Nice! Generally you don't want the horizon in the middle of the picture. But it works here.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
ah hah !interesting video on david la chapelle, must share!
Picked up some studio equipment.. reflectors, umbrellas, softbox, some strobes, and my girl just gave me a backdrop kit for my Bday .

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Economy so bad that you started renting out the house for porn shoots?
Last edited by Macbeth (2013-04-10 19:48:33)
erm, not quite.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I'll be the male talent if you like. I work cheap if the lady is attractive.
anyone using Lightroom 5?
any big differences from 4?
the reason i'm asking - adobe has a photographer's subscription, $10/month for photoshop cc and lightroom 5. (and 200gb storage)
considering what i've paid for photoshop before, may not be bad . . .
the reason i'm asking - adobe has a photographer's subscription, $10/month for photoshop cc and lightroom 5. (and 200gb storage)
considering what i've paid for photoshop before, may not be bad . . .
I've been using 5. The radial tool is handy

Xbone Stormsurgezz
And here's Kerry back for his 1 post of the year...
See ya in 2014 Kmar!
See ya in 2014 Kmar!
i pulled the trigger;
You guys still have some catching up to doing.pirana6 wrote:
And here's Kerry back for his 1 post of the year...
See ya in 2014 Kmar!
Steve, did you have to provide proof of previous purchase?
Xbone Stormsurgezz
not directly, i used the adobe account i bought cs6 with . . .
luv the capability of the new Adobe;

Lightroom 6 available.

from an excellent online source for all things photography;
Adobe Lightroom CC to Get a New Dehaze Feature
Adobe Lightroom CC to Get a New Dehaze Feature
heh, i guess i need to start tagging more of my pics

so i'm trying to figure out how Lightroom 6 handles video
i guess my camera does video, but i don't want to learn a new application to do basic editing. Anyone else using Lightroom for video?
i guess my camera does video, but i don't want to learn a new application to do basic editing. Anyone else using Lightroom for video?