i like, cant stand to listen to her talk, and like, its kinda annoying, like...the killer, like, gives you perfect directions, like..........like shut up chick
yeh lol...not to insult any americans here but they seem to all sound like that(the females)!{BMF}*Frank_The_Tank wrote:
i like, cant stand to listen to her talk, and like, its kinda annoying, like...the killer, like, gives you perfect directions, like..........like shut up chick
GL Andy
after like seeing this video, my suicide ratio like went skyhigh....you know?
damn.. I think it would be funnier dating her mom instead of her...
damn.. I think it would be funnier dating her mom instead of her...
lololol nnice find
So I was watching the film and i'm like whatever. You know? So I'm like duh.
Thanks to you, I have wasted nearly 3 minuts of my life that I will never get back. And because of those 3 wasted minutes I am now a little dumber. I would give you -1 but my mental capacity has been so drastically deminished that I have to go take a nap.c4_he_was_famous wrote:
I just found this vid on you tube and its very funny in my eyes! enjoy! MySpace and Mom
GL Andy
like that was like boring like i would like tottally like do something else but like i don't feel like doing something else because like.......
Yeah, so im like totally like, dumb and stuff and, um is this thing still on?