rofl i love how in america even in a newsagents/corner store you need a massive sheet of bullet-proof glass between the customer and the cashier. first-world country right there.
Its actually a spit/drool shield.
A thin sheet of plastic like that is a long way from being bullet-proof.
A thin sheet of plastic like that is a long way from being bullet-proof.
Fuck Israel
it's an invasion deterrent of some sort anyway, whether or not it's going to stop a 12-gauge. i don't think i've ever been in any corner-stores, even in grimy parts of south london, that have that sort of thing installed. a few corner shops i know of actually let you walk around behind the desk part to grab your own cigs/alcohol, too.
TBH I doubt that would stop a .22
Fuck Israel
it's probably psychological. who is gonna try?
too long didn't watch. what happened
something about arab store owners tukin jerbs from blacks, and making too much money or something, and not sharing the love.
Some black on white violence and racism in "Ladies, Sometimes You Just Gotta Leave A Crazy Man Alone: Woman Gets Slapped So Hard That When She Drops.. Well Look At Her Flip Flops!"
http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/v … vNzC98Aa7W
Maybe I'm weird but I wouldn't react like that to a woman pushing me or trying to take something out of my hand. It just doesn't seem like a proportional response.
http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/v … vNzC98Aa7W
Maybe I'm weird but I wouldn't react like that to a woman pushing me or trying to take something out of my hand. It just doesn't seem like a proportional response.
The Kony 2012 founder had a manic episode the week after the video went global. He stood in the middle of Bev Hills naked doing the same thing.
joseph kony is a black dude. the white christian guy was not joseph kony.
Dicks n' balls n' tits are still a no go even if they are approved on youtube or behind warning links.
DesertFox- wrote:
Man, I sure am white.
It's okay, jnsipy, because

might as well close this thread if ultrafunkula is going to ban me every time i post in it
we need updates.
Macbeth wrote:
might as well close this thread if ultrafunkula is going to ban me every time i post in it
why did he ban you?
this is too good to not post
"Legless & Armless Man Hopped Out The Wheelchair & Just Said F**k It.. Throws Down In Chinatown After Getting Sunglasses Stolen!"
"Legless & Armless Man Hopped Out The Wheelchair & Just Said F**k It.. Throws Down In Chinatown After Getting Sunglasses Stolen!"
is anything in toronto normal? it sounds like a carnivalesque and saturnalian land where nothing is normal. where the politicians smoke street-drugs and the street-people have no limbs but still fight.
it actually sounds like the boston/enfield area as presented in infinite jest. kind of magical-realist.
it actually sounds like the boston/enfield area as presented in infinite jest. kind of magical-realist.
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-06-03 05:03:00)
I've been there since half my family lives in Canada. Seemed pretty normal.
cybargs is this you?