Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7009|Tampa Bay Florida
The part where you jumped from "liberal hippie crap" to "education" is where I thought maybe you were joking around.  Access to education/academic achievement of is pretty much the standard liberal solution to poverty/violence/minority underclass etc.  Equality of opportunity, nature vs. nurture, etc.  Whereas the ultra-right wing would consider being born the cutoff point.  I was not really all that offended, just wondering if you through a curveball.
Uzique The Lesser

Dilbert_X wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

One theory I have heard was that slavery and segregation emasculated black men. Because they couldn't defend their women and children they adopted a hyper masculine frame of mind. It is also used to explain some black violence and behavior.

Personally it sounds like some hippy liberal crap. I think it has to do with education. Studies has shown that as education increases so does tolerance for others including gays. I think since the black community has lower access and educational achievement it means they aren't as tolerant to gays as others.
Nah, blacks have always been violent and intolerant, its not whiteys fault, take a trip around Africa if you don't believe me.
the thing is with this, is i can't even tell if you're being sarcastic still.

because i remember that discussion, a long time ago, that embarrassing discussion for you, where you argued that certain aspects of african/black political and economic development were... um... certain essential 'traits' of black people. you were arguing about africa (and the arab world too iirc) being somehow 'justified' genetically by their current state-of-affairs. which was pretty hilarious, for a science type. i remember dragging that one out with you for about 4 pages, but you wouldn't listen to the actual, uh, you know, biological fact. some ugly discrimination lies down there, somewhere, in the recesses of your pained little soul.
Uzique The Lesser

Spearhead wrote:

The part where you jumped from "liberal hippie crap" to "education" is where I thought maybe you were joking around.  Access to education/academic achievement of is pretty much the standard liberal solution to poverty/violence/minority underclass etc.  Equality of opportunity, nature vs. nurture, etc.  Whereas the ultra-right wing would consider being born the cutoff point.  I was not really all that offended, just wondering if you through a curveball.
the broad civic and humanitarian aim of a 'liberal-humanist' education, as western traditional-classical education is termed, is to make a person a better and more empathic citizen, yes. it's to instill civic values that will help that person throughout their lives to be a better member of society - more socially aware, cultured, inheriting the nation/people's traditions, etc. however, if a certain demographic are denied the basic root-level economic rights and privileges as the rest, all that high-falutin' education stuff goes out the window. you can't create cultivated young minds when people have to deal with the daily humiliations of food stamps and welfare.

One argument I think has weight is that african Americans show less civic virtue and have less interest in community affairs because they do not believe they will see any benefits from investing in larger society. Basically no matter how much they try to play by the rules and contribute, the police are still going to hassle them.
Uzique The Lesser
of course. black culture in inner city areas is completely nihilist. they have no stake in society. that's why they have 'the game'. the game is their own version of society, with its own rules and conventions. the 'real world' is a side-show. as if anything a politician says will ever have an effect on them.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7009|Tampa Bay Florida
You said it better than I could.  I was going to say "its all economics", but then again everything is, really.  What comes first, the chicken or the egg?
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7009|Tampa Bay Florida

I watched this on netflix.  Pretty good documentary.
"a very beautiful place like a hotel resort"

comparing public housing to a luxury hotel. hahaha, never in a million years. the only people who can sell that line are fox news anchors where the assumption is people on welfare all drive brand new mercedes and live glamorously.

there was definitely racial forethought behind the architectural designs of public housing. a new age form of segregation and virtual imprisonment. the resemblances between projects and jails/prison are fucking crazy.

on the topic of police/black relations: they held a vigil for the kid who was shot two weeks ago. yesterday was the funeral. every single block has had at least 2 cops on it, all day, for the past 2 weeks. all a knee-jerk reaction by the city to some teens looting a few local business and smashing up the place the night after the shooting.

the sentiment in the neighborhood is very tense and suspect. the police don't trust the community and the community doesn't trust the police. the increase in police presence just agitated the situation. people are very cautious about going out and talking with their neighbors in the streets because they rather not deal with cops threatening to summon them for loitering or some frivolous bullshit.

very interesting considering that the nypd is one of the most diverse police departments in the world and that the neighborhood is mostly working class folk. at least half the cops i saw today were black/brown.
http://gothamist.com/2013/03/20/city_re … =2#photo-2

i still can't believe people are willing to shell out $1+ million dollars for a tiny dwelling. on top of that they have to pay maintenance fees which can equate to the rent of your average nyc apartment.

EMS Lt. Timothy Dluhos, 34, uses an image of Hitler for his profile photo and “Bad Lieutenant” as his online name as he spews a barrage of racist, sexist, anti-Semitic and anti-Asian comments.

The FDNY boss proudly posed with Mayor Bloomberg during a 2009 ceremony but hatefully calls Hizzoner “King Jew” and “King Heeb” on Twitter.

Dluhos, who works at EMS Station 57 in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, dropped to the ground sobbing Friday when The Post confronted him outside his Staten Island home.

“There has got to be a lot worse out there than me,” he insisted.

“My life is ruined. Oh, my God,” Dluhos wailed. “I’m so sorry.”

Yet the 12-year EMS veteran, who was promoted to lieutenant in 2006, seemed to delight in these hateful Twitter diatribes:

* “I’m going to give up racial insults for Lent,” he tweeted Feb. 12. “Jesus that didn’t [last] too long. F--ken chinks can’t drive.”

* While giving what he called a “hood tour” of the Bedford-Stuyvesant area he serves, he posted photos of a housing project, fried-chicken joints and a strip club. “Real nasty place,” he tweeted Feb 23. “I’ve been there.”

* “Hahaha! I work with the coloreds,” he wrote in a Feb. 8 exchange. “For 12 years so that s--t just run off on me.”

* “Too bad he didn’t have rabies or AIDS and too bad he didn’t bite King Heeb’s face off,” he tweeted on Groundhog Day, Feb. 2, recalling when the groundhog Staten Island Chuck nipped Bloomberg at an event at the Staten Island Zoo.

* “That’s how King Jew sees it. Ban all guns & shootings will go down in NYC. But it’s the criminals w/the guns,” he ranted Jan. 30.

* A gold Nazi-era pin with a German U-boat and a swastika is “my most prized artifact,” he boasted on Jan. 30.

* “He was a good boy who never done NUFFIN wrong. Unf--kenreal. He was a perp & died like a perp. Oh well,” he tweeted March 14, mocking the grieving mother of Kimani Gray, the 16-year-old boy who was killed by cops in Brooklyn on March 9.

* He repeatedly Photoshopped an image of an unnamed black teen — putting a Hitler mustache on one photo and a surgical mask on another with the caption, “I’s be a doxter.”

* “My son thinks he’s one of ‘those people,’ ” Dluhos wrote in a caption for a Jan. 29 snapshot of his toddler son wearing pants that sagged below his underwear.

* “But at least I know my taxes go to the ‘undocumented’ citizens and lazy asses who do drugs all day,” Dluhos wrote March 15.

* “Got an extra shift at my second job. Think this will buy me a new gun,” he said, referring to his side gig for Richmond County Ambulance. Photos show a sniper rifle and other firearms stashed in his home.
http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/stat … LGiSJ146qK
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article … ds-newsxml

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-03-25 00:57:46)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

the thing is with this, is i can't even tell if you're being sarcastic still.

because i remember that discussion, a long time ago, that embarrassing discussion for you, where you argued that certain aspects of african/black political and economic development were... um... certain essential 'traits' of black people. you were arguing about africa (and the arab world too iirc) being somehow 'justified' genetically by their current state-of-affairs. which was pretty hilarious, for a science type. i remember dragging that one out with you for about 4 pages, but you wouldn't listen to the actual, uh, you know, biological fact. some ugly discrimination lies down there, somewhere, in the recesses of your pained little soul.
I don't find you disagreeing with me 'embarrassing', and you didn't have any 'biological fact' at your disposal.
Apart from that you're spot on, well done chap.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

Macbeth wrote:

One argument I think has weight is that african Americans show less civic virtue and have less interest in community affairs because they do not believe they will see any benefits from investing in larger society. Basically no matter how much they try to play by the rules and contribute, the police are still going to hassle them.
Maybe so, but then there's never been a lot of 'civic virtue' in Africa - selling each other into slavery at a low level or living as kings while children starve at the other end.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

One argument I think has weight is that african Americans show less civic virtue and have less interest in community affairs because they do not believe they will see any benefits from investing in larger society. Basically no matter how much they try to play by the rules and contribute, the police are still going to hassle them.
Maybe so, but then there's never been a lot of 'civic virtue' in Africa - selling each other into slavery at a low level or living as kings while children starve at the other end.
lol dilbert.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX

ror yourself
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
lol dilbert responding to us laughing at his ridiculous pseudo-biology about africa with racist images. cool.

and yes, i had plenty of biological fact at my disposal. race is a genetic phenotype that doesn't have anything to do with intelligence or culture or 'civilization'. the colour of your skin and the genetic material for 'race', such as that which distinguishes black/african people - e.g. wider flared nostrils, skin tone to deal with different environment, a penis that will please your wife more than yours - have nothing to do with innate brain capacity or 'intelligence'. it's pseudo-science of the worst sort. it's one step away from eugenics, only it makes eugenics look good, because at least they had a sound, rational, factual basis for their 'idea'. your idea is pure racial ignorance and hatred cloaked in a bitter, won't-listen-to-fact attitude. it's a joke. if africa has a 'bad' or 'unsuccessful' history (whatever that means), it has absolutely nothing to do with race.
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
I think you're not understanding what a phenotype is, or you're using the word wrong.

Behaviour, social behaviour etc are accepted as being phenotypes, and since they're expressions of genotype they will be part of the natural selection process - natural selection acting on phenotypes. So different races are inevitably going to have different inherent behaviour.

Its interesting you accept penis performance is a function of race, but have a fit when its suggested brain performance could be also. Some cognitive dissonance there.
Looking at the availble literature it appears there is no clear agreement on the latter, but is tending towards saying race and intelligence are related.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Looking at the availble literature it appears there is no clear agreement on the latter, but is tending towards saying race and intelligence are related.
So asians score the higher on the IQ test, so that means asians are superior?
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
'Superior' in IQ yes, but using 'superior' in a discussion about race gets nasty quickly.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

'Superior' in IQ yes, but using 'superior' in a discussion about race gets nasty quickly.
Middle kingdom, the world revolves around the chinese civilization. The Chinese lost their power because the mandate of heaven was taken away from the Qing for their corruptions. China will rise and the world will bow down. China doesn't want to run the world, let you white people try to sort that shit out, we just wants tributes.
Uzique The Lesser
lol chinese have superior IQ. blacks have superior aptitude for violence.

it's like 1865 in here. dilbert are you into phrenology as well? quick, measure my skull, determine my life's calling.

oh and i was joking about penis size. size, not performance. see, who ties a physical attribute to a qualitative concept like 'performance'? this is the fallacy you are making. if penis size was tied to 'performance', wouldn't that mean the asian race are the measliest and least productive of all humanity? lol. great science.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-26 03:31:24)

The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
So basically you have nothing, falling back on feeble insults. The phrenology-insults bandwagon left a while ago, it being accepted that group of phenotypes has no provable link with other phenotypes.

That africans are less susceptible to education and more prone to crime than, say, asians, isn't really a widely disputed observation.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

So basically you have nothing, falling back on feeble insults. The phrenology-insults bandwagon left a while ago, it being accepted that group of phenotypes has no provable link with other phenotypes.

That africans are less susceptible to education and more prone to crime than, say, asians, isn't really a widely disputed observation.
Asians are less susceptible to crime? are you fucking retarded?
The X stands for
+1,818|6425|eXtreme to the maX
Read from left to write, not top to bottom.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Read from left to write, not top to bottom.
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articl … sible.html
So Dilbert has been a closet racist all along?

I always knew there was something that he could agree on with lowing.

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