
Nyte wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

I used M$ paint to remove her identity since she is still a good friend of mine.

is this a joke?
What did you expect?  A grade A model?
You just scribbled all over her face in a circle with a brush in paint. It would have been easier, quicker, and better for the picture if you just put a single black line across her eyes.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Cybargs wrote:

Nyte wrote:

There are tons of morons who get into Oxford.
name one … arket.html

I should clarify my statement.  They aren't "morons" in the sense that they are illiterate idiots.  They are "morons" for going into fields that have no future career potential.  Either because their field is too saturated (ie. MBA idiots) or too narrow (biomedical).

While I commend them for doing "something they enjoy/like".  Doing something they like ain't gonna pay the rent.

I wanted to be a dentist, but went into engineering instead because of career stability as well as constant demand.  Toronto has a pretty shit career path for dentistry (I never intended to re-locate for a career).  Sure, I could have gotten lucky and became a dentist in a clinic right after graduation, but that's just being lucky.
Alpha as fuck.

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

While you may be able to discuss Nietzsche works on hours end (which I can too
What do you think of Nietzsche's theory on the role of resentment in the formation of Christianity?
Also you made the wrong move by mentioning Nietzsche in this thread, friend.

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-24 18:58:51)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

is this a joke?
What did you expect?  A grade A model?
You just scribbled all over her face in a circle with a brush in paint. It would have been easier, quicker, and better for the picture if you just put a single black line across her eyes.
I laughed a bit considering that was mildly racist.
Alpha as fuck.

Nyte wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Nyte wrote:

There are tons of morons who get into Oxford.
name one … arket.html

I should clarify my statement.  They aren't "morons" in the sense that they are illiterate idiots.  They are "morons" for going into fields that have no future career potential.  Either because their field is too saturated (ie. MBA idiots) or too narrow (biomedical).

While I commend them for doing "something they enjoy/like".  Doing something they like ain't gonna pay the rent.

I wanted to be a dentist, but went into engineering instead because of career stability as well as constant demand.  Toronto has a pretty shit career path for dentistry (I never intended to re-locate for a career).  Sure, I could have gotten lucky and became a dentist in a clinic right after graduation, but that's just being lucky.
job market is shit in europe, have you not read the news?

Last edited by Cybargs (2013-07-24 19:00:15)
Uzique The Lesser

Nyte wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Says you.
i'm better educated than you and trust-funded. since you brought it up.
I grew my money from nothing (immigrant parents) except for hard work and investment gambling.  I'm not going to throw numbers around but I'm fairly confident my portfolio is comparable to your "trust-fund".

Better educated != more intelligent.  There are tons of morons who get into Oxford.  A measure of intelligence can be quantified only so far.  While you may be able to discuss Nietzsche works on hours end (which I can too, but that's not the point), I can design a microprocessor that can control my house lights.
tons of morons who get into oxford for a phd? lol wtf. all the top20 or so grad schools across the uk and us get like 400-600 applications a year. they take on 2-50 (places like yale and stanford and oxbridge normally take on <10 funded PhD's a year). no, no morons get onto a doctorate course at oxford. it doesn't happen. they're spending about £30k a year to have you there. lol. guess a few dumbasses slip through. we're not talking about lucky exam-takers who skip through to undergrad. we're talking people with PhD proposals, research publications.

also please give me your views on nietzsche's doctrine of eternal recurrence?

Nyte wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

What did you expect?  A grade A model?
You just scribbled all over her face in a circle with a brush in paint. It would have been easier, quicker, and better for the picture if you just put a single black line across her eyes.
I laughed a bit considering that was mildly racist.
It wasn't meant to be racist. Can you guess who this celebrity is?
Spoiler (highlight to read):
Megan Fox

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-24 19:02:05)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Macbeth wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

While you may be able to discuss Nietzsche works on hours end (which I can too, but that's not the point),
What do you think of Nietzsche's theory on the role of resentment in the formation of Christianity?
Also you made the wrong move by mentioning Nietzsche in this thread, friend.
Take it to the "emo liberal" thread.

Not a fan of his works.  Have read a few of his stuff and he seems to be contradictory if not a bit crazy.
Alpha as fuck.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

You just scribbled all over her face in a circle with a brush in paint. It would have been easier, quicker, and better for the picture if you just put a single black line across her eyes.
I laughed a bit considering that was mildly racist.
It wasn't meant to be racist. Can you guess who this celebrity is?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Megan Fox
Megan Fox.  I didn't look at the spoiler FYI.
Alpha as fuck.
Uzique The Lesser

Nyte wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

What do you think of Nietzsche's theory on the role of resentment in the formation of Christianity?
Also you made the wrong move by mentioning Nietzsche in this thread, friend.
Take it to the "emo liberal" thread.

Not a fan of his works.  Have read a few of his stuff and he seems to be contradictory if not a bit crazy.

nietzsche liberal


yeah you read a "few of his stuff" alright

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-24 19:05:29)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Cybargs wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

name one … arket.html

I should clarify my statement.  They aren't "morons" in the sense that they are illiterate idiots.  They are "morons" for going into fields that have no future career potential.  Either because their field is too saturated (ie. MBA idiots) or too narrow (biomedical).

While I commend them for doing "something they enjoy/like".  Doing something they like ain't gonna pay the rent.

I wanted to be a dentist, but went into engineering instead because of career stability as well as constant demand.  Toronto has a pretty shit career path for dentistry (I never intended to re-locate for a career).  Sure, I could have gotten lucky and became a dentist in a clinic right after graduation, but that's just being lucky.
job market is shit in europe, have you not read the news?
Something something, Greece and Germany.  That's about all I had the attention span for when it was on the news.
Alpha as fuck.
Uzique The Lesser
why are you linking me a news article about what university graduates do 6 months after leaving? UofT probably has a lot of grads doing non-grad level work 6 months after graduating too. this is not mindblowing stuff. just a paper searching for a headline. and what does undergrad employment prospects have to do with a doctorate again?

Nyte wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

how come you didnt get a girl with bigger rack nyte
It's quite a long story actually:

Basically, I was always the guy that didn't want a relationship and more interested in "going with the flow" if you know what I mean.  I've had my fair share of types of women (I've copulated with 6, each one being quite different from the next):
- A Caucasian fling I met at a club which became a casual thing, she had a case of yellow fever (attracted to Asians) so I just went for it.  We did the nasty only a few times before she left for a serious relationship.  She was fairly curvy but didn't have a particularly attractive face, your average "clubbing" girl look.  Probably a C-cup.
- An Asian party girl visiting from HK.  Met her through mutual friends at a Karaoke.  Drove her home drunk (both of us, I know, it was stupid of me to drive drunk).  Stayed over and had sex.  One night thing.  She was an average girl with above-average rack (B-cup maybe?).  Sadly enough she had a boyfriend at the time too.  They broke up later for different reasons.
- An Asian vietnamese girl who grew up here.  I had a FWB relationship with her for about 4 months before it became 'toxic'.  I ended things with her because she was getting too attached and I had no inclination to be with her.  She had a fucked up past involving grow-operations which I did not want to be associated with.  She was either A-Cup or B-Cup.
- Another Asian girl who ended up becoming my ex.  Went out for about a year.  Met her online actually on POF.  Broke up after she left for Taiwan because long distance is for losers.  She had C-cups and was very curvy but also short.  She was 5'0 if I recall.  Half vietnamese/chinese.
- A crazy fucked up Caucasian emo girl.  Met her on OKC.  What a fucking mistake.  I had sex with her on the first date when she asked if I wanted to check out her cosplay costumes.  I stupidly said yes, went to her apartment, and yeah.  I don't think she's had a BF before or something and she was also raped when she was 13 by her DAD.  But damn, she ended up being super clingy and wanting to be with me ALL THE FUCKING TIME.  She was also very curvy but not sexy curvy.  More like cute curvy (as in she had a bit of meat but definitely not fat).  Ended things with her because I said I needed space and worked too much to have a stable relationship.
- Around this time, I was about to go back to being those bachelors who just work during the day and have casual relationships during the night when a girl messaged me on POF.  Fast forward the trips to Bahamas, Asia, NYC, cruise trips, and 8 months later we are official.  Weird, she definitely isn't the greatest looker out of my conquests (the Asian vietnamese grow op girl takes the cake) and not the curviest (the first girl I ever fucked) but she's the most caring, down-to-earth, thoughtful, "gives-me-space", intellectual, good family background, girl I've ever been with.  She isn't the greatest in bed since I'm only her second guy so it's a learning experience.

That's basically the story.  So I never really "looked" for big racks.  I just happen to stumble on random relationships here and there and some may or may not have "big racks".  Personally though, I like B-cups the most.  I'm hoping when she pops a kid her A's become B's.
what are all those TLAs?


kidding about the last two but still

Macbeth wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

You just scribbled all over her face in a circle with a brush in paint. It would have been easier, quicker, and better for the picture if you just put a single black line across her eyes.
I laughed a bit considering that was mildly racist.
It wasn't meant to be racist. Can you guess who this celebrity is?

Spoiler (highlight to read):
Megan Fox
yeh that's clearly megan fox without looking at the spoiler
Uzique The Lesser
hahahaha i swear nyte has autism/aspergers, undiagnosed. "i've copulated with 6 women". i literally just fucking snorted out loud

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

hahahaha i swear nyte has autism/aspergers, undiagnosed. "i've copulated with 6 women". i literally just fucking snorted out loud
hes trying to use big words to impress you zique. its pretty obvious.

Tigerr Benson is one Asian pornstar who I wish did more work and less escorting.
or if you want some real boobs, how about the pornstar Hitomi Tanaka?

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-24 19:20:09)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

why are you linking me a news article about what university graduates do 6 months after leaving? UofT probably has a lot of grads doing non-grad level work 6 months after graduating too. this is not mindblowing stuff. just a paper searching for a headline. and what does undergrad employment prospects have to do with a doctorate again?
You said "better educated" with an implied sense of intellectual superiority over me.  I responded with that better education does not necessarily imply intelligence.  It varies amongst institutions, but in general a "better education" just means (may or may not include all of them):
- The applicant passed an exam(s)
- The applicant passed an interview(s)
- The applicant wrote a paper(s) which was peer-reviewed (peer-reviewing is already something I have lost a bit of faith in from numerous past controversies)
- The applicant has money to pay for tuition
- The applicant has connections

Someone who passes the above and becomes a professor is undoubtedly smart at what he/she teaches but could be clueless when it comes to a field they have not studied.  To imply you are more intelligent than me suggests you know more of what I know as well as applying what I know better than I can which is stupid considering you are some sort of humanities/social sciences doctorate and I'm an engineering graduate with more than 6 years industry experience.

The whole undergrad employment thing was a sidetrack to emphasize people think with their heart too much when choosing a field of discipline rather than try and see what the job market is like after they graduate (assuming no crazy market fluctuations).  Has nothing to do with doctorates.
Alpha as fuck.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

hahahaha i swear nyte has autism/aspergers, undiagnosed. "i've copulated with 6 women". i literally just fucking snorted out loud
hes trying to use big words to impress you zique. its pretty obvious.
It's called a Thesaurus thank you very much.  Not as much as you sucking his dick all the time though.  You two can be butt buddies.
Alpha as fuck.
Uzique The Lesser
i said i'm 'better educated' than you because you raised education. on paper i am. period. and your posts here suggest the only person with an expertise in one narrow area is.... you. and that area isn't women. and it definitely isn't philosophy. you're a typical engineer who thinks because he read a wikipedia one time stoned that he has "read a few things" and got up to scratch with that pesky non-engineering shit.

btw nietzsche was my favourite liberal. just such an inspiration.

Nyte wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

hahahaha i swear nyte has autism/aspergers, undiagnosed. "i've copulated with 6 women". i literally just fucking snorted out loud
hes trying to use big words to impress you zique. its pretty obvious.
It's called a Thesaurus thank you very much.  Not as much as you sucking his dick all the time though.  You two can be butt buddies.
"i copulated with women"

lol who the fuck says taht

Macbeth wrote:

Tigerr Benson is one Asian pornstar who I wish did more work and less escorting.

or if you want some real boobs, how about the pornstar Hitomi Tanaka? … verified=1
can we keep the discussion on what is important?
Uzique The Lesser
hey you pricked your ears at nietzsche too.

add nyte to the jay pile under 'engineer who thinks he gets philosophy and is well-educated'.
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7062|Toronto, ON

Macbeth wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Tigerr Benson is one Asian pornstar who I wish did more work and less escorting.

or if you want some real boobs, how about the pornstar Hitomi Tanaka? … verified=1
can we keep the discussion on what is important?
What in the flying fuck.  Who would want someone like that?
Alpha as fuck.
Uzique The Lesser

Cybargs wrote:

Nyte wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

hes trying to use big words to impress you zique. its pretty obvious.
It's called a Thesaurus thank you very much.  Not as much as you sucking his dick all the time though.  You two can be butt buddies.
"i copulated with women"

lol who the fuck says taht
that's why i said he must be a 'sprger.

a) who uses a thesaurus when they post here? seriously.

b) copulate is, like, a zoological term. it's so scientific it wouldn't even come up in most sex-ed classes. you do not tell a friend you "copulated" last night.

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