I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Reading these posts literally makes me feel like I'm in the 1800's.
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

Why is that really so absurd? Natural selection works in humans, does it not? The only reason the idea has been pushed aside is because it's impolite and it's been used in a condescending manner to prove racial superiority and as an excuse to 'put people in their place'. Look, there are differences between different races, my kids are far less likely to become good enough at sports to make it at a pro level compared to the kids of a black family. Black people are just generally faster, bigger and stronger. So what? Why is it ok to say that, but it's abhorrent to suggest that maybe black Americans have lower intelligence on average due to genetics? I'm just kind of curious why the line has been drawn there.
because there is no exact 'gene' for intelligence. your brain capacity isn't determined for you, forever, in the same way like your height is. intelligence really is not that simple. it's not like fucking eye-colour. jesus.
It's been proven that it's not necessarily inheritable, as two people of genius level intellect could have intellectually sub-average offspring. That's a very small sample size though. I'd venture that on average, people with higher intellect will tend to produce children of higher intellect, given a large sample pool.
on average, people with high intellects/genius tend to have smart kids... because they're raised in households where from a very young age they are encouraged to read, play musical instruments, experience culture, partake in advanced conversation etc. or do you really think two smart people fucking creates a genius baby, just like that? the brain is extremely plastic. your intelligence isn't a 'fixed' thing. a kid born to two below-average or non-intellectual parents won't be sent off to harvard and then hit his 'intelligence' ceiling, and watch his peers fly by. oops! guess your parents didn't donate you enough neural power! nevermind! off to the ovens we go!

jesus christ. this is retarded thinking. for all intents and purposes, there is nowhere near enough of a conclusive, mean variation between intelligences and races. not enough for you to be able to generalise a statistical rule worth a damn. a person born into a wealthy african elite family, sent to all the right schools, will grow up to be just as smart as a person educated in the west. he's not inherently dumber because he has black skin. it has nothing to do with skin colour whatsoever. black intellectuals mate and only have dumb babies? what the fuck are you talking about.
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

You basically said that people of Negroid descent are less intelligent than Caucasians.

How does this fit with your other statement that people like Roc aren't black, they're American?
No, I said it's a possibility that can't be dismissed just because it's unpleasant. I said Roc's culture is American. I very much hate identity politics.
so you got all uppity and called me a racist because i pointed out roc has a racial history quite separate from 'white america', and you retorted with your liberal wet-dream about "everyone in america is just american, you racist patronizing scumbag!". but at the same time you're quite happy to entertain the thought that, as american and equal in culture as roc is, the poor little fellow was just born with less brains, because he is black. right. and i'm the condescending racist.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-26 15:14:07)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jaekus wrote:

Reading these posts literally makes me feel like I'm in the 1800's.
I expect jay to start mentioning skull sizes next.
Uzique The Lesser
i made the phrenology remark like 3 pages ago.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

because there is no exact 'gene' for intelligence. your brain capacity isn't determined for you, forever, in the same way like your height is. intelligence really is not that simple. it's not like fucking eye-colour. jesus.
It's been proven that it's not necessarily inheritable, as two people of genius level intellect could have intellectually sub-average offspring. That's a very small sample size though. I'd venture that on average, people with higher intellect will tend to produce children of higher intellect, given a large sample pool.
on average, people with high intellects/genius tend to have smart kids... because they're raised in households where from a very young age they are encouraged to read, play musical instruments, experience culture, partake in advanced conversation etc. or do you really think two smart people fucking creates a genius baby, just like that? the brain is extremely plastic. your intelligence isn't a 'fixed' thing. a kid born to two below-average or non-intellectual parents won't be sent off to harvard and then hit his 'intelligence' ceiling, and watch his peers fly by. oops! guess your parents didn't donate you enough neural power! nevermind! off to the ovens we go!

jesus christ. this is retarded thinking. for all intents and purposes, there is nowhere near enough of a conclusive, mean variation between intelligences and races. not enough for you to be able to generalise a statistical rule worth a damn. a person born into a wealthy african elite family, sent to all the right schools, will grow up to be just as smart as a person educated in the west. he's not inherently dumber because he has black skin. it has nothing to do with skin colour whatsoever. black intellectuals mate and only have dumb babies? what the fuck are you talking about.
I'm not making any assumptions based on race, I'm really not. It's not something I've ever been inclined to research. I just think the utter horror with which 'liberal' people react to any such assertions is a reactionary blind spot in their thinking. Like "How dare he say any such thing!?". So much for being open minded and open to alternative ideas. I'm not saying I favor eugenics of phrenology by any means, just that a study on racial intelligence would be just as valid an idea as any other proposal attempting to find differences among people.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser
i am not reacting out of liberal shock. i am reacting out of intellectual retardation. it is fairly clear that nurture affects a person's intelligence and success in life a lot more than nature. dilbert's justification for his racist beliefs are "well look at how backwards africa is". that's not really proof of an innate biological inferiority.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i am not reacting out of liberal shock. i am reacting out of intellectual retardation. it is fairly clear that nurture affects a person's intelligence and success in life a lot more than nature. dilbert's justification for his racist beliefs are "well look at how backwards africa is". that's not really proof of an innate biological inferiority.
Jaekus and AR reacted very predictably. That portion of my post was directed at them.

Personally, I don't believe there is any inherent inferiority in Africans, they actually do quite well in American universities, far better than native born black people do. I absolutely agree that culture is a vastly more important factor in determining intelligence than genetics, I was just making the argument that such thoughts can't simply be dismissed out of hand, that's all.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I guess he believes that the reason why apparently black kids will do better at sport is because they have "black muscles", not because their musculature and cardiovascular systems are physically different. Comparing intelligence to sporting performance is just dumb.
Uzique The Lesser
there's a long history of the scientific arguments throughout the ages being debunked. there's a new pseudo-scientific myth/fad for justifying white supremacy of some sort all the time. different flavours of the same shit. at the end of the day the psychologists and biologists both say that there is no way you can make conclusions on something like that. the data just doesn't support it. the IQ test isn't an absolute standard; race isn't a pigeonholed black/white thing; too many environmental factors and other relateds interfere with the control of the hypothesis. etc.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Jay wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i am not reacting out of liberal shock. i am reacting out of intellectual retardation. it is fairly clear that nurture affects a person's intelligence and success in life a lot more than nature. dilbert's justification for his racist beliefs are "well look at how backwards africa is". that's not really proof of an innate biological inferiority.
Jaekus and AR reacted very predictably. That portion of my post was directed at them.

Personally, I don't believe there is any inherent inferiority in Africans, they actually do quite well in American universities, far better than native born black people do. I absolutely agree that culture is a vastly more important factor in determining intelligence than genetics, I was just making the argument that such thoughts can't simply be dismissed out of hand, that's all.
Yeah, it is predictable that I would react to your thinly veiled racial superiority. I guess there aren't many blacks at the yacht club, unless they're there to serve food and are summoned by a velvet rope to a hidden bell.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Jaekus wrote:

Jay wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i am not reacting out of liberal shock. i am reacting out of intellectual retardation. it is fairly clear that nurture affects a person's intelligence and success in life a lot more than nature. dilbert's justification for his racist beliefs are "well look at how backwards africa is". that's not really proof of an innate biological inferiority.
Jaekus and AR reacted very predictably. That portion of my post was directed at them.

Personally, I don't believe there is any inherent inferiority in Africans, they actually do quite well in American universities, far better than native born black people do. I absolutely agree that culture is a vastly more important factor in determining intelligence than genetics, I was just making the argument that such thoughts can't simply be dismissed out of hand, that's all.
Yeah, it is predictable that I would react to your thinly veiled racial superiority. I guess there aren't many blacks at the yacht club, unless they're there to serve food and are summoned by a velvet rope to a hidden bell.
When did I claim I was superior? Your political correctness makes you stupid, you should look into that.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Political correctness? Mr "black people are less intelligent but I haven't actually looked into any research, it's just a theory I have". You're a joke.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Jaekus wrote:

Political correctness? Mr "black people are less intelligent but I haven't actually looked into any research, it's just a theory I have". You're a joke.
You have very serious reading comprehension issues. You read what you want to read and react in an entirely predictable manner. It's boring.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Political correctness? Mr "black people are less intelligent but I haven't actually looked into any research, it's just a theory I have". You're a joke.
You have very serious reading comprehension issues. You read what you want to read and react in an entirely predictable manner. It's boring.
i feel this way every time you STEM guys try to rag on art/humanities in d&st chat tbh.

"enslaved to one person's thought" yada yada...
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Political correctness? Mr "black people are less intelligent but I haven't actually looked into any research, it's just a theory I have". You're a joke.
You have very serious reading comprehension issues. You read what you want to read and react in an entirely predictable manner. It's boring.
i feel this way every time you STEM guys try to rag on art/humanities in d&st chat tbh.

"enslaved to one person's thought" yada yada...
I just have an aversion to Kant, that's all. His severe OCD bled over into his work.

Last edited by Jay (2013-03-26 15:40:03)

"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser
Aye up duck!
+440|7028|England. Stoke
I chuckled to myself the other day when Jay accused Uzique of being a racist and now he comes out with this shit...

Last edited by coke (2013-03-26 15:46:10)

Uzique The Lesser
i like how jay feels prepared to dismiss one of the most influential and widely-regarded philosophers of all-time because of a few spare anecdotal tales we  have about his possible obsessive compulsive habits (completely inconclusive, btw). it's like the only kant he has ever read is the venomous barbs directed at him from... ayn rand. under the yoke of one thinker, egads. kant: good enough for 3 centuries of western intellectuals, but too 'irksome' for jay, with his peevish distinctions between different concepts! ahahahahahahaha. i actually laughed out loud.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England
Why am I a racist? Because I'm willing to leave open the possibility that there could be differences between races regarding intelligence? Man, modern liberalism has done such a wonderful job opening minds to different possibilities...

I'm surprised that no one else finds the uniformity of thought put on display by modern liberals to be disturbing...
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser
jay there are plenty of links in this thread that cite scientific studies/conclusions about it all being pseudo-wank and bunk. "open mind" to what? doubting the professionals? yeah.
Aye up duck!
+440|7028|England. Stoke
I'm very far from a liberal, me disagreeing with you here has nothing to do with politics and more to do with your sheer stupidity.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

coke wrote:

I'm very far from a liberal, me disagreeing with you here has nothing to do with politics and more to do with your sheer stupidity.
So everybody on the planet is born equal and there are no genetic differences among us?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

coke wrote:

I'm very far from a liberal, me disagreeing with you here has nothing to do with politics and more to do with your sheer stupidity.
So everybody on the planet is born equal and there are no genetic differences among us?
nobody is saying we are born equal. what we are saying is that races do not own a monopoly on intelligence.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5677|London, England

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

coke wrote:

I'm very far from a liberal, me disagreeing with you here has nothing to do with politics and more to do with your sheer stupidity.
So everybody on the planet is born equal and there are no genetic differences among us?
nobody is saying we are born equal. what we are saying is that races do not own a monopoly on intelligence.
I never said otherwise.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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