Post limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.
To the game that brought this whole community together. Reflect on what made you play-

For me it was the air combat on dailan, wake, oman, and dragon valley. Of course the great infantry combat on karkand and sharqi before the patches destroyed any semblance of hit detection and karkand turned into one big nade fest. What really hit the nail on the head was the teamwork needed in this game. A good team made sure that everyone played a specific role. Not like COD where you just repeatedly throw your body at something hoping to get the checkpoint. Bf2 took teamwork and skill.

Cheers to a great game

Daqing Oilfields was the best map and most underrated for a very long time until in like 2010 servers finally caught on and did 24/7. I was so hip and in-the-know and way before them.

Really fond memory of being MEC on Kubra Dam, losing all our flags and literally being the only person left alive on my team. Sneakily capped a flag and turned the whole thing back in our favor to win.
I loved taking out the pre nerf J10 pilots with the guns of the F16. So many times I was called a hacker.
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Ahh how could I forget kubra dam. I started playing daqing A little bit more, but never got too into it.... Clean sweep was a good one too....What other game put out maps like this.... Sheesh. Ya It was always tragic to get shot down by an f16 when you were in a j10 haha. RIP to the never played maps like songhua stalemate, fushe pass and zatar wetlands. Those maps were lemons
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Karkand and Road to Jalalabad - infantry only slogging maps - so much fun, I sucked so hard but never mind.
There'll never be a game like it again.
All I have left now is downloaded SP maps, anyone know any good ones?
DF-BHD had a few.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2015-07-26 03:53:53)

Fuck Israel

Surfdaddy wrote:

Ahh how could I forget kubra dam. I started playing daqing A little bit more, but never got too into it.... Clean sweep was a good one too....What other game put out maps like this.... Sheesh. Ya It was always tragic to get shot down by an f16 when you were in a j10 haha. RIP to the never played maps like songhua stalemate, fushe pass and zatar wetlands. Those maps were lemons
I've said it for years and I'll keep saying it, FuShe was one of the best maps in the game. The rounds took a while due to the size so servers stopped playing it regularly so people thought it sucked and wouldn't play it on rotation. It was a bad cycle. Also, it was the best looking map in the game. Songhua was garbage but Zatar was ok.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Warlord is probably the best map I have ever played in a multiplayer game. It is too bad Special Forces wasn't played more.
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cablecopulate wrote:

Surfdaddy wrote:

Ahh how could I forget kubra dam. I started playing daqing A little bit more, but never got too into it.... Clean sweep was a good one too....What other game put out maps like this.... Sheesh. Ya It was always tragic to get shot down by an f16 when you were in a j10 haha. RIP to the never played maps like songhua stalemate, fushe pass and zatar wetlands. Those maps were lemons
I've said it for years and I'll keep saying it, FuShe was one of the best maps in the game. The rounds took a while due to the size so servers stopped playing it regularly so people thought it sucked and wouldn't play it on rotation. It was a bad cycle. Also, it was the best looking map in the game. Songhua was garbage but Zatar was ok.
Ya I remember trying to play Fushee more but the servers would always be empty. It did have the best graphics for sure. I always just felt so exposed at zatar
+1,106|6598|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

jihad jeeping a rare vehicles karkand server so hard that people effectively turned it infantry only was good times...that, and teabagging FM's tank carcass after i c4'd him one of the times we played together
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
Infantry only was what I mostly played and, until I joined a clan, it was frustrating being one of like three people on my team who actually defended or attacked. Spawning, running forward into the maelstrom, dying, respawning, running forward into the maelstrom, dying etc. doesn't count The game was so much more awesome after I clanned up. Cheers *=IMA=*!
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Go Cougs!
+695|6599|Washington St.
I stuck mainly in IO games too. too me it was may more about the teamwork and cunning of the players as opposed to when there are tanks and one can just barrel through and take out 3/4 of the idiots on a team while the last 1/4 is stuck trying to play smart.
Granted it was basically medics snipers and support which would get dull, but damn I could play Sharqi for hours on end. That was by far my favorite map. Also jalalabad was amazing but of course only if the americans could break through at the beginning.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

Post limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.
Ya I played a lot of IO on Karkand thats for sure. Haha nothing better than the suicide c4 cars Steve O. Trolled many a player solely for the lulz
mmmf mmmf mmmf
karkland and wake erryday
+1,106|6598|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

RTHKI wrote:

karkland and wake erryday
man, i remember the time i shot down an f-25 with a pistol on wake
ยป You guys are all old and wrinkly now, GG... | Steam | | YouTube
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6782|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Gulf of Oman was awesome. And Iron Gator in SF. Oh, the good times when I had a buddy flying the heli and we were raping the shit out of the place. Some Brazilian guy got once so furious and started yelling "No honor!" to us
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Wake, how could I forget that. C4ing jets.....
Fuck Israel
sophisticated slacker
+334|6632|Graz, Austria

mtb0minime wrote:

literally being the only person left alive on my team. Sneakily capped a flag and turned the whole thing back in our favor to win.
These were indeed the best moments back then.
Your whole team, without a word, stopped respawing, to allow the sole lone wolf to sneak to a flag to turn the tide with the last few tickets, while the other team panicky tried to find him.

Nowadays this is not possible at all anymore, not even if you spam the chat.
It seems people just mash some buttons, then spray-and-pray some bullets, followed by insults in the chat.

The only tactic seems to be infantry charges without slowing down. At any time. Even alone and against a tank.
Followed by chat insults about "campers" and "tank whores".

Vague memories of that song being used in a commercial or opening cut scene for some old game. I'm thinking Gran Turismo 1 or 2.
The oldest chav in the world
+2,423|6981|Cardiff, Capital of Wales
Getting smashed on cider and chatting to new fwends on headsets.  At the time, to me, it was all cutting edge technology.  I had only played single player stuff.

Joined a clan, we all met up, got pissed and went paintballing.

I wouldnt have some of the friends I do if it wasnt for the game.  Ive seen people get married and have babies because they met in Karkand.

I still struggle to get my head around it at times.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

1927 wrote:

Ive seen people get married and have babies because they met in Karkand.
Androoz is not the bastard love-child of Uzique and Dauntless - that's one of the internet's greatest myths.
Fuck Israel
+1,106|6598|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

man, remember when every uber-1337 killstreak video used "bodies" for its background music? those were the days
I am all that is MOD!

remember Choppa spamming his super awesome heli videos with shit rap in the background?
Hector: Ding, ding, ding, ding...
+1,975|6782|6 6 4 oh, I forget

Hey, how about the BF2 movies we made? They were tons of fun to "act" in

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