Honestly why?
Just had an argument with a guy yesterday who was trying to convince me for some idiotic reason that Bigfoot existed. When I gave him evidence to the contrary he got mad and called me a close minded idiot. My retarded mom even believes in Bigfoot for some reason or another and I've gotten into arguments with her about it as well. Then today, I'm watching TV and guess what comes on? A documentary about Bigfoot where these fucking idiots are scientifically analyzing the Patterson film (the famous film of "Bigfoot" walking into a forest) and said it was definitely real, then proceeded to go into the woods and make monkey noises trying to lure Bigfoot into the open.
I find it absolutly astounding that people think there are a race of 8 foot tall monkey men living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. The area is littered with small towns, roads, logging camps, etc etc. Yet no one has ever gotten one on film that could even become close to being verifiable. No one has ever accidentally shot one. No one has ever accidentally hit one in a car. No one has ever stumbled on a dead one. No one has ever found a pile of it's shit or a clump of it's fur that could be DNA tested. Drones with infrared cameras patrolling the Canadian border have never found one. Bones have never been found. One never wandered into a town to be seen by 5 people at the same time. No Bigfoot camps have ever been found.
Also, Cryptozoologist is a fancy word that literally translates to "I get paid to be a stupid cunt everyday".
Does anyone here believe in Bigfoot?
If you do, YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. Kill yourself. Do it in the woods of the Pacific Northwest where shit can apparently disappear forever.
Just had an argument with a guy yesterday who was trying to convince me for some idiotic reason that Bigfoot existed. When I gave him evidence to the contrary he got mad and called me a close minded idiot. My retarded mom even believes in Bigfoot for some reason or another and I've gotten into arguments with her about it as well. Then today, I'm watching TV and guess what comes on? A documentary about Bigfoot where these fucking idiots are scientifically analyzing the Patterson film (the famous film of "Bigfoot" walking into a forest) and said it was definitely real, then proceeded to go into the woods and make monkey noises trying to lure Bigfoot into the open.
I find it absolutly astounding that people think there are a race of 8 foot tall monkey men living in the forests of the Pacific Northwest. The area is littered with small towns, roads, logging camps, etc etc. Yet no one has ever gotten one on film that could even become close to being verifiable. No one has ever accidentally shot one. No one has ever accidentally hit one in a car. No one has ever stumbled on a dead one. No one has ever found a pile of it's shit or a clump of it's fur that could be DNA tested. Drones with infrared cameras patrolling the Canadian border have never found one. Bones have never been found. One never wandered into a town to be seen by 5 people at the same time. No Bigfoot camps have ever been found.
Also, Cryptozoologist is a fancy word that literally translates to "I get paid to be a stupid cunt everyday".
Does anyone here believe in Bigfoot?
If you do, YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT. Kill yourself. Do it in the woods of the Pacific Northwest where shit can apparently disappear forever.
Last edited by Extra Medium (2013-10-24 10:06:57)