1. Because they don't work for the college. They aren't hired there, they are 'studying'.Shahter wrote:
why not?Adams_BJ wrote:
BEcause they aren't being employed by the collegeShahter wrote:
are you reading the questions, dude? i got this ^, really, i understand perfectly well the way it is organized. the question is, i repeat:
why must it be that way?why are you so sure that does actually give them the "best possible chance"? as far as i can tell, for most of them that's their only chance, and that usually means abuse and exploitation.they are 'studying' there, but really its just to give them the best possible chance to be picked up by a pro team.and if they don't agree? if they want to be compensated for their efforts in other ways?It's a privilege to get a free ride and access to those world class coaching staff and facilities.again, why not?If they were employed by the university then they probably would be unionised, but they aren't.
2. IT gives them the best possible chance because universities spend a lot of money on coaching, training facilities, exposure etc.
3. If they don't agree they can fork out at least 5 figures to 'study' there out of their own pocket, and do away with the scholarships.
4. Because they are students, not staff.