dont fat people have lower health care costs in total lifespan coz they die quicker.
obesity is listed as a serious health cost on the healthcare balance sheet along with tobacco- and alcohol- related illnesses. i even got a department report for australia up to show dilbert before, when he ranting about how weed and illicit drugs cause far more problems/cost to society than alcohol (his laughable anecdotal "i know lots of people who drink and function and everyone on drugs is a waster" occasion). obesity, alcohol, cigarettes... all these are huge financial drains. not only on the state, but also demonstrably on employers and the private sector, in terms of work-hours and opportunities lost. but people will freak out about LSD because of the dramatic and juicy insanity gossip. touche.
Nyte wrote:
Let people do whatever the fuck they want.
Please explain why you think a mayor should be able to regulate what I buy in a convenience store with money I earned and payed taxes on?Uzique The Lesser wrote:
obesity is listed as a serious health cost on the healthcare balance sheet along with tobacco- and alcohol- related illnesses. i even got a department report for australia up to show dilbert before, when he ranting about how weed and illicit drugs cause far more problems/cost to society than alcohol (his laughable anecdotal "i know lots of people who drink and function and everyone on drugs is a waster" occasion). obesity, alcohol, cigarettes... all these are huge financial drains. not only on the state, but also demonstrably on employers and the private sector, in terms of work-hours and opportunities lost. but people will freak out about LSD because of the dramatic and juicy insanity gossip. touche.
the government regulates what you can and cannot buy every single fucking day, dumbass. a whole host of foodstuffs and additives/preservatives/colourants and products are deemed 'unsafe' or 'unhealthy' and are prevented from being stocked on your shelves. jesus christ. it's not tyranny. all he's trying to do is counter-act a harmful trend in fast-food, whereby chains market and sell excessively large portions for no reason whatsoever. and, like everyone knows, it isn't banning you from drinking yourself to a hyper-glycaemic death. go ahead, buy two. it's just trying to reverse the damaging trend of 'supersize everything' that leads to people blithely consuming huge amounts by default. herd mode on.Extra Medium wrote:
Please explain why you think a mayor should be able to regulate what I buy in a convenience store with money I earned and payed taxes on?Uzique The Lesser wrote:
obesity is listed as a serious health cost on the healthcare balance sheet along with tobacco- and alcohol- related illnesses. i even got a department report for australia up to show dilbert before, when he ranting about how weed and illicit drugs cause far more problems/cost to society than alcohol (his laughable anecdotal "i know lots of people who drink and function and everyone on drugs is a waster" occasion). obesity, alcohol, cigarettes... all these are huge financial drains. not only on the state, but also demonstrably on employers and the private sector, in terms of work-hours and opportunities lost. but people will freak out about LSD because of the dramatic and juicy insanity gossip. touche.
Thank god today is primary day in nyc. No more getting harassed to vote on my way to the train platform!
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
and sip cola out of your 88oz Route 44 Big Gulp.
Last edited by Extra Medium (2013-09-10 08:16:28)
The cop that got shot was from a family of cops. Father and brothers were all cops. He was probably a jerk who got his job due to nepotism. I don't care...

I never liked the man even before this. Can you ever elect a Jew and not have them go out of their way to help Israel?Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop, speaking at the retirement service of his childhood rabbi Sunday night, offered "five key points" he says are essential to any deal to block Iran's access to nuclear weaponry.
The remarks mark the first time Fulop, a Democrat who is eyeing a run for governor in 2017, has ventured into the foreign policy arena, an unusual step for a New Jersey mayor. His thoughts on Iran come as the U.S. approaches a June 30 deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran, one of President Obama's second-term policy priorities.
We know that the world may and can be a dangerous place and while we labor for justice in the world, we will also need to be mindful as we need to exercise wisdom in the maintenance of America's interests and Israel's freedom because in many ways they are intertwined," Fulop said at Congregation Neve Shalom in Metuchen.

wow, a politician pandered to his gathered audience? What next?
So he's currently a NJ mayor, who may be planning a run for governor? Unless I'm mistaken, that role still doesn't have direct foreign policy impact unless New Jersey is aiming for a separate treaty with Iran.
It still goes to show his frame of mind. IF he ever becomes president, we will know where his heart is.

He was speaking to a Jewish congregation. Is it really that big of a deal?
Its interesting that jews put Israel before America, and that its acceptable for a politician to say so.
Nope. Its in Israel's interests, not America's.we need to exercise wisdom in the maintenance of America's interests and Israel's freedom because in many ways they are intertwined
Fuck Israel
How is it not? Israel is a democratic state in the ME and quite an important ally in the cold war.Dilbert_X wrote:
Its interesting that jews put Israel before America, and that its acceptable for a politician to say so.Nope. Its in Israel's interests, not America's.we need to exercise wisdom in the maintenance of America's interests and Israel's freedom because in many ways they are intertwined
All of the ME monarchies couldn't care less about israel. They're all good with each other.
Israel isbarely democratic, less so than Lebanon or Turkey for example, routinely provokes its neighbours, and the cold war is over - not that they were any help in that.
How is it in the interests of America, or a New Jersey Mayor even, to blindly support Israel?
That professing allegiance with Israel is as de rigeur for politicians as kissing babies is a stain on the country.
How is it in the interests of America, or a New Jersey Mayor even, to blindly support Israel?
That professing allegiance with Israel is as de rigeur for politicians as kissing babies is a stain on the country.
Fuck Israel
Go fuck your mother... again. Seriously your act is old.Dilbert_X wrote:
Israel isbarely democratic, less so than Lebanon or Turkey for example, routinely provokes its neighbours, and the cold war is over - not that they were any help in that.
How is it in the interests of America, or a New Jersey Mayor even, to blindly support Israel?
That professing allegiance with Israel is as de rigeur for politicians as kissing babies is a stain on the country.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Please go sign up to kill more children to enable your next, small, step up the social ladder.
That you participated in doing Israel's bidding, and still don't see it, is unfathomable.
Don't you find it just a little odd that any politician who aspires to more than local politics must first swear allegiance to a foreign country?
Really, why is it unacceptable to say Americans and America shouldn't be supporting Israel?
They're no different from the muslim extremists, and no less brutal or bloodthirsty.
That you participated in doing Israel's bidding, and still don't see it, is unfathomable.
Don't you find it just a little odd that any politician who aspires to more than local politics must first swear allegiance to a foreign country?
Really, why is it unacceptable to say Americans and America shouldn't be supporting Israel?
They're no different from the muslim extremists, and no less brutal or bloodthirsty.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2015-06-10 04:44:11)
Fuck Israel
Lebanon is unstable as fuck. Even their own army can't control the violence. They have restricted laws on what religious affiliation you have to be for president, prime minister and speaker of house.Dilbert_X wrote:
Israel isbarely democratic, less so than Lebanon or Turkey for example, routinely provokes its neighbours, and the cold war is over - not that they were any help in that.
How is it in the interests of America, or a New Jersey Mayor even, to blindly support Israel?
That professing allegiance with Israel is as de rigeur for politicians as kissing babies is a stain on the country.
Turkey is a NATO ally, why would there be any need to reassure people about their allegiance?
Why would the stability of Israel not be in US interest? Why would instability anywhere in the world not be in US interest?
Israel has the same population as New Jersey. Why are they worth pissing off the entire Sunni Arab world?

I know you cannot be this stupid. America doesn't care about 'stability' as a principle. it cares about maintaining the status quo (I.e. Pax Americana). no country goes through that much expense and dying because of the abstract notion of 'stability'. whatever the fuck stability even means in terms of world-historical processes or geopolitics, anyway (hint: nothing has ever been stable, and the people who tell you it is are those with the biggest vested interests in freezing the board game's pieces and cashing out where they are).Cybargs wrote:
Lebanon is unstable as fuck. Even their own army can't control the violence. They have restricted laws on what religious affiliation you have to be for president, prime minister and speaker of house.Dilbert_X wrote:
Israel isbarely democratic, less so than Lebanon or Turkey for example, routinely provokes its neighbours, and the cold war is over - not that they were any help in that.
How is it in the interests of America, or a New Jersey Mayor even, to blindly support Israel?
That professing allegiance with Israel is as de rigeur for politicians as kissing babies is a stain on the country.
Turkey is a NATO ally, why would there be any need to reassure people about their allegiance?
Why would the stability of Israel not be in US interest? Why would instability anywhere in the world not be in US interest?
I also suggest you do some real reading into the current Israeli government and the policies and attitudes of Netanyahu and co. the only hope of keeping Israel from sliding into a paranoid, militaristic, bellicose, conservative, ingrown state is the Arab coalition trying to make inroads in the Knesset (ironically). and they won't have much luck with that, either.
Last edited by uziq (2015-06-10 09:23:09)
Who gives a fuck what some lowly wannabe NJ gubernatorial candidate says about Israel while speaking to a Jewish congregation? This is such a non-story it's laughable that people are bitching about it.
This. It's called pandering.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
Who gives a fuck what some lowly wannabe NJ gubernatorial candidate says about Israel while speaking to a Jewish congregation? This is such a non-story it's laughable that people are bitching about it.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat