DUX0726 wrote:
You kids are so fucked up you think the word REBELLION means drugs or bad grades. Who brainwashed you? Rebellion means thinking for yourself and winning your cause intelligently. Forget all this drug and party and bad grade shit. It can have meaning but I don't think we should go down that path because you kids are too stupid to understand the basics so lets concetrait on those things first. Rebellion as independend, establishment challenging, intelligent thought, M'Kay!?
Now, say these words: I [state your name] will think for myself and be creative and not accept anymore fucking rediculious rules. I will win or I will die resisting.
This comment makes me remember specific incidents....Waco, Tx....Oklahoma City bombing, the 2 gunmen in L.A. that went on a shooting rampage after robbing a bank......Columbine high school. All that are some bad situations that are started by fucks like you who think your "brilliant" idea is brilliant to begin with. There is a difference between rebelling and being independently minded. People such as myself, can think for themselves and live without the media or hill jacks like yourself trying to preach to us how to think. I cant speak for everyone who is in my generation, because most are "trying to fit in" because supposedly its cool to have everyone think for you.
Sorry, hill jack must be too much for your vocabulary. by things like this
DUX0726 wrote:
I'm not here to sprinkle your ass with talkum powder and tell you how special you are boy. If you're a pussy-ass kid with no backbone and no brain then you'd best scoot. You'll get eaten alive in here. Only the strong survive and you are not one of them.
You make an idiot out of yourself, and sound like a disgruntled war vet that the government pretty much shit on and society left you behind. I understand that some war vets have issues with the things they went thru, my uncle for example, and im not saying anything about that. You just sound like some bloke who wants to try to start an uprising among faceless people because everyone in your town thinks your a damn tool.
And yes, for the most part i do agree with you, it just seems your going a bit far fetched
Last edited by {BMF}*Frank_The_Tank (2006-05-27 11:24:25)