Fuck Israel
The Current Flag | 17% | 17% - 19 | ||||
Hundertwasser's Koru flag | 4% | 4% - 5 | ||||
Tino Rangatiratanga flag | 4% | 4% - 5 | ||||
Kind-of striped flag. | 1% | 1% - 2 | ||||
Silver Fern flag | 11% | 11% - 13 | ||||
Southern-cross/Silver Fern flag | 28% | 28% - 31 | ||||
Tyferra's flag | 31% | 31% - 35 | ||||
Total: 110 |
Or we can keep the original design and tradition of Hamilton on the front and the U.S. Treasury building on the back and say fuck no to feminism.DrunkFace wrote:
Well you could do what Aus does and have 1 side male 1 side female. (except the $5, which is parliament/queen)
Maybe you can keep the original design and tradition of the United States of America and take away womens votes and enslave all the black people and say fuck no to progress.War Man wrote:
Or we can keep the original design and tradition of Hamilton on the front and the U.S. Treasury building on the back and say fuck no to feminism.DrunkFace wrote:
Well you could do what Aus does and have 1 side male 1 side female. (except the $5, which is parliament/queen)
They want the 20 because it's the bill everyone uses most. I doubt anyone behind the movement actually cares about Jackson.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Alexander Hamilton founded the treasury department. He was a founding father and military officer under Washington. Andrew Jackson was a terrible human being and president. He should lose his spot instead of Alex.
maybe we should kill some abos and make misogynistic comments about our prime minister until she goes awayDrunkFace wrote:
Maybe you can keep the original design and tradition of the United States of America and take away womens votes and enslave all the black people and say fuck no to progress.War Man wrote:
Or we can keep the original design and tradition of Hamilton on the front and the U.S. Treasury building on the back and say fuck no to feminism.DrunkFace wrote:
Well you could do what Aus does and have 1 side male 1 side female. (except the $5, which is parliament/queen)
lol muricans talking bout aus politics when not knowing shit.Jay wrote:
maybe we should kill some abos and make misogynistic comments about our prime minister until she goes awayDrunkFace wrote:
Maybe you can keep the original design and tradition of the United States of America and take away womens votes and enslave all the black people and say fuck no to progress.War Man wrote:
Or we can keep the original design and tradition of Hamilton on the front and the U.S. Treasury building on the back and say fuck no to feminism.
That's the US constitution summarised in four words.DrunkFace wrote:
fuck no to progress.
150 years overdue.SuperJail Warden wrote:
There is now a rejuvenated movement to get rid of the Confederate flag after that guy killed 9 people. Major stores have vowed to stop selling it or anything with it on it.
They are also trying to get them removed from capital and government buildings because that is still a thing in the south for some reason.
Nor was he inspired by the flag to gun people down. It's easier to react to tragedy by demonizing symbols than to simply accept that the world is full of random events and people outside of your control.Ty wrote:
I think this is going a bit far. Removal from public buildings sure, making sure people know what they actually represent and taking some steps to make it not quite so prevalent is sensible but lets keep some perspective. This kid didn't walk into a church and shoot nine people dead with a flag.