My google radar went off.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
brother of moses, high priest of the levites?
Alpha as fuck.
My google radar went off.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
brother of moses, high priest of the levites?
From my experience, most non-Christian people know more about the Bible than Christians.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
the first part is my answer. the second is my own question - because i know the answer to the first is right.
literary scholars are encouraged to become as familiar with biblical history as much as they are greek/roman myth. it is the foundation of so much writing and cultural tradition. i spent the first year of my undergraduate working my way from old-english/norse legends, the bible, and greek-roman texts, all the way through the middle-ages and up to the inception of the 17th century. very assiduous history. so yes, suffice to say i know a decent amount about the bible, for a non-religious person. i just used the term "prelapsarian" in a research paper i am writing today. i'm rinsed in it.
(tl;dr: the answer is fucking seth)
Please do.Dauntless wrote:
can i pick a category?
yesJay wrote:
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-28 04:46:27)