

QFEmtb0minime wrote: