Besides Battlefield 2, I have other hobbies in mind such as storywriting, drawing (I'm engaged as a student in the University of Arizona's VisCom *Visual Communications* program, REALLY competitive to get into), sleeping and video making. It's nothing professional quiet yet but I like dabbling around with each of the things, especially sleeping.
I guess I'm lazy when it comes to that but for the most part I like messing around with alot of things wherever I can take my imagination when BF2 just isn't being so kind to me (horrible teammates or getting spawnkilled till there's no tomorrow). With that in mind I made some videos back in the day that I kind of look at now and chuckle at just for the fact they seem so old though it wasn't such a long time ago. Was only about 2 years ago but alot has happened to me since then it's felt MUCH much longer than that.
When I was living in Sierra Vista I attended a community college called Cochise College where I led up my education to fulfill general education prerequisites and get my Associate's Degree there. With some of the free time I had I ended up picking up video making, just as a side project thing because I was always curious about film making but never took any classes at the college itself to relinquish my curiosity for it.
I was also helping this guy I knew back in the days when I Yahoo! Chat Room'd named Darryll Rowland with a site named IHAL acronymed "I Have A Life". It was more like a pet project and the site ended up going through a bunch of changes at the time, me helping out with concept art and character designs for a game he was trying to develop within the site itself... well I had done all I could for him and I had nothing to do, my curiosity for film making set in and then I just kind of took off from there. With my trusty webcam, a little ingenuity with the little resources I had available, I submitted a 'promotiona' video of the site IHAL.
People really enjoyed it for the simple task it made people feel better to join IHAL itself and in turn was sponsored by other people who were in Yahoo! at the time but I don't really know HOW much recognition it got.
Anyway, I just want to share with you a piece of my own history. I'm not asking for anyone to really care or think this is all that great, but I did want some feedback about it so I guess you can say I'm ready for all kinds of verbal punishment about how it's not that great or anything, but I'll take the risk nonetheless. You might also find some other videos that link to it directly, and you can gander at those if you want but they're nothing really fantastic, this video though I'm about to show in particular, my most favorite as of now though I'm REALLY trying to get myself back into the whole video/movie thing. IHAL Episode 3.
Hope y'all like it.
I guess I'm lazy when it comes to that but for the most part I like messing around with alot of things wherever I can take my imagination when BF2 just isn't being so kind to me (horrible teammates or getting spawnkilled till there's no tomorrow). With that in mind I made some videos back in the day that I kind of look at now and chuckle at just for the fact they seem so old though it wasn't such a long time ago. Was only about 2 years ago but alot has happened to me since then it's felt MUCH much longer than that.
When I was living in Sierra Vista I attended a community college called Cochise College where I led up my education to fulfill general education prerequisites and get my Associate's Degree there. With some of the free time I had I ended up picking up video making, just as a side project thing because I was always curious about film making but never took any classes at the college itself to relinquish my curiosity for it.
I was also helping this guy I knew back in the days when I Yahoo! Chat Room'd named Darryll Rowland with a site named IHAL acronymed "I Have A Life". It was more like a pet project and the site ended up going through a bunch of changes at the time, me helping out with concept art and character designs for a game he was trying to develop within the site itself... well I had done all I could for him and I had nothing to do, my curiosity for film making set in and then I just kind of took off from there. With my trusty webcam, a little ingenuity with the little resources I had available, I submitted a 'promotiona' video of the site IHAL.
People really enjoyed it for the simple task it made people feel better to join IHAL itself and in turn was sponsored by other people who were in Yahoo! at the time but I don't really know HOW much recognition it got.
Anyway, I just want to share with you a piece of my own history. I'm not asking for anyone to really care or think this is all that great, but I did want some feedback about it so I guess you can say I'm ready for all kinds of verbal punishment about how it's not that great or anything, but I'll take the risk nonetheless. You might also find some other videos that link to it directly, and you can gander at those if you want but they're nothing really fantastic, this video though I'm about to show in particular, my most favorite as of now though I'm REALLY trying to get myself back into the whole video/movie thing. IHAL Episode 3.
Hope y'all like it.