bbq t-bone steak, salad, asparagus, baked potato, and a nice beaujoulais
Pulled poek, bbq chicken, ribs, fries, maine baked potato, and a cider donut with fresh hot cider to wash it sll down.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
Genghis Grill. Two thumbs down. What a shit idiot restaurant.
I take it your bowels feel like a horde of rampaging mongols?Extra Medium wrote:
Genghis Grill. Two thumbs down. What a shit idiot restaurant.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
No, it was just a stupid restaurant. It' relatively expensive for the amount of food you get, the waiters were awkward and annoying, the service was shit, and the concept was stupid.
Agree. I like Mongolian grills in general but that place is retarded with all of long winded rules and dialogs. They frustrate the ghetto types looking to overflow a bowl with nothing but meat.
Been trying to get off coffee cause it makes me irritable in the afternoon.
So what do I have instead?
So what do I have instead?
More coffee in the afternoon?
Naw I do that but then I get irritable at night. Yes, I'll be the first to admit I'm pretty effed up that way.
Nonetheless, tea seems to be working. Though it's probably just less caffeine that's doing the job.
Nonetheless, tea seems to be working. Though it's probably just less caffeine that's doing the job.
I had one of those for dinner too
Ahi steak, with ramen noodles.
Pick my meal for me: … f91692.pdf
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Meatloaf, mashed and veg.
I had KFC for lunch
Spaghetti & a brew

pesto + chicken + pasta
(made the pesto myself)
favorite dinner of all time
whoa, dude - you stretched 1 photo, microsoft paint, into 3 posts.
you should start a thread about the color yellow and call it quatro . . .
you should start a thread about the color yellow and call it quatro . . .
I'm resourceful, what can I say?
Went to McDonald's at 3 AM to try the limited time local specialty: The Old Bay Filet-O-Fish
REALLY good, I hope they decide to keep it around
REALLY good, I hope they decide to keep it around

that literally looks like food from a dystopian future. where's the green? where's the... anything that isn't the bland pantone colour of processed food?
The English have the least interesting food in all of western Europe so you shouldn't make fun of our McDonald's