'Sup everyone?
sup burnzz
not much, apparently someone promoted me
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Can I comment on your photos?
you can do as you please - the sig was a suggestion from a moderator . . .Adams_BJ wrote:
Can I comment on your photos?
Seemed like a good idea to suggest some sort of bitchy disclaimer in your sig because you bitched me out for pointing out a flaw/undesirable composition element in one of your photos. Fuck me.
unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Fuck me.
That's because 99% of your criticisms are about nitpicky shit.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Seemed like a good idea to suggest some sort of bitchy disclaimer in your sig because you bitched me out for pointing out a flaw/undesirable composition element in one of your photos. Fuck me.
And no, I don't need you to rant at me again about me pointing it out.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Was I going to rant at you? What are you defending against? I know I nitpick. Every time someone really wants to remind me here they can just bring up my criticism of inconsistent game/movie series titles at length approaching the ludicrous. Arkham Asylum 2, for example. Now, Arkham City doesn't seem all that bad, at least compared to Arkham Origins.
So yeah, I can take being criticized about that just fine. But getting my head bit off because in a single sentence, I point out an underexposed tree in the foreground to someone who obviously cares about his photography is annoying. Which was precisely the reason I snarked a sig suggestion. Am I also nitpicking against Extra Medium for calling him a jerk in the hunting thread he hijacked for poaching boasts?
So yeah, I can take being criticized about that just fine. But getting my head bit off because in a single sentence, I point out an underexposed tree in the foreground to someone who obviously cares about his photography is annoying. Which was precisely the reason I snarked a sig suggestion. Am I also nitpicking against Extra Medium for calling him a jerk in the hunting thread he hijacked for poaching boasts?
i'm just happy i don't have to wait half an hour to post anymore, and not you, uzique, or even atg are going to get me worked up anymore.
have a nice day!
have a nice day!
Last edited by Steve-0 (2013-08-07 19:13:30)
Reminds me of a nerdy programming joke.
The programmers wife told him, "Go to the store and get some bread. If they have eggs, get a dozen." He came back with 12 loaves of bread.
I laughed.
She should have specified she wanted a dozen eggs rather than leaving it ambiguous. See this is why the business requirements need to be reviewed before the functional spec is written.

He should have queried the requirements since they were ambiguous.
Fuck Israel
He should have bought a dozen of eggs AND 12 loaves of bread.
Redundancy FTW.
Redundancy FTW.